So, like usual, DRM only fucked the people trying to play by the rules.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Sorry folks, this didn't look paywalled for me when I posted it.

Links others have provided:

There you go. It was all OK until it impacted $$. Glad they finally did something, but wish it would have been based on an actual ethical concern.


Sen. Markwayne Mullin blamed “political correctness” for the uproar over his attempt to fight a witness during a Senate hearing.

I think a lot of them do see it, but he pisses off the libs and seems to be promising to hurt the people they want to be hurt, so they are OK with that.

And he will face no consequence for it.

You know their answer will be that the homeless just need to work harder.


The current stream that started a couple hours ago is here:


Police in South Carolina are investigating an incident involving a vehicle that drove through security fences at a nuclear power station on Thursday.

Yeah, it's the kind of article you write when you want to be sure Apple comes out looking good.

Last year, the three largest US-listed pharmaceutical companies by revenues, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck, spent a combined $39.6 billion on R&D. That is, admittedly, a lot of money. But less than Medicare is currently paying on just ten drugs

While Big Pharma holds vast portfolios of existing patents for prescription drugs, the innovation pipeline for new drugs actually has very little to do with Big Pharma. In reality, public sources — especially the NIH — fund the basic research that makes scientific breakthroughs. Then small, boutique biotech and pharmaceutical firms take that publicly generated knowledge and do the final stages of research, like running clinical trials, that get the drugs to market. The share of small companies in the supply of new drugs is huge, and it’s still growing. Fully two-thirds of new drugs now come from these small companies, up from one-third twenty years ago. It is not the research labs of Pfizer that are developing new drugs.

DING DING DING. They can "get away with" hating trans women more easily, but it's just a stepping stone on the way to Gilead for them.

I swear to god I've heard that the telemarketer/robocaller problem is finally solved like ten times over the course of my life.

[-] 255 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Ah Sony Music is involved.

Remember the time Sony Music installed a rootkit on peoples' computers via commercially purchased CDs because hacking paying customers' computers seemed like a good way to combat piracy?

Pepperidge Farm Remembers.

Let's not pretend that the technical legality of Rittenhouse's actions make him any less a piece of shit. And he certainly wasn't trying to rid the world of a pedo, as he had no way of knowing that. So acting like it somehow makes things better is quite disingenuous.

He went looking to use his rifle, and got himself in deep enough to create a scenario where he could get away with doing so. Nothing more admirable than that.

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