477669h = 19902d = 54y


You know the ones. Old faithful, when you aren't feeling spicy and just want to spread managed democracy as hard as you can.


  • Incendiary breaker: great impact damage, burns. Kills everything below a charger easily. Perfect for sweeping across waves of chaff and letting them burn.

  • Grenade pistol: perfect for closing bug holes alone and from a distance.

  • Incendiary impact grenades: closes bug holes, area denial for chaff, good damage against bigger bugs.

  • Light armor with + grenades: speed is important for kiting, and can never have too many incendiary grenades against bugs.

  • Orbital gas strike: shuts down breaches, low CD, simple as. Used to stan orbital airburst but it doesn't last as long as the breach.

  • Orbital railcannon: sometimes you need a charger dead now. This will do the trick.

  • Shield pack: protects from incidental damage and slows from hunters and stalkers. Lets me gamble a bit more on letting bugs burn to death and conserving ammo.

  • EAT: slaps everything, low enough CD to stockpile or share. Combined with the orbital rail, you can handle a lot of heavies at once.

Criticisms of my own build: The shield is kind of a crutch, but it really comes in handy when running light armor, saving your ass from incidental stunlock deaths and getting wrecked by an unseen charger. Also saves from friendly fire, especially rovers and turrets. I recently switched from mining orbital airburst to gas for breaches, but I do think airburst is much easier to use for cleaning up massive waves. The incendiary breaker is one of the easiest weapons to team kill with due to the fire and insane spread it has. Running it alongside the grenade pistol basically means I am unable to support allies from a distance without being very likely to murder them. This is very much a "do everything yourself" build and not a team oriented one. I switch it up with friends in comms, but randos get this build.


  • Scorcher: Hits hard, pens medium, explodes. Takes out devastators and walkers alike.

  • Redeemer/verdict: Both delightful, depends how I'm feeling. Definitely necessary to run something with high damage output because the scorcher has a small magazine.

  • Impact grenade: Tricky to use on fabricators, but takes down walkers and group chaff like a charm.

  • Medium armor with explosion resistance: keeps mobiity while preventing you from getting wrecked by a stray rocket.

  • Eagle airstrike: Hands down favorite strategem on bots. Hits multiple fabricators, takes out tanks, heavy patrols, can do decent damage to a factory strider if hit right.

  • Autocannon: Should need no explanation but I will anyway. Kills fabricators from a distance, 2 shots devastators, cripples hulks, kills static guns/mortars, basically does everything. If there's already 2 acs in a group, I'll run the spear instead for more direct murdering of hulks and striders.

  • Eagle cluster bomb: Big wave clear.

The last slot is flexible. On lower difficulties I might run orbital gas because it can actually kill fabricators as long as the strategem is on top of or touching the building, and the gas will wipe out a small factory easily. Airburst might do the same but it just occurred to me that I have no idea if it destroys fabricators. On higher difficulties I might take orbital rail, especially if I'm running autocannon because sometimes those hulk face shots are hard to hit.

Criticism: I should probably run stun grenades over impact to deal with hulks, but the instant results of the impact are great. If I have to reload facing down devastators or walkers, impacts clean up quick. This build is more tuned towards larger enemies. The bug build has the advantage of the incendiary breaker being a glorious wave clear weapon, while the scorcher is single target and very low ammo. The eagle cluster sort of helps there, but I rely on secondary weapons fairly often.

Feel free to share your builds, suggestions, and criticisms. I will die on several of these hills.

True Chad OPS (sh.itjust.works)
Spear crashes hotfixed (sh.itjust.works)

Reportedly, in patch 01.000.403.

submitted 5 days ago by tiberius@lemmy.ca to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

I find the planet comforting. Not being able to see Liberty's enemies until I bump into them.

"Out of sight, out of mind."

submitted 6 days ago by ch00f@lemmy.world to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by The_Che_Banana@beehaw.org to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

Been awhile since I've played online with others...too much grief, getting (too) old, all the online games are FPS, everyone else studies the game like a college exam.

This is a bit different and it's been great. I usually hit quick play to end up in different scenarios with different squads, and this one was like that. We had one guy level 5000 super blood admiral citizen and one guy level -10 super earth resident who tells us he just got the game the night before, apologies (which we tut tut, none necessary- since we're all gonna die alot anyway) and we're going around and he's asking about this, and that....what does this do? sometimes it gives you super credits, rec slips, rare samples etc.

and then we come across the hellbomb.

