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[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 8 points 3 weeks ago (8 children)

It sucks, but there is a lot of precedent in the US for "you are allowed to be as stupid with your money as you want, as long as you're sane."

He may have delusions around his religion or beliefs, but he has the rights to have those delusions and beliefs, and if he wants to place bets on his beliefs because he holds them that strongly then he can. If someone else spots him as a mark and takes advantage of him, sure it was dumb of him, and they may not be in the cleanest moral area, but that's America, learn your lesson and move on.

You go to New York and some guy sells you a newspaper that helps raise money for charity and the homeless for $5 and you believe him then find out it's a free paper all over the city, that's life.

We can protect you when you don't know any better, but when you bet everyone in the room that you can fly and you can't? That's a hard bet to make buddy, and a harder bill to pay.

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 4 points 3 weeks ago

Alright who's going to tell me this is some terrible sign of climate change, poison in the water, or some dickheads on yachts chasing it with a minigun or something.

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 24 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I've often called Target "Walmart without the stigma". They advertise themselves and nice and clean, but it's just Walmart with clients that don't want to be seen going to Walmart.

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I have a friend who open carries everywhere as well. We do not live in a dangerous area at all and he carries this thing to the grocery store.

I call it his "big boy gun" because it makes him feel like he's a big boy now, like a kid who wears his "big boy" pants with no diapers.

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Problem is things will have to get worse for a lot more people for that to really happen en masse, I support the idea but I wouldn't probably stop because none of my debts are debilitating. I have a good savings and my only payment is my mortgage and whatever I put on my credit card that month. I'm not going to just stop paying my mortgage for a political movement, and a lot of other people won't either, supporting or not, people don't like risking their homes when they don't technically have to.

All the banks have to do is make examples of a few good people and all the others will likely fall back in line. Finances and debt is something that is very personal to a lot of peopl so people are hesitant to let that flag fly and unite publicly as well.

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 38 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (4 children)

"No it was about states rights"

"States rights to what?"

Gotta plug doobus goobus too https://youtu.be/-ZB2ftCl2Vk?si=E3ckE6fse3SD4wCd

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago

In universe I want to guess they added pressure to the back side of the system to balance out the water vs air pressure since it's part of the training system. That said, it was probably just movie magic bs.

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 18 points 3 months ago

I mean to an extent, it is a self fulfilling prophecy. Whether or not it's the case, it's often felt my men that they have to be the breadwinner, or at least the point of strength. They can have people around them that tell them otherwise, but if they don't feel like they measure up then that's what it will be.

People don't often just commit suicide because they're like "I guess this is how the math works out", they felt, or were told, or told themselves, that things can only be better if they're gone. In every case, they won't be, but that's where their mental journey led them

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 27 points 3 months ago (13 children)

Not to belittle it on either side but I do wonder what causes that disparity. Is it that men plan it more thoroughly or have access to more dangerous methods? Do women choose methods that, unintentional or not, can be backed out of more easily? Are women more likely to report a failed attempt than men? If that 2-3x factor is true, then why don't we see similar numbers of idk completion? I hesitate to say success because it is very much not a success to commit suicide, there are always other options, even if they're not perfect.

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 44 points 4 months ago (1 children)

That's the funny part, if I'm the owner, I can do whatever I want. "It's a must"? Too bad, it's my restaurant and I want to sit here. "You're being rude to a customer" I'm being rude to this customer, too bad.

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 43 points 7 months ago (8 children)

A smaller switch would be a terrible idea. They're already pushing so hard to have mainstream games on the console, and those games have UI elements that can only get so small before they're useless. You'd have to develop your UI around being used on these tiny screens, which either takes extra work or leaves big screen users screwed.

A smaller screen switch would basically be relegated to phone games, and all other games would lose a lot of detail to size

[–] abigscaryhobo@lemmy.world 24 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Same as every other time he has tried to stir shit with these trials. All they have to do is keep a level head and let the hammer drop. They've got him, the evidence is there, all they have to do is get the trials to go through with as few hiccups as possible. These judges need to keep a level head and they should be able to do so easily because, despite all the petulant whining and diversionary tactics, they've got him.

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