[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 4 points 5 days ago

Our PIGS brothers ❤️❤️❤️

[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 39 points 3 weeks ago

Me not having any chat because I don't have any friend


I am struggling to find which Lemmy API to call for such use case, I wanted to emulate this feature in a small project of mine.

Looking at the source code of Voyager it seems it just makes a GET comment/list (with the Subscribed feed type) and filters the results a posteriori based on the community ids, which does not seem to work if I reproduce locally and is not efficient if the user has a lot of subscriptions to many communities, so it must be done in some other way because Voyager does it instantly.

If anyone knows the answer, any help is appreciated.

submitted 4 months ago by DieguiTux8623@feddit.it to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

Violence used against peaceful students.

'Tis the season (feddit.it)

Source: IG

[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 56 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

As a software developer, I'd recommend them to switch to semver, having three digits to separate major, minor and patch numbers. This makes it easier for customers to identify if the new version has just minor fixes (an ingredient removed), breaking changes (eg the menu changes) or major changes (all the waiters were replaced) compared to the previous one.

Dev rule (feddit.it)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by DieguiTux8623@feddit.it to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml
[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 41 points 7 months ago

Misinformation has already spread in the continent. This will be downvoted but "too little, too late" is the only thing that comes to my mind reading that piece of news.

submitted 7 months ago by DieguiTux8623@feddit.it to c/europe@feddit.de
[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 42 points 7 months ago

Quality of service intensifies

You can't have bug reports if there's a bug in the submit report function!

submitted 7 months ago by DieguiTux8623@feddit.it to c/pics@lemmy.world

A classical postcard... been there today, thought of the beautiful images this community gifts me every day and wanted to contribute.

[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 47 points 7 months ago

Hungary should be very close to leaving it instead.

submitted 7 months ago by DieguiTux8623@feddit.it to c/europe@feddit.de

This includes carrying a second non declared firearm in addition to the standard one, even when off duty. Welcome to the wild West, Italians!

More detailed info here and here.

[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 63 points 7 months ago

You know, they are not being autocratic, it's for people's own good, to protect children and other "random bullshit go!" things.

Unless we act, we're doomed. This is the new "nobles and clergymen", only it's "riches and beurocrats".

[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 40 points 7 months ago

They are a little ahead of schedule if our goal is to revive last century's events exactly 100 years afterwards, the civil was was from '36 to '39.

Antidepressants or Tolkien (antidepressantsortolkien.vercel.app)
[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 44 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Ironically, her party still advocates for traditional family and strongly opposes any "deviation" from that model. The rules that apply to the élite are different from the rules for common people.

[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 39 points 8 months ago

Thank you! The original source of truth! 💎 As IT people, this is part of our culture and should be transmitted. 🤣


(which existed, luckily)

Fossil (feddit.it)
submitted 8 months ago by DieguiTux8623@feddit.it to c/memes@lemmy.ml

source: Beetlemoses

[-] DieguiTux8623@feddit.it 54 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The only chart where Italy clearly outperforms neighbouring countries! 🍕 A side note for any European who wants to feel superior: the Italian minister of infrastructures has declared recently, speaking about a deadly bus accident which had strongly shocked public opinion, that the vehicle being electric can not be ruled out as a cause for the event, implying that endothermic engines are still preferable (source).


Still maintaining one's first app, etc.

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