It goes without saying, One thing that annoys me is whenever a topic comes up about someone finding something mildly infuriating and there is always that 1 person who has to decide it isn't because of x, y and z reasons

Like I guarantee, if I were to do the same it'd be on every post with tiles that were out of order, upside down because it's one of the few things I look at and shrug because it's whatever... but I'm not about to do that. People are allowed to be infuriated by things that don't necessarily infuriate you.

Any kind of Gatekeeping in general.... very infuriating.

Anyway see this post as an open invitation to vent. Comment below. What infuriates you? and what thing that typically infuriates others, doesn't infuriate you.

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 25 points 11 months ago

It isn't, I do not remove posts for "Orientalism" like Lemmy.ml and that certainly won't be done by Lemmy.World Admins. Happy shitposting

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 25 points 11 months ago

Click the elipses and block the user, you won't see their posts anymore. Because of how the fediverse is, some people post their content to multiple communities and it results in spam. Currently blocking is the only way to get rid of it.

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 23 points 11 months ago

Wow, this is worthless lol Not tipping is better than this, at least not tipping can't disappoint you more than this can


I grew up on this man's epic fail toy reviews and I am scared it has been 13 years since they were last uploaded. I was 15.

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 33 points 11 months ago

As an enjoyer of puns, I agree

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 137 points 11 months ago

Everyone else: 311223

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 44 points 11 months ago

Wholesome ending - they got vaccinated so the mother fell out and doesn't see them as her kids anymore and the kids moved out with their much cooler and less antivax father and lived happily ever after.

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 40 points 11 months ago

So much of that in England. I get people don't want to block the road, but when you are sitting on the entire footpath so nobody can get passed. You're an asshole.

I was so cross when a van didn't bother to park just a few metres away in a designated parking spot to go to the corner shop and just decided to sit and block the entire pavement at a point to close to a hedge that meant we were forced to go out into the road.

Laziness. Just laziness.

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 88 points 11 months ago

Company: You need to have everything ready before the start of your shift.

Me: Do I get paid for coming in early?

Company: No

Me: Okay, if I'm starting before my shift time then I am going home early to make up for the lost time.

Company: If you leave 1 minute early we have to deduct an hour from your wages

Me: leaves

Company: nobody wants to work anymore.

Companies have normalised wage theft but call it what it is. It's theft.

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 151 points 11 months ago

Natural, healthy, positive growth! Not growth for growths sake

[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 46 points 11 months ago

I think it's a lot more because the internet was a niche. It's something your parents/family or weird creepy uncle wasn't on. All these old memes still feel "untouched" by facebook and it feels like an in-joke. In other words memes felt more special.

4chan was onto something, once memes became mainstream they died... a little hyperbolic but they do lose their fun factor being more popular now.


Can't unblock it, no matter what I do. It is driving me nuts. Fucking allergies :(

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by LillianVS@lemmy.world to c/mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1287053

Be alert, Please do not launch a new tab of Lemmy.World. Having tabs already open with this site is fine but as soon as you do you will be bombarded with awful content with malicious intent to cause shock, disgust and distress.

In the meantime use alternative instances, other instances are not affected by this compromise. Do not open any links/posts from the user MichelleG.

Thanks for reading, please stay safe out there Lemmy users!

Update: Lemmy World is under attack again.

Update: I am not a super code-literate person so bare with me on this... But. Still please becareful. There appears to be a vulnerability.

Users are posting images like the following:


And inside hidden is JavaScript code that when executed can take cookie information and send it to a URL address.

Among other things. At this time if you see an image please click the icon circled before clicking the link. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately. It is better a false report than a missed one.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by LillianVS@lemmy.world to c/lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world

Be alert, Please do not launch a new tab of Lemmy.World. Having tabs already open with this site is fine but as soon as you do you will be bombarded with awful content with malicious intent to cause shock, disgust and distress.

In the meantime use alternative instances, other instances are not affected by this compromise. Do not open any links/posts from the user MichelleG.

Thanks for reading, please stay safe out there Lemmy users!

~~Update: Lemmy.World crisis seems to have averted for this moment in time. Megathread available here for discussions~~

Lemmy.World is under attack again. Please standby. Do not use the website. Lemmy apps are fine.

The true MVP (lemmy.world)
The true MVP (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by LillianVS@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml
This fr (lemmy.world)
[-] LillianVS@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

Have you checked behind your shoulder recently?


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853004

Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let's get you started.

This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links.

For your first day here

Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let's not overwhelm you for now.

This very neat starting guide was written by our beloved admin, @ruud. To avoid confusion, start reading it from the Quick start guide section.

If you're new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.

kbin users can check out this amazing starting guide instead. This is also a nice guide.

Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin

If you finished reading your starting guide, it's time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services: number 1, 2, 3, and 4, and 5! Go have some fun! :D

For your second day here

Hello again! You're less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn't forget to read the rules for lemmy.world!

kBin.social's rules are in this link.

The Fediverse

You must've realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways?

Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse.

What is the Fediverse? video by Framasoft to get a good understanding with visuals!

As a great lemming once said: Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites. This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time.

Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.

Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer. It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show any Fediverse platform you'd like.

For your third day here

That's it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/853004

Hello there, and welcome to the Fediverse! Let's get you started.

This post was created together with many users, intended to help you have an easy start! It has a simple language, and it includes many useful links.

For your first day here

Hello, newbie user! Lemmy is just like Reddit, but better. Ha-ha. Seriously. But let's not overwhelm you for now.

This very neat starting guide was written by our beloved admin, @ruud. To avoid confusion, start reading it from the Quick start guide section.

If you're new to Lemmy, this post will also help you perfectly.

kbin users can check out this amazing starting guide instead. This is also a nice guide.

Finding Communities on Lemmy/kBin

If you finished reading your starting guide, it's time to go find your new favorite communities! Check out these dedicated services: number 1, 2, 3, and 4, and 5! Go have some fun! :D

For your second day here

Hello again! You're less of a newbie now, and you found some amazing communities! We can start talking about the Fediverse. I hope you didn't forget to read the rules for lemmy.world!

kBin.social's rules are in this link.

The Fediverse

You must've realised that we addressed Lemmy and kBin users differently. And what is this Fediverse people keep talking about, anyways?

Lemmy and kBin are two different platforms, and they can perfectly interact with each other! This means that they are a part of the federation. And they are only two members of the vast Fediverse.

What is the Fediverse? video by Framasoft to get a good understanding with visuals!

As a great lemming once said: Fediverse is basically like a group chat, but for websites. This means that federated websites all agree to share their content with each other, constantly, at the same time.

Follow this link to view a list of all Lemmy instances.

Follow this link to open the Fediverse Observer. It is set to show kBin, but you can navigate your way through the site to show any Fediverse platform you'd like.

For your third day here

That's it! What else do you want? Go have some fun and keep learning along the way! ;)


evolutionary wise, very far into the future would we develop different mouths and very few teeth?

Pills as food wouldn't ever catch on, people like too much about food to just settle on eating pills for the rest of their lives. Even though there is a niche who enjoy huel.

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joined 1 year ago