[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 62 points 2 days ago

"The enshittifucation will continue until profits improve." --CEOs of Publicly Traded Companies

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 49 points 3 days ago

The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 24 points 4 days ago

No, you make an exact copy of it from the farmer's field

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 3 points 4 days ago
[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 6 points 4 days ago

Idk even the more egregious defects usually don't get discovered this close to launch. The accelerator petal debacle should not have happened to begin with. It's a solved technology!

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 6 points 4 days ago

It's fine, just keep it in Car Wash mode all the time 😎

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 106 points 1 week ago

How is Photoshop different from Gimp?

Photoshop is a subscription-based...

Oh, so Gimp is better then, thanks Adobe!

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 34 points 1 week ago

Don't forget to put the cyber truck in car wash mode first

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 24 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Your comment needs to be copy and pasted in every article where crazy shit like this is happening. Ever since I watched the latest episode of Last Week Tonight about Project 2025, I haven't been this worried and we all know conservatives are encouraging violence too, but they actually follow through.

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 33 points 1 week ago

I think the thing to worry about is these corporations centrally controlling this data. With one fell swoop, they can do whatever they want with it. With forums, at least they weren't controlled by one company.

[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 45 points 1 week ago

What are the distros that would align with these categories?

Cool, more free stuff:

Not again!

Ooh, only Ubuntu pro:

  • Ubuntu
[-] DannyMac@lemm.ee 17 points 3 weeks ago

I'd say so with those constant little dopamine hits. Shit, I'm 40 and I've had to put a bunch of efforSHIT IM ON LEMMY AGAIN!

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