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[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 80 points 10 months ago

What a pathetic bunch of people trying to maintain the slave status quo in these comments. WHY are you fighting to maintain a world where people have to work low tier bull shit jobs to survive? The answer, you morons, is to let the robots be and improve society to the point technology said it would. We re the most productive we've ever been in our entire history yet work more than any other time in history. We need work reform, not a robot genocide.

[-] Sarsoar@lemmy.ca 34 points 10 months ago

In an ideal world these robots would shift to there not being a need for "unskilled labor" and we would all have more leisure time. In the late stage capitalistic hellhole we are forced to live in, huge organization replace minimum wage jobs with robots and hoard profits and push people further unto poverty, while still overworking and underpaying the few people they do still employ.

If we had a ubi, then robots and self checkouts taking minimum wage jobs wouldn't be an issue because the person who's job was taken isn't just displaced and faces homelessness or death.

So I sympathize with the people who are complaining about the robots. As much as I want a scifi future with a bunch of automation, I want exploitation of the lower class to end first.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

Which is literally what my comment says, it's a work reform problem not a robot problem. This is literally exhausting your anger and energy on the wrong thing. Do you really think destroying some robots will change society?

[-] p1mrx@sh.itjust.works 9 points 10 months ago

Destroying robots won't change society, but it can give you free shit.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Yes I'm sure you'll be all for it till someone lifts your shit. Then you'll cry like the little bitch you are. Typical fuck you I got mine mindset.

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[-] funchords@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 10 months ago

The unemployment rates in the USA and Canada are both far below norms. These robots aren't taking anyone's irreplaceable job. Of all the things they are (ugly, intrusive, annoying), one of the things they're not doing is driving up unemployment. At worst, someone has to change jobs.

[-] GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml 2 points 10 months ago

let the robots be and improve society to the point technology said it would. We re the most productive we’ve ever been in our entire history yet work more than any other time in history. We need work reform, not a robot genocide.

I am in agreement with you, but the problem is the work reform part is not forthcoming. The delivery robots didn't come with a helping of any kind of labor reform, whatsoever, and will not come with one either without some kind of violence to usher in the deal. The capitalist class would not allow it to happen any other way.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

If you truly believe that it still makes 0 sense to use the violence against the robots who have 0 idea why they're being attacked and even when destroyed change nothing(because destroying these won't stop companies from making better more lethal versions).

[-] GnuLinuxDude@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 months ago

When I said violence I don't mean against the robots (which you can damage but not commit violence against). It's just a computer on wheels. I meant that labor reform will involve violence between people in the labor class and the capital class. Our American history is full of examples of exactly this kind of thing happening between a protest labor movement and its countervailing force.

[-] ARg94@lemmy.packitsolutions.net -3 points 10 months ago

Is lemmy like the unofficial gathering place for commies? I see more commie garbage on here than reddit, which is saying something.

[-] graphite@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

Where is the "commie garbage"?

People here are making valid complaints about the state of society.

Most people know that communism isn't the answer.

[-] ARg94@lemmy.packitsolutions.net 0 points 10 months ago

Mostly everyone who says taking someone else's property is okay if you feel they deserve it, or the seller deserves it. If you don't see a huge commie bent here, then I would assume it's because you are a commie or are commie-adjacent. For real, maybe I've just stumbled on the perfect mix, but I'm finding lemmy to be rife so far.

[-] graphite@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Mostly everyone who says taking someone else's property is okay if you feel they deserve it

I don't think that's ok. Humans need their space, man.

If you don't see a huge commie bent here, then I would assume it's because you are a commie or are commie-adjacent

I see a moderate and a left bent here. Both of those I vibe with, but the left isn't synonymous with communism or even marxism.

And there's also idealism, of course - there's plenty of that everywhere on the Internet.

My view of the left is that they want an infra that's more aligned with the EU or Scandanavia.

That's definitely not communism. NK is communist, and there are very few people who want NK.

[-] GiddyGap@lemm.ee 1 points 10 months ago

Del Spooner would like a word with you.

[-] Anticorp@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 months ago

yet work more than any other time in history

1903 would like a word.

[-] funchords@lemmy.sdf.org -4 points 10 months ago

yet work more than any other time in history.

My impression is that we're the most leisurely, per capita, than we've ever been. The average workweek now is 34 hours, down from 60-70 in the 1850s.

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

I would disagree about your average because it's brought down by people working multiple jobs that won't generally staff them past those 30ish hours or what ever the magic number is to be just under the required time to be eligible for a benefits package. It's a widely known problem in the work force.


[-] funchords@lemmy.sdf.org 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I would disagree about your average because it’s brought down by people working multiple jobs

No, as these are the numbers reported by worker's themselves (Robert Whaples's research) and not by their disparate employers. But looking at it as you suggested, it comes out to 34.3 hours.

Here are two more views on it:

https://ourworldindata.org/working-more-than-ever (world trends)

https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/january-2007/working-hard-or-hardly-working-the-evolution-of-leisure-in-the-united-states [dated]

[-] Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

Lol? What you just said doesn't disprove what I said. If people work multiple jobs their hours will be lower. Nothing in your studies you presented said people only work 1 job. Just that the hours at any given job are only 30ish hours. Still doesn't talk about people working more than 1 job.

this post was submitted on 18 Aug 2023
584 points (97.6% liked)


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