I expected ridiculous propaganda from Adobe, but they give absolutely no reasons why Photoshop is better than Gimp and list a bunch of things that Gimp can do too.

They only mention Gimp a few times at the top and they never mention it again after:

How is Photoshop different from Gimp?

They ask a question they literally never answer.

They could have lied, they could have stretched the truth, they could have brought up the paltry number of things Photoshop does that Gimp can't. They never do. They never say what Gimp can or can't do.

Like I said, I expected ridiculous propaganda. I didn't expect them to just pretend Gimp doesn't exist in their article about Gimp.

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[-] pikmeir@lemmy.world 237 points 6 days ago

They may have made the page purely for SEO to grab a few people considering downloading GIMP.

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 63 points 6 days ago

That makes a lot of sense.

[-] Brownboy13@lemmy.world 46 points 6 days ago

This seems to be the plan. It's the third result for 'photoshop vs gimp' on DDG.

It's this, but they're not targeting GIMP.

Their SEO goons just see what searches contain photoshop and try to create content that will match. In this case they found "photoshop vs gimp". I doubt that whoever wrote this had ever heard of GIMP.

[-] possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip 14 points 5 days ago

Maybe they could get the AI to believe it while they are at it

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 9 points 5 days ago

Now that is an advantage of Gimp over Photoshop. They aren't trying to bake AI into Gimp. There are AI plugins, but you don't have to have that shit built into your image editor if you pick Gimp over Photoshop.

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 106 points 5 days ago

How is Photoshop different from Gimp?

Photoshop is a subscription-based...

Oh, so Gimp is better then, thanks Adobe!

[-] Quills@sh.itjust.works 14 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I so laughed when i saw they already start with that lol

Gimp is what you use for image editing if you're poor or Stallman-like. It's good at being scripted for programmers that want to automate their image processing workflow.

Krita is what you use for drawing stuff if you don't want to spend money on software or are Stallman-like.

Photoshop is what you use if you do photo editing or digital art for a living. Paid, proprietary options exist if you don't do photo editing.

There's one tool that comes close to competing with Photoshop and it's Photopea, a subscription based/ad ridden website clone of Photoshop.

Recommending GIMP as a Photoshop alternative is like recommending LaTeX instead of Word. It'll work for some people, and it'll do some things much better even, but it's ridiculous to assume any normal user of the proprietary product is going to be able to use the open source alternative without weeks or months of training.

[-] masquenox@lemmy.world 9 points 5 days ago

I have to admit that GIMP has me beat - I've taught myself plenty of progs (usually in a panic because I told the interviewer I could use it and therefore had to learn it real fast - that's how I learned Illustrator, CorelDRAW and QuarkXpress), but I just can't seem to get the hang of GIMP.

[-] Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.ee 7 points 4 days ago

I'll agree with this. GIMP is the most user-unfriendly piece of photo editing software i've used to date. I can pick up video games like Shadow Empire and spend dozens of hours figuring out how it works but GIMP is a wall to me.

[-] flerp@lemm.ee 3 points 4 days ago

It's one of the things I've bounced off of many times, but each time I come back and give it another shot it gets a bit easier until one day I thought, hey this isn't as bad as I used to think. Not really a ringing endorsement, but I definitely don't hate it anymore. I would still rather do as much as I possibly can in Krita though.

[-] mightyfoolish@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

I don't do photo editing (Gimp) or drawing (Krita) but I have followed many aggregated blogs such as Planet KDE, etc over the years.

I got the feeling that most people have a hard time moving or transiting to Gimp. I have seen some posts from people who love Gimp but they seem to be a miniority. On the other hand, I got the feeling the drawing community love Krita and think it's worth learning. Krita even shows up in unexpected places such as Godot tutorials on YouTube.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 4 points 4 days ago

The other problem with Photoshop is that it now scans your projects.

[-] lud@lemm.ee 5 points 4 days ago

I highly recommend the Affinity suite of problems (Photo, Designer, and Publisher). While they aren't free they are much cheaper than Adobe and they are only available for a one time fee.

[-] CannedTuna@sh.itjust.works 4 points 4 days ago

suite of problems

Lol not sure if this is a joke or a typo

[-] lud@lemm.ee 3 points 4 days ago

Lol, it's a typo but I'm not changing it, haha

[-] polographer@lemm.ee 3 points 4 days ago

It is a typo, affinity suite is a very good alternative

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[-] Godort@lemm.ee 60 points 5 days ago

How is Photoshop different from Gimp?

Photoshop is a subscription-based graphic design and photo editing program with a large catalog of advanced features that go beyond simple photo retouching. It’s the go-to tool for experienced photographers, graphic designers, web developers, and film editors. But at the same time, its tools are approachable enough for beginners and hobbyists looking to tweak images for work or create artwork in their free time.

Okay cool, that's all technically true or unverifiable. What makes Gimp different, Adobe?

[-] FlyingSquid@lemmy.world 49 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

You don't have to pay for it.

But they don't like mentioning that part.

