[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 1 points 1 day ago

A couple years ago YouTube decided to F up their search. It used to be mostly things you are searching for, now it's:

20% thing you searched for,

20% Shorts,

10% people also watched,

10% related [extremely tangentially]

10% For You

and 30% ads.

I don't blame anyone for wanting someone to suggest a link after YT's search became hot garbage.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip -4 points 4 days ago

Yes, which is why a delicate mixture of both is best because they spend their efforts fighting each other rather than fighting your freedom.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 4 points 6 days ago

The other problem with Photoshop is that it now scans your projects.


This is the #1 reason why I don't buy Apple anymore. But if there was an easy private way, I'd be open to getting Apple products again.

I simply want to transfer files from my PC to my iPad without any companies collecting info about the files, such as legally acquired mp3 files that dumb corporations will think are pirated.

What are the ways to do this?


I've seen many instances of some software having DRM that significantly degrades the performance of the software, or worse, the performance of the entire OS due to heavy background tasks. Prime examples include Denuvo and all those Adobe background processes. Why can't they just simply use the TPM or the other 5 security chips embedded into the CPU so that they don't bloat the system?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip to c/micromobility@lemmy.world

YouTube link

This might be a bit different than what usually gets posted here but I found this on Nebula and its perhaps my favorite video I've seen on the platform yet. You can also watch it on YouTube (strangely YT didn't suggest it to me despite it being right up my alley).

I absolutely love this idea of trying to do long distance riding with little e-bikes and e-scooters, or basically anything on 2 (or just 1???) wheels.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 68 points 2 months ago

Time to short the stock then, if they are not gonna invest in their own future.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 87 points 2 months ago

If the excess energy cannot be stored, it should be used for something energy intensive like desalination or carbon capture.


I think of myself as technically inclined. I have installed Linux multiple times and have basic command line knowledge, and I've programmed in many languages, with the most experience making a static website game using HTML/CSS/JS.

Additionally, I own the superspruce.org domain (my registrar is Dynadot), but I don't really know how to wield the power of owning a domain. I also have some spare computers to be used for hosting, a 2009 laptop running Lubuntu and a 3900X+32GB RAM desktop other running KDE Neon, but I'm also open to experimenting with cloud hosting too (I know, sacrilege here).

However, I don't know much about the TCP/IP protocol or other networking protocols. I'm happy to learn, but the curve would need to start gently.

I would want to try hosting my websites, and also a personal non-federated Lemmy instance to serve as a archivable forum for my games. Even if it's not very useful, it's great experience.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 58 points 4 months ago

Serious question: If this bill passes, how will the US Internet be meaningfully different than China's Internet, if it's used to censor stuff the government doesn't like?


Not sure if this is the right community for this, but I see plenty of electric motorcycle stuff here, so I'll bite. Message me if this is the wrong place for this content.

Anyways, really? AI? On a motorcycle? Isn't the entire point of motorcycles feeling the freedom of manipulating your machine to do what you ask of it? Without any AI and data selling nonsense? Please don't let this be the direction of motorcycling.

AI is powerful has a place in many areas. Just keep it out of motorcycles, a hobby defined by skill, freedom, and most importantly, fun.

Give us electric motorcycles whose tech adds to the experience, not tries to turn it into a IoT data harvesting device, please.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 83 points 5 months ago

Y'know, they were going crazy over the top implementing unnecessary features... Maybe they actually did have too many employees doing useless things, but they should've instead had those employees focus on performance instead

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 92 points 5 months ago

This is rage inducing.

Imagine if your car dealer was allowed to confiscate your car on a dubious claim such as "it doesn't meet the latest emissions standards," but not even telling you that.

Google needs to be fined twice the value of the apps that it stole from it's paying customers.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 55 points 5 months ago

Why? Win+C launches Copilot already, if you want to use it. It's simple enough currently, why change it? This will just make everything worse.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 91 points 6 months ago

Remember, the reason I ditched Reddit wasn't the ads per se, it was the constant data selling, and the official app just getting worse and worse with unwanted "features" pushed on everyone. They kept getting greedier and greedier so when they disabled 3rd party apps I ditched Reddit.

submitted 6 months ago by SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm not sure if this is the best community to post in, but I just bought a used computer and slotted in an RX480 as the GPU. I installed KDE Neon 5.27 on it, and it worked flawlessly for 2 days.

Then, even though it was working earlier today, it slept and then would not wake up. So I turned off the power and turned it back on again, and was greeted with this error screen:

The only prior error message I'd gotten from the system was when I tried to install wine for one application, it told me some packages weren't up to date, without a way to fix it. I can enter the BIOS just fine.

What is going on? How do I fix this?

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 89 points 6 months ago

Separate numbers for upvotes and downvotes.

[-] SuperSpruce@lemmy.zip 131 points 6 months ago

Copyright is far too long and should only last at most 20 years.

Actually, George Washington would agree with me if he was still alive. He and the other founding fathers created the notion of copyright, which was to last 14 years. Then big corporations changed the laws in their favor.

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