[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 4 points 3 days ago

As someone who never used an immutable distro: what are the quirks when using it?

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 1 points 6 days ago


Pummeler, that one heavy pistol that isn't the senator, stun grenades, heavy Armor with extra grenades or peak physique, AMR, ballistic shield, stun mortar, OPS


Pummeler, grenade pistol, stun grenades, light or heavy Armor with extra nades, flamethrower, Gatling turret, OPS, eagle airstrike.

Against bots, pummeler and ballistic shield makes you basically invincible. Against bugs, I've found heavy Armor to drastically outperform light Armor. You don't need speed if nothing really damages you.

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 6 points 4 weeks ago

Tbh I kinda like flat design if done tastefully and within a confined scope, but that Alegria/Globo Homo bullshit from evil corporations and the weird full plastic boxes of nothing can rightly go to the dump.

I will hate the decade though for its prevalence of the bland beige and off-white interior design.

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 5 points 2 months ago

That is actually what brought me back to Linux, I used to run Ubuntu and then Mint around 2010 but had to switch to Windows for work (and stuck around because it works well enough) but the taskbar being stuck on the bottom bothered me enough to finally make the switch back.

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 19 points 2 months ago

What did you call me?

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 26 points 4 months ago

Afaik you have to respond if you're the closest vessel.

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 4 points 7 months ago


[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 30 points 8 months ago

Klingt nach ner Aktion des asozialen Netzwerks: Nachts in Unverpackt-Läden einbrechen und das Leinöl mit Gleitgel austauschen.

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 5 points 9 months ago

I love the false knees comics so much!

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 8 points 9 months ago

But ist that not part of it? Being put in situations where you don't have all the information, where you don't know the potential outcomes and where you can permanently fuck things up? For me at least, that was a big part of the pull in playing TRPGs and CRPGs. It is, after all, not a strategy game.

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 18 points 11 months ago

Ich bin der Meinung, dass die letzte Generation mehr Fürsprecher hätte, wenn sie mit ihren Aktionen zielgerichteter die Verursacher der Klimakrise medienwirksam ins Visier genommen hätte. Jene 90 Konzerne die für 60 Prozent der Klimagase verantwortlich sind gehören angeprangert und nicht der Autofahrer, der auf das Auto angewiesen ist.

Haben LG und XR ja gemacht, kam nur nicht in die Nachrichten, also haben sie angefangen, vermehrt Straßen zu blockieren, denn das stand dann immer überall.

[-] JareeZy@feddit.de 4 points 11 months ago

Wir finden unsre Schottaweje aba jeiel!

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