At the core of self-destructive ideologies like fascism is the idea that we are all better off dead. By asserting that anyone can deserve fascism we are agreeing with that idea and we are conceding the idea that life is worth living.

[-] 15 points 13 hours ago

I believe people are going to do the right thing this November. We need to be vocal and vote. But no matter what happens, no one deserves fascism. We're all still people.

[-] 3 points 23 hours ago

The rule of law just ended. Democracy will be next if Trump wins. So vote Biden!

[-] 13 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I disagree. The Potter goblins are diminutive, hooknosed, saurian creatures, with creepy long fingers and crafty natures. They have exceptional financial skills and stop at nothing to acquire or protect money and precious objects. It is antisemitic that anyone would encounter such a character and think: “Aha, a Jew!”

No, ~~John~~ Jon Stewart looked at the Harry Potter goblins and saw an offensive Jewish caricature. As an ethnically Jewish trans woman I agree with him. Rowling's goblins and her Holocaust denial are harmful. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan too, so I don't begrudge anyone for enjoying her content or even paying for content. I of course appreciate when people avoid those things. Profits from her games, books and movies go to funding anti-trans causes which make her content harmful. All I ask is that when Rowling does something harmful, like Holocaust denial or fund anti-trans causes people agree that what she is doing and her content is harmful.

The author once again attracted attention after donating $97,000 to For Women Scotland. The funds are earmarked for a legal challenge set to be heard in the UK Supreme Court. The objective of the lawsuit is to redefine the word "woman" such that it applies exclusively to cisgender women. The proposed redefinition stands to harm transgender women who have undergone gender-affirming procedures. Rowling publicly supported her donation, stating: "You know how proud I am to know you. Thank you for all your hard work and tenacity. This truly is a historic case."

LGBTQ+ activists are warning that redefining the word "woman" paves the way for discrimination and prejudice against transgender or non-binary individuals.

edit: Jon not John

[-] 16 points 3 months ago

Remember, no Russian.

[-] 20 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Regular people are paying for it when a hurricane destroys their city. Think of switching to clean energy as an investment, if having a planet to live on doesn't do it for you. edit: typo

[-] 20 points 4 months ago

I feel like it's a subset of people who use a legitimate political position as an outlet to publicly express schadenfreude.

I don't really care if King Charles has ass cancer. I certainly don't get any joy out of the suffering of the royal family. His ass cancer sounds like its sucks, but he has plenty of tax payer money to pay for treatment so I'm sure he'll be fine. The monarchy has a built in replacement mechanism, it doesn't matter if he dies now or at 100, his death won't improve the lives of the people living in the UK.

[-] 25 points 5 months ago

This sucks. It's awful that women have to put up with this. She has to pretend the backhanded compliment of a fascist is constructive criticism.

[-] 13 points 5 months ago

Thanks for the reminder. I've switched to Firefox on my mac and iphone for personal use. I just need to move some web development stuff around so I can switch to Firefox on that too. I may even uninstall google chrome, but for now I've just taken it off the task bar.

[-] 25 points 7 months ago

Newspapers. You paid for it, and it still got ads.

I have never done this and I doubt I ever will.

[-] 17 points 10 months ago

I'm sure some people have made the mistake you are describing, but I doubt it's only trans people who have made this mistake.

As a trans person, I would like to make my gender an aspect of my character, like most people get to do. I am more than just my gender, but my gender is a part of who I am.

It does feel good to be validated about my gender, but I'm not worried about people getting my pronouns wrong. I know it can be confusing and people don't mean anything by it if they make a mistake. It's hard to describe the intensity of the joy I felt once, when I was validated about my gender by another person. So, I will say it doesn't surprise me if some people decide to express their gender a lot once they are finally able to.

[-] 15 points 11 months ago

It's like interdimensional cable but for internet forums. In my version of reality, we get completely naked when taking a shower, not just our hands. We have these kind of lay-down-showers called baths too, but that's a whole other thing. Also, the chemical element with atomic mass 207.2 g.mol ^ -1, which may seem like a useful building material, especially for shower pipes, is actually dangerous to life that is based on the chemical element 12.011 g.mol ^ -1. Figured I should include that in case OP's reality hasn't figured that out yet. In exchange, consider sharing something dangerous your reality has discovered that might not be obvious to us yet.

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