
joined 11 months ago
[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago

Man, people are really jumping on that one.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

People say that like the replacement parts are just a mystical thing that spawns out of thin air once they need them.
Most parts that break are injection molded plastic. Injection molding is what differentiates manufacturing and home made garbage. Something home made will never look and function as good as something injection molded by a manufacturer. And the reason for that is cost. To say injection molding is expensive is an understatement. The machines, the tools, the expertise and the material is something that a private individual could never afford and has barely any profit margin for manufacturers. On top of that there's storage and distribution.
So if a manufacturer has to produce extra pieces of each part that might break, store and keep track of them for 10+ years for models that are no longer produced, then the customer better be ready to cover those costs with their initial purchase or have the replacement part be ridiculously priced.
We accuse companies to want their cake and eat it too, but the we do the same thing. We want products to be cheap but also reliable or look good but be repairable. We can't have all.\

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago (3 children)

This is only partially true. Yes we do engineer things to fail at a certain point, but that's only because back in the day we naively assumed that we could engineer things not to fail at all.
Yes a stator of an electric engine will probably not fail for 100 years, but the seals will - yes the statically stressed metal part will hold until it crumbles to rust, but the dynamically stressed plastic part won't - yes the silicon in an IC-Chip is protected from corrosion, but the connector pins aren't.
The point I'm trying to make is that there's always a part that will fail before another, there's no way to economicaly engineer around that, today we simply have the data to statistically define a failure point.
A fridge usually has a 10 year warranty. This isn't even the end of life point. After 10 years it's most likely that 80-90% of devices will still work. This means that if your device survived 10 years it will most likely work for another 5-10 years.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 24 points 2 weeks ago

Damn girl, do those arms go all the way down?

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world -1 points 2 weeks ago

It's really hard to find any sympathy for people whose entire business model is to leach money from young impressionable men. It's almost like their asking "Please stop extorting us, so we can continue extorting our own clientele in peace." And don't tell me that all those men are giving up their money voluntarily. It's like saying the gambling addicts put their money in the slot machine volutarily, therefore it's not a problem. No self-respecting individual in their right mind would or should enter his card information and buy naughty pictures of some rando, while there's a backlog of billions of them online for free. Rub one out and get in with your day.
They can themselves "sex workers" while there is literally zero sex in their work. Imagine thinking that posting pictures of "yourself wearing short skirts" ads any value to society. Actual sex workers at least provide physical and social comfort, even if it's just an act, it's still a professional form of commitment.
Do those women ever stop and think why there is no one stepping in for them and preventing this scam from happening? Almost like what they do has zero value to people with the actual power to do so.
Maybe take a long hard look at yourself and see your accounts being suddely deleted as an opportunity to freshen up that resume of yours and get a real job with taxable income.

Also the fact that this is happening to the 0.0X% of highest earners, is ironic. Usually, it's the lower end that gets scammed the most.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Except on a Tinder dating profile.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

500kg bomb works wonders against them.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 12 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Houseplants. I feel like they are slowly disappearing. My grandma has plants in nearly every window, but us younger folk would rather have a Displate with a picture if a plant instead if an actual plant.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 36 points 2 weeks ago

Not posting this was free and you still decided to do it ...

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

You can also just unequip the gun before firing, but that breaks immersion. If I recall correctly, the XM16 and AK47 became essentially unusable because a soft press aims and hard press fires. But on the Vita the gun always instantly fires if you try to aim it.

[–] LouNeko@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I think DLCs are becoming a thing of the past in general. Usually the data for the DLC comes with the main game, you just buy a license to unlock it. I can't remember the last time I bought a DLC and hat to download something additionally or update my game. I'm not a fan of it, but this is where we are going. This just means that wherever you bought the main game from, you will also have to buy the DLCs, since companies will never accept to share licenses between each other. This is not a Steam issue, this is a developer issue.


For years I've been looking for a mod that does a simple thing - showing the resources needed for all placed construction blueprints, ideally in parenthesis on the vanilla resource list next to the corresponding resource.

I'm tired of selecting all the placed floor tiles and then multiplying it by the number of resources per tile by hand. Especially because you can only select a limited number of entities at once. You have to fiddle around with the camera to section of portions of your blueprints if they exceed this limitation. It would save a lot of hassle for larger builds if the number of resources in construction or production queue would be visible at a glance.

Additionally the aproximate amount of days your food will last should also visible on the resource list.


I can't help it.

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