[-] Corgana@startrek.website 56 points 1 month ago

Reddit has been trying hard for years to move beyond being a discussion forum to another mindless scroling app.

The reason is because in the time people read one discussion thread they only see one ad, but scrolling memes, etc they will see many more. It makes the ads much more valuable.

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 52 points 2 months ago

This is such a baller line. Another good one is in "Up The Long Ladder" when Brenna asks Riker "What are you staring at? Have you never seen a woman before?" and Riker just casually says "I thought I had."

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Corgana@startrek.website to c/quarks@startrek.website

This is possibly the first interview I've ever seen where he looks a little less spry than we're used to, but my goodness the man doesn't quit.

unnoteworthy TOS scene (startrek.website)
“USS Callister” Sequel on it's way! (www.hollywoodreporter.com)
[-] Corgana@startrek.website 92 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

With startrek.website we'd hoped creating a Star Trek themed instance might encourage other ex-moderators to start topic-specific instances too, and it would kick off a flourishing of myriad communities run by devoted moderators, a Lemmyverse so diverse and inspiring that not even Reddit could further justify it's own existence in the presence of such an obviously superior system.

Instead it turned out "Star Trek and Linux" was enough to satisfy nearly everyone's tastes (both subtle and gross).

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 51 points 5 months ago

I always laughed when someone called us a "janitor" after we banned them. Like you understand in this analogy you are the trash being taken out, right?

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 67 points 5 months ago

The best cold intro is:

"Counselor Deanna Troi, personal log, stardate 44805.3. My mother is on board."

Empty corridor with Picard peeking around the corner

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 53 points 5 months ago

Cory Doctorow has a book, "Walkaway" that is basically exploring the politics of FOSS on a societal scale. It's pretty nerdy obv but I enjoyed it and it doesn't overly glamourize any political system the way you'd typically see in political fiction.

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 50 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I always have to laugh when I see an ostensibly pro-lemmy comment that says:

"Reddit mods are out of control"

Do these people understand that basically the whole idea behind a Federated system is that community owners have significantly more moderation power than they do on commercial platforms? If someone's main problem with Reddit was unchecked mod power, I have some bad news for them...

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 63 points 6 months ago

My gut says that this is probably not appeasement but a subtle rebellious act. They could have edited the article or geoblocked it just in India, but instead they removed it altogether, adding to the story and ultimatley bringing even more attention to it.

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 61 points 6 months ago

I was pleased to see Lemmy get a shout out in the Verge's recent "Case for the Fediverse" article. I wonder if it attracted anyone new.

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 51 points 7 months ago

Vulcans understand calculated risk. It would be illogical to assume certainty was possible in any situation. What would be Illogical is for Samantha to assume that she didn't have a positive impact on Naomi, and that Naomi wouldn't be loved and cared for by the Voyager crew were she to die.

It would also be illogical to focus on what she cannot control (especially in an emergency situation) Tuvok is reminding her that she's done what she can.

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 57 points 8 months ago

Creators are victims here too. For most of them YouTube was a very different place when they were beginning their careers on the platform.

Not that it changes your point, I just feel it's important to keep in mind that the process of "Enshittification" sucks for everyone (well, except shareholders).

[-] Corgana@startrek.website 49 points 11 months ago

Loved having a Sunday morning cartoon 🖖

This episode was way better than it needed to be. I was genuinely moved seeing Una's reaction to the knowledge of her being the "poster girl", as well as the reaction of the Orion captain at the end.

Seeing Boimler and Mariner in this context really drives home how much Lower Decks is essentially "what if Trekkies could serve in Star Fleet" and it worked so well!

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