[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 50 points 4 months ago

In our small-brained baboon-butt red state of Utah, the "esteemed" legislatures just passed a bill making it illegal for trans people to use public bathrooms. I guess that means trans people can shit wherever they want to in public.

This kind of nutjob small brained bigotry is ruining our country and embarrasssing us gloablly. Other countries see these anti-human laws and realize we're crumbling and don't really stand behind our American "values" or our consitution.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 46 points 5 months ago

They're lobsters, they're not gonna drown if the Titanic goes down they'll probably be the only actual survivors. With rubber bands around their claws, so - they're pretty doomed either way.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 120 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

They will grow up but it will be a much different world. Back in the 70s, Rachel Carson posited that it was probably already too late to turn back the effects of air pollution and poisoning of our oceans, and she was right. Instead of fixing problems, oil and gas companies are doubling down on fossil fuel extraction. Kids will grow up to have all kinds of respiratory illnesses and also facing a world that is melting around them.

Most years we're in below 20 degree snowy weather. Today it's 50 degrees here, it's Dec 18th and we've only seen snow in our mountains, which is very rare for us in Utah. Not that I'm complaining about the heat -I love warmer weather, and I absolutely detest the sight of snow in any way, shape or form. But it is weird that we're not even going to have snow on the ground this Christmas (we might get some rain this week).

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 62 points 6 months ago

We have automated paper towel dispensers, if that ain't space-age magic I don't know what is. I think we found out that flying cars are a bad idea. It turns out most people could not operate a regular car correctly.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 45 points 6 months ago

Never suggest common sense to people who are raised in ignorance. Too much of a new idea will always be a huge threat to them, though nobody knows why.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 72 points 6 months ago

I'm so sick of this goddamn stupid supreme court shit. Abortion is a woman's god-given right. And these drugs are the safest and easiest way. Taking them away will ONLY MEAN MORE ABORTIONS THAT ARE BOTCHED BY COAT HANGERS. It WILL NOT stop women from having abortions!! These stupid god damn filthy father fucking pieces of walking god damn dog excrement. I'm so fucking sick of this nonsense!!! There are just no words in the English language that can convey the level of hatred and loathing I feel for these black robed assholes.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 37 points 6 months ago

Legally blind is not the same thing as being totally blind. My brother is "legally blind" but he can see well enough to read and drive a car. Still you have to wonder why the court didn't take this into consideration at the time - what was motivating the judge to overlook this fact and allow this man to be incarcerated on the basis of flawed eyewitness testimony? Someone had this court's short hairs in their grips.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 102 points 7 months ago

I've been around since 1959, and back then people were up in arms about the partisan divide in this country and the Vietnam conflict and the oppression of black and other races. Back then, domestic abuse was sort of commonplace, no man could be sent to jail for beating up his kids or his wife. Alcoholism was rampant back then, and drug abuse shot up dramatically. Since then, I've seen so much of the same play out over and over. Things have changed somewhat for the better in some ways, but to be honest - there never was a 'good old time' when everyone felt happy and equal and safe and protected.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 47 points 7 months ago

Not all the media is giving him a "free pass." I've read several articles about him going full nutjob and totally losing it. Of course a person only has to hear him speak once to know he's off his rocker - and we've had several years of his s#it being shoveled in our direction.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 77 points 7 months ago

When I was an ordinary dumb kid, I took a bunch of cattails from a pond nearby and put them in my desk at school. Well - a couple days later, they decided to "bloom" and we had a desk inspection and when I opened my desk up, the room filled with big fluffy cotton spores. I got yelled at for a solid hour, I'd never seen my teacher so angry. And I'm like, what's the big deal?? It's free cotton candy and it's pretty!!

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 52 points 8 months ago

A horrific tragedy that people like Mike Johnson funded and support every day of their lives. He regularly gets checks from the NRA in the millions to keep his mouth shut about gun control. The blood of every person killed in America is on his hands and will damn his soul for eternity, like all who support the NRA and all who take illicit blood money for looking the other way. There is no redemption from that sort of filth.

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