Great points.

I think the option of nuclear needs to be on the table, and in some (or many) circumstances it might be the best fit.

Presently in Australia one of our two major parties is campaigning on a "pivot to nuclear" platform, but we're kind the polar opposite to the netherlands (both figuratively and literally?). The vast majority of Australia is sunny desert, girt by sea, with a tiny population in on the coast. My state is something like 2,000km by 1,250km, with about 2 million people. Nuclear just doesn't seem like a good fit right now.

My concern is that with this pivot to nuclear we basically just keep burning coal for the next 20 years while we're building nuclear plants.

It might be a great idea to build several reactors, while we furiously build out wind and solar.

There are some gargantuan solar hydrogen cracking projects not far from here in the planning phase which just sound amazing to me.

They would've assassinated him already.

Yes I think this has broken him. Quiet life in the burbs with the occasional phone interview on someone's podcast.

I just can't understand how someone could think that banking books is a good idea.

I find it a bit annoying that different usb-c implementations have different capabilities.

As in, not all cables are compatible with all devices, and there's not even a standardised way or reporting capabilities.

What's the point of being able to put every plug in every socket if you don't know if it's going to work?

No and none.

He just walked out of a US district court. If they were going to grab him they would have.

He rolled the dice on being the world's most well known "journalist" and he lost in the most spectacular way. He's so incredibly lucky he got off as lightly as he did, having only lost 12 years of his life.

what do you mean? It just did play out. That's the end.

Yeah, I feel the same, but I don't really know enough about it to make that assertion.

I agree. There's also a pervasive feeling that lemmy is unaffected by manipulation and misinformation.

If Lemmy continues to grow sooner or later it will become a large enough target for manipulation, and I wonder how federation will fare at that time.

You're right in that it will never be like it was, but there are still fringes and niche communities that have that human feel. The thing is they're much less engaging without algorithms and UX driving engagement, we're not drawn to them in the same way.

If it was just about transparency he would've released it sooner.

Sitting on it to release at the right time was partisan.

He released information relating to government officials engaging in misconduct

... at precisely the right time to maximise the effect of the release and diminish her chances at winning the election.

No whistleblowers shouldn't go to prison, I'm glad Assange is going home but I do dislike him immensely.

This. It's not just a switch to be flipped.

What's done is done. From day 1 after the referendum it was obvious to everyone that the UK would spend the next 50 years trying to mitigate the impact of that ridiculous decision. Hotting the "rejoin" button is not necessarily a short cut to the end.


Just wondered if any one is using block lists for their docker containers.

IPSum publishes a great list of IPs worth blocking.

The thing is, I know docker networking interacts with iptables in a complex way such that the iptables INPUT chain is ignored.

The docker docs say you can put custom rules in DOCKER-USER chain, but my iptables knowledge isn't great and I think I'm more likely to mess something up than to have any success.

The thing is, I'm sure that this is something loads of other people have encountered, and I'm sure there must be an easier way.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

If anyone could point me to some information or guide about this I'd really appreciate that.

I think the official and friends need to be uninstalled first. I've tried that with adb, console reports "success", Google Play Services is no longer listed in Settings > Apps.

But... if I try to install MicroG via Fdroid or Droid-ify it goes through the install process, there's no error, but MicroG Core is not shown as "installed". If I try to install the apk with adb it says the currently installed version is newer than the one I'm trying to install? seems to just assume you know how to install.

I read something about signature spoofing but I thought that was only for older devices.

Any insights / suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I think this is the answer:


I downloaded all my photos with google takeout.

The folder structure is an absolute mess.

It would be nice to organise them into YYYY/MM folders but I haven't been able to think of an easy way to do that.

I note that all images seem to have sidecar files ? Like matching json files. I've never encountered these before and not really aware of any command line tools that support them. It's just another challenge as regards writing a script to re-organise files.

Any insights much appreciated.

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Gerbera is a UPnP media server. I've used it (and it's predecessor mediatomb) for many years. Rock solid. Works well with VLC.

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