Edit: Having used both, the only real disadvantage I can see when it comes to Gimp in a Photoshop vs. Gimp comparison- apart from special cases- is that Gimp (for me anyway) has a higher learning curve. I end up having to look up how to do something more often with Gimp. But not having to pay Adobe a monthly fee makes up for that.

[-] Prunebutt@slrpnk.net 20 points 5 days ago

I once read that adobe also patents the simplest UX improvement, which means that gimp can't implement good ideas that people are already used to.

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[-] NateNate60@lemmy.world 9 points 5 days ago

I think for a real Photoshop vs GIMP comparison from the eyes of a professional, I'd like to share Franklin Veaux's perspective. He's an author, graphic designer, and the infamous local polygamist.

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[-] conciselyverbose@sh.itjust.works 15 points 5 days ago

Gimp's UX is a trainwreck. "Approachable tools" is the key bit there.

I don't use photoshop. Fuck subscription horseshit. I use affinity. But Gimp having capability is fine, but it has a super high barrier to entry because the design is so bad.

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[-] NateNate60@lemmy.world 57 points 5 days ago

For a real Photoshop vs GIMP discussion, I think I'll leave a link to Franklin Veaux's Quora post here.

tl;dr there is actually a lot of functionality in Photoshop not present in GIMP that most casual users will never use, but is very important to professionals. People don't pay hundreds of dollars to Adobe just for funsies.

[-] Nachorella@lemmy.sdf.org 11 points 5 days ago

I would argue that there's also lots of professionals who don't use or need those features. Not everyone is using photoshop for print work, which that link seems to mostly discuss. It is still true, though, and every time I try to switch away from photoshop I run into some niche missing feature I need that most people wouldn't care about.

[-] chonglibloodsport@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

There’s a ton of functionality in Photoshop that even pros never use. Every user of Photoshop needs something different from it. Sure, there’s a core of features that everyone uses (and which the Gimp also has) but there’s also countless other niche features that are a crucial part of the workflow for tons of users and they won’t give them up. This is one of the reasons Photoshop is so hard to replace.

It’s also the reason Latex is tough to replace as well. It’s a phenomenon which is not limited to commercial software, that’s for sure.

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[-] Boozilla@lemmy.world 37 points 5 days ago

I truly hate how shit like Adobe and ProTools become the only acceptable software to use "inside the industry". Plenty of independent self publishers use tools like Gimp and Reaper. But the velvet rope mindset refuses to accept that in certain circles.

Those same types of folks are the most likely to get replaced by AI. So maybe that will be some bittersweet Schadenfreude.

[-] Ashiette@lemmy.world 24 points 5 days ago

I think, for the most part, is that GIMP is obscure. Not as in 'unknown' but as in 'really hard to master, how does anything work?' It has been this way, voluntarily.

I think it's what lacks in GIMP, a good user experience.

I have used gimp for the better part of the last ten years. It's good. I have used Photoshop less than ten times in the same timespan. But when I need to do something, it will always be easier to me on photoshop, eveh though I'm not acquainted with it...

[-] Wxnzxn@lemmy.ml 5 points 5 days ago

I do wonder what differences in philosophy and development led to something like Blender to be pretty accepted even in pro circles?

For me, personally, the moment I found out you can easily install a version of gimp that doesn't distribute it's tools and canvas across a dozen windows was when it began to feel "right" for me. Granted, I am only using it as an amateur for meme and touching up on graphics for game dev, but it feels right to me at least.

[-] Liz@midwest.social 3 points 4 days ago

I barely use GIMP, but years ago I heard about it and gave it a go. It simultaneously opened three or four seemingly random windows and no actual workspace as far as I can tell. I immediately gave up. It wasn't until recently that I had a reason to try again, and at this point I had forgotten the absurd situation I ran away from the first time. Luckily they've made some improvements since then. It's still a bit obtuse, but I hear a big update is coming soon that might fix some of the UI issues?

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[-] finn_der_mensch@discuss.tchncs.de 34 points 5 days ago

Photoshop lets you draw a circle

[-] jawa21@lemmy.sdf.org 10 points 5 days ago

This one hurt.

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[-] BlameThePeacock@lemmy.ca 25 points 5 days ago

I use Photopea, it's a website so no download and does 99% of what Photoshop and GIMP can do.

Made by a single Ukrainian developer, and free (with some ads on the side while you're using it)

[-] masquenox@lemmy.world 10 points 5 days ago

It's just standard corporatese - if it's not insulting your intelligence they're not doing it right.

[-] sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip 24 points 5 days ago

Obligatory: Do people not know that Krita exists?

[-] possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip 17 points 5 days ago

Krita isn't for image editing

[-] sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip 10 points 5 days ago

I've found Krita to be a less clumsy way to edit images than GIMP, been using it that way for years.

Yes, GIMP is powerful when used correctly, but Krita is far closer to Photoshop in terms of UI and out of the box features.

[-] lightnsfw@reddthat.com 9 points 5 days ago
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[-] 7U5K3N@lemmy.dbzer0.com 14 points 5 days ago

Lmao I mean I knew it was going go be bad .. but that's so hilariously awful.

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