submitted 13 minutes ago by sunzu@kbin.run to c/android@lemdro.id


submitted 8 hours ago by schizoidman@lemmy.ml to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 8 hours ago by neme@lemm.ee to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 17 hours ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 14 hours ago by ByteMe@lemmy.world to c/android@lemdro.id

When w11 announced that they were adding native support for rar, 7z, etc, it occurred to me that android also doesn't support these and I found it really weird

submitted 16 hours ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 17 hours ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 17 hours ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 17 hours ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 2 days ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id

The Firefox for Android GitHub releases aren't being updated anymore, and is versions behind the Play Store now.

FDroid Fennec isn't fully the same app, and FDroid has it's own set of delays.

Is there a location where the latest version can be pulled/tracked with Obtainium?

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id

The catch? This is a China release. You get 1 years of standard and 3 years of extended warranty. The global variant would be unlikely to offer this at all.

submitted 3 days ago by Blaze@lemmy.zip to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 4 days ago by Blaze@lemmy.zip to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 4 days ago by isseverDev@lemdro.id to c/android@lemdro.id

Hey everyone,

I'm excited to share iCore, a new library designed to streamline Android application development with modular and reusable components. iCore supports the MVVM architecture and provides base classes, extension functions, and various utility classes to reduce code duplication and speed up the development process.

Key Features:

  • Modular Structure: Easy to integrate and use in any Android project.
  • Base Classes: Provides base classes for activities, fragments, view models, adapters and more.
  • Extension Functions: Includes useful extension functions to simplify common tasks.
  • Utility Classes: Provides utility classes for network operations, local data management, and more.


🔗 GitHub Repository: iCore on GitHub

🔗 JitPack: iCore on JitPack

I'm looking forward to your feedback and contributions. Happy coding!

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by Upstream7564@discuss.tchncs.de to c/android@lemdro.id

~~I accidentally removed a MicroSD card from an Android device running Android 12 while it was being ejected. This happened because it took longer than usual (less than a few seconds), and I pulled it out without looking at the notification. Now, when I insert the MicroSD card into any Android device, it tells me to format it to use it, as a problem has occurred. It also gives me the option to format it and extend the internal storage. The third option is to skip both and do it later, which keeps the SD card unreadable by the system. The MicroSD card contains a lot of data that's important to me, and unfortunately, I had no backup, as I always considered my MicroSD as an external storage medium for such data. I would really appreciate any help on how I can resolve this issue and make the SD card data accessible again by Android. Thank you for reading! 🥲~~

Edit: Don't ask me why or how. But I put the SD Card into a phone running Android 14, and booted it. The SD Card could be actually read by the phone after it finished booting. I turned the phone off again, pulled the SD card out and put it back into it's original running Android 12 and magically it works again! My theory is that the Android 14 recognized and automatically fixed what was wrong and this made the card readable again to older Android versions.

Thanks to everyone who commented!

submitted 6 days ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id


  • Android 15 is preparing to tweak the threshold that determines whether a charger is seen as fast, from a measly 7.5W to a more reasonable 20W.
  • The operating system has long considered any charging speeds of at least 7.5W to be fast, which is far, far below what actual fast chargers can deliver nowadays.
  • The change isn’t live yet in the latest Android 15 beta, though, so chargers that deliver 7.5W of power will still be seen as fast on Pixels.
submitted 6 days ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id


  • Strings in the latest Android 15 beta suggest the OS can automatically delete biometrics that aren’t working well.
  • Android will delete your face or fingerprint unlock when they aren’t working well and then prompt you to set them up again.
  • We don’t know how the OS determines when a biometric isn’t working well or if this feature is even live yet in the latest Android 15 beta, though.
submitted 6 days ago by jorge@feddit.cl to c/android@lemdro.id
Realme GT 6 review (m.gsmarena.com)
submitted 5 days ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id
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