"Hey man, see that thing?" SE Admiral

"buried in the ground?" New Guy

"Yeah, shoot that thing and it drops a stratagem rifle for you" SE Admiral

at this point I turn and run, and so does the other guy while the new guy blows the hell up and everyone is rolling, especially the new guy!

"Ah man, I've been trying to get someone to do that for a month!" he says.

And then last night I was killed by my squad 3 times vs. 2 by the bots. No grief...shit happens for managed democracy.

It's a different kind of game and one I hope we see more of.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Mycatiskai@lemmy.ca to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

I tried but there was no fourth world that was a connection to the fight for Super Earth.

submitted 1 week ago by Poringo@lemm.ee to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca
Tactical treason (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 week ago by Aeri@lemmy.world to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

Source: Found a team who was cool, game crashed, lost em forever :(

Recent Players menu referenced people from a session 21 hours ago

Happens all the time (sh.itjust.works)
I love the manic cackling (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Aeri@lemmy.world to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

DisclaimerThis is a joke, I did not actually cheat or glitch anything and it was made in photoshop. It was a funny thought exercise thinking of how the UI would ACTUALLY fuck up if you got one of these numbers absurdly high. I theorized it would either scale the numbers down, cut them off, or they'd just go over the labels on the left as the higher numbers expand to the left side. Also they added an outline to the text and I was unable to replicate that.

Forgot about those guys (sh.itjust.works)

Doesn't feel to good, to be honest. =/

Basically, it was an ICBM mission, we had 20 minutes left on the mission and everyone was at extraction (Which peeved me a bit, as we didn't do any POIs).

I see a radar station literally right next to extraction, and say in chat i'm going for it.

Well, in the middle of raising the radar station disc, extraction lands and they all immediately get in, remember, the radar station is RIGHT NEXT to extraction, and we still have 20 minutes left. I barely finish the radar station objective before the pelican takes off.

Suffice it to say, I went from a bit peeved, to pretty peeved and just kicked them all.

I'm starting to wonder if some people just don't have chat enabled or something.


Nice thoughtful video on the relative effectiveness of flames vs bugs in the new patch.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by MarauderIIC@dormi.zone to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

Some time ago I saw a gif from someone with what looked like a Japanese username. It was a gif of the spear doing 1-shot kills on bile titans and it had little lines showing how to line up the dot and the triangle relative to the launcher muzzle to hit the titan in the head.

I can't find it now. Does anyone know where to find it? Frankly I think it was buried in a reddit comment thread but I just lurk over there these days.

Edit: found it, it’s https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cu0ewh/comment/l4fggwq/ or https://imgur.com/a/ptvdcvf which is too large to post directly.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Midnitte@beehaw.org to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

Sucks that they use Shitter to communicate, but just waiting for this to be available - taking bets it's a reward for linking your (optional) PSN account!

submitted 2 weeks ago by sep@lemmy.world to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

Hd2 on linux do not detect a mic any more after the latest patch. Mic works in all other programs. And also in steam mic test. Anyone noticed something similar?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by MrNesser@lemmy.world to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca

Just been running a hard bug mission mostly to get the daily done any samples are a welcome plus.

All 4 slots full and we were pretty spread out across the map, we complete the mission and a few of us were just finishing up the radar tower and a bug nest.

Then player 4 bee lined to the extraction called it in and jumped on the pelican despite me asking him not to on comms.

There were 3 players spread across the map with no chance of getting back so I kicked the guy.

Was I in the right for this? Do you think he learned his lesson?

You saved the children! (sh.itjust.works)

Message from the Helldiver's Discord:

#You saved the children!

We have received a very special message for everyone from the children of Super Citizen Anne's:

*Dear Helldivers, Thank you so much for saving us. They told us you made a lot of sacrifices (mines/lives) to help us. We'll always be grateful. Now, we can grow up to become Helldivers too.

With Liberty, The Very Sick Children of Super Citizen Anne's*

KEEP BEING A HERO! http://donate.savethechildren.org



via: https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1801607654214713451?s=46&t=VGqOdxWDtLsShLYLikeioQ

Breaking: Helldivers face deadlier odds! Roaming bands of Shriekers AND Automaton gunship patrols have been observed.

But our valiant soldiers stand strong against these airborne adversaries to save our citizens.

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