[-] Godort@lemm.ee 5 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

With removable batteries is that there is actually a legitimate reason for getting rid of them, in that it's much harder to waterproof a device with a removable battery.

I'd still like to see the option available, but I can at least understand why it's not from a practical standpoint. The only reason carrier locks exist is to increase the cost of change for the end user, making them less likely to switch providers.

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 9 points 3 days ago

To be fair, from about 12-16 is a pretty rough group of years.

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 14 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The Bucees logo tells me this is probably going to affect Texas more than other regions.

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 17 points 5 days ago

These are good rays.

Credit to Ahdok

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 60 points 6 days ago

How is Photoshop different from Gimp?

Photoshop is a subscription-based graphic design and photo editing program with a large catalog of advanced features that go beyond simple photo retouching. It’s the go-to tool for experienced photographers, graphic designers, web developers, and film editors. But at the same time, its tools are approachable enough for beginners and hobbyists looking to tweak images for work or create artwork in their free time.

Okay cool, that's all technically true or unverifiable. What makes Gimp different, Adobe?

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 25 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Uh oh. What did Ubisoft do this time?

They only talk about BG&E2 when they are about to be raked over the coals for some heinous shit they did.

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 16 points 6 days ago

The Case of the Golden Idol. It's a great little detective game with an interesting premise.

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 166 points 3 weeks ago

Im almost positive that Andrew Wakefield has caused more harm to modern medicine than any other person in the last 200 years.

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 166 points 4 months ago

It should be noted that this attack was demonstrated on a nearly 10 year old laptop that has the TPM traces exposed on the motherboard.

Most TPMs nowadays are built into the CPU which does not leave them vulnerable to this type of attack.

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 148 points 4 months ago

If cops in real life acted like cops in fiction, people wouldn't hate them as much

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 183 points 6 months ago

Just wait until they learn about Daemons

[-] Godort@lemm.ee 317 points 10 months ago

Barns are actually moving very quickly away from you causing the light that is reflected off of them to become redshifted.

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