[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 19 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It's only eye revealing if you literally aren't paying attention. Vader straight up chokes and breaks the neck of an officer, killing him, that he's interrogating on the rebel blockade runner in the first 10 minutes. Stormtroopers destroy and burn uncle owens farm and leaves his and his wife's corpses out in the open after burning them down to the skeletons. Han shooting first, Alderran is genocided by the death star, princess Leia is tortured, albeit it off screen, we get the scene of the interrogation droid with all his "toys" floating towards her before the door closes. All the pilots die including lukes best friend biggs fighting the death star except wedge luke and a few y wings, It's never been a "kids" story till arguably the prequels when Lucas secured rights to toys and went on to push story elements that could be made into toys to sell.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I never understood this argument. If God is all powerful how come he leaves his messages to interpretation. Shouldn't we all just be born knowing the exact wording and understanding? Also why does he need people to write his books and teach his lessons when again he supposedly is all powerful and could make it so we were born with this knowledge instead of leaving it to idiots who can't "comprehend God's great plan".

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 13 points 10 months ago

Yes, but it's what it is doing with it that is the murky grey area. Anyone can read a book, but you can't use those books for your own commercial stuff. Rowling and other writers are making the case their works are being used in an inappropriate way commercially. Whether they have a case iunno ianal but I could see the argument at least.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

I don't. Art is subjective, YouTubers talk about this all the time where 2 YouTubers will do a video on the same topic and for what ever reason 1 will do way better despite being made worse than the other video. People watch what they want to watch

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 39 points 10 months ago

Well we know what post Malone did with some of it. He bought that stupid magic the gathering card for like $2 million.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Which is literally what my comment says, it's a work reform problem not a robot problem. This is literally exhausting your anger and energy on the wrong thing. Do you really think destroying some robots will change society?

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 20 points 10 months ago

New CEO was shadowing for the last 6 months to "make sure they were a good fit".

Doesn't seem to be the savior everyone expects.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 80 points 10 months ago

What a pathetic bunch of people trying to maintain the slave status quo in these comments. WHY are you fighting to maintain a world where people have to work low tier bull shit jobs to survive? The answer, you morons, is to let the robots be and improve society to the point technology said it would. We re the most productive we've ever been in our entire history yet work more than any other time in history. We need work reform, not a robot genocide.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Anecdotally I play a genocidal maniac in every game I can. I love playing total war and killing every single thing I come across, razing pillaging their villages and enslaving the survivors. I've done it since I was a young child playing RTS games like age of empires. Adding up all my video game kills would probably be literally in the billions. Can you guess how many people I've killed in real life?

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 16 points 11 months ago

I mean one is discussed in the article linked....

But there are 2 different accusation cases:

1st: accused of domestic abuse, false imprisonment, menacing, and something else by ex girlfriend. The charges were dropped but not because he was declared innocent but because "We dismissed the charges today as a result of having insufficient evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt." Which is legalese for them saying "there isn't enough evidence to say he did or didn't do it besides hearsay so we have to dismiss the charges. So again he wasn't "found innocent", they just never went to trial.

2nd: he's been accused of grooming multiple under age Rick and Morty fans. A plethora of fans have come forward with incriminating pictures of messages from their convos on various messenger services. This one hasn't had much traction since like January but it happened at the same as his domestic abuse case was going public.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

It assails the eyes.


Wanted my first lemmy post to be a silly star wars meme :D

Nice to see one of my favorite communities crossing over.

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