[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 99 points 5 months ago

I've implemented a few of these and that's about the most lazy implementation possible. That system prompt must be 4 words and a crayon drawing. No jailbreak protection, no conversation alignment, no blocking of conversation atypical requests? Amateur hour, but I bet someone got paid.

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 34 points 5 months ago

I mean, I like a good Google hate train as much as the next guy, but that's kind of a legitimate thing to want.

submitted 8 months ago by danielbln@lemmy.world to c/dach@feddit.de
[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 52 points 8 months ago

Maybe, but gen AI produces actually useful, tractable results. That's already heaps more than crypto, which is just techno gambling

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 48 points 8 months ago

Yeah, this ain't "dihydrogen monoxide lol11!", hydrazine is really really nasty stuff.

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 33 points 10 months ago

Also we're talking about toddlers, not 10 year olds. Toddlers still develop really foundational capabilities in cognition, vision and motor function which 2D flat screen games might have a very different effects than on 11 year old Tommy playing Roblox.

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 69 points 10 months ago

Also a cautionary tale about the effectiveness of external destabilization efforts.

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 73 points 10 months ago

I think burkinis are dumb, personally, but I don't give a damn what people wear. This is just typical ingroup-outgroup postering fueled by a proto fascist government, standard stuff really. Also, hygiene? Bro, it's the ocean, a layer of clothing extra ain't gonna make a difference.

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 42 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This article has been flagged on HN for being clickbait garbage.

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 35 points 11 months ago

Not to wake sleeping dogs or anything, but uh I don't see any ads. Where are those ads supposed to be?

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 31 points 11 months ago

Two gravitationally gifted pachyderms wanted for setting a flame's kiss to a personal urban retreat.

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 35 points 11 months ago

In before "ich erlege mein Bio Fleisch selbst, mit bloßen Händen". Dass wir solche Zustände erlauben ist schon echt ein Armutszeugnis unserer Gesellschaft. Schön das Nackensteak für 2,50€ mümmeln, was kümmern schon die abartigen Zustände unter denen das Zeug produziert wird, und das schließt noch nicht einmal ethische Gesichtspunkte mit ein.

[-] danielbln@lemmy.world 38 points 11 months ago

Da hält sie doch jetzt schon nichts von ab, mit oder ohne Threads. Und man kann wohl davon ausgehen, dass so ziemlich jede AI Bude das Fediverse abgrast.

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