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[-] FrostyTrichs@lemmy.world 158 points 8 months ago

Clown company doing clown things.

[-] HardlightCereal@lemmy.world 57 points 8 months ago

To be fair, I'm not aware of any fediverse instances or other reddit alternatives that even have an appeals process. Reddit might be throwing away its best features, but it is a feature its competitors don't even have yet.

[-] Serinus@lemmy.ml 40 points 8 months ago

On the Fediverse, you can go to a different instance.

[-] HardlightCereal@lemmy.world 23 points 8 months ago

And get re-banned if you post on the first instance from the remote. You can still be kicked out of communities because of misunderstandings and power tripping admins.

[-] DogMuffins@discuss.tchncs.de 25 points 8 months ago

Every online community I've ever seen has it's fieflords.

At least with lemmy, if mods / admins regularly over-step, alternative communities can easily replace them.

[-] deweydecibel@lemmy.world 20 points 8 months ago

That was possible on Reddit too. Every single sub with overbearing mods could have been replaced at any time with an alternative. A bunch of alternatives tried to get off the ground, some succeeded more than others, but most never overcame the original, if they ever picked up at all.

It'll be the same way here. If the community doesn't leave the original home because they're "settled there", alternatives will not grow.

This entire migration from Reddit should make it it very, very plain how utterly impossible it is to get large groups of users to move. Reddit is all but whipping them with jumper cables right now and they're still using it.

You can't just expect communities to move because the admins suck. You have to actually attract them there.

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[-] db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 32 points 8 months ago

Lemmy.dbzer0.com has an appeals matrix channel 😁

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[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 13 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Honestly, I don’t think a message board has to have one. If a mod is powertripping, then why would you want to be a part of the community? If they’re not, then you’re probably not a good fit for the community and the mod doesn’t have to deal with trolls and angry back-and-forth’s.

That isn't to say what Reddit did isn’t wrong. They established that system and they have a culture of appeals. Suddenly removing that isn’t really fair from a “social contract” or whatever perspective.

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[-] Polar@lemmy.ca 140 points 8 months ago

I got banned for telling someone it's important to check for cancer, on a post about a sports person that died from rectal cancer, and I was banned permanently for "harassment".

I appealed and lost.

[-] Excrubulent@slrpnk.net 67 points 8 months ago

Yeah, bad actors have weaponised the harassment rule to get people banned. I was banned because a tankie sub - that I had previously thought was cool - banned me from out of nowhere with an automated message and no explanation. Putting 2 & 2 together it was clearly for an anti-tankie post I made on a different sub. Literally a kind of harassment in itself. When I said "What the fuck?" In my reply, I was banned reddit-wide.

Like they've gotta just be fishing for anything they can call harasment to get their ideological enemies kicked.

[-] Uranium3006@kbin.social 29 points 8 months ago

The distinction between mod subreddit bans and site wide bans is basically gone

[-] oroboros@sh.itjust.works 16 points 8 months ago

Yeah I got banned from greenandpleasent the same time Russia invaded Ukraine because it was taken over by a bunch of boot lickers and likely actual paid russian shills, probably some of the same crowd hosting hexbear et al. And got a site wide ban soon after...

[-] brb@sh.itjust.works 12 points 8 months ago
[-] grue@lemmy.world 17 points 8 months ago

Fans of this (and not the guy standing there):

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[-] Seasm0ke@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago

Its an epithet for authcoms (authoritarian communists) and MLs (Marxists-Leninists). Essentially referring to justifications of using tanks / violence to quash uprisings or dissent.

[-] fakeman_pretendname@feddit.uk 12 points 8 months ago

In a weird way, it's kind of "so left wing it curled round the back and ended up on the far right".

If you think of "left wing" as in "we support Pol Pot, Stalin, Putin etc" rather than "let's open a community-run vegan art cafe to promote understanding between diverse social groups".

Wikipaedia article here

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[-] Polar@lemmy.ca 12 points 8 months ago

Oh I got banned from the site. Reddit admins banned me lmao.

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[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 77 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Sorry, I don't know where or how I broke the rules, can you show and explain it to me?


But then how will I avoid breaking rules in the future?


[-] jcit878@lemmy.world 38 points 8 months ago

"Please familiarise yourself with reddits content policy.... which doesnt matter because your banned for life anyway"

[-] Mr_Blott@lemmy.world 24 points 8 months ago

your banned

See, I'd ban you just for that. Off you pop now 😂

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[-] Gabu@lemmy.world 70 points 8 months ago

Nothing new, actually. When I was banned years ago (suspiciously after calling out some astroturfing), they didn't give a reason either.

[-] batmangrundies@lemmy.world 60 points 8 months ago

I pointed out that the Australian subreddits were being very obviously astro-turfed. And then I made a post naming the Aus PR companies that were openly running bot campaigns on Reddit and who was using them.

That account got banned in record fucking time lol. And no reason was given either, it was a site-wide IP ban. Luckily one call to my ISP and that was sorted lol.

[-] PoliticalAgitator@lemm.ee 29 points 8 months ago

They welcome the evasion since they don't actually want their number of ad impressions going down. They were just letting you know that under no circumstances were you to show anyone what's behind the curtain.

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[-] Fades@lemmy.world 34 points 8 months ago

sounds about right. I got perma banned for "harassment" for essentially saying spez is a piece of shit lol

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[-] Nukken@lemmy.world 55 points 8 months ago

Yea this recently happened to me. A had an argument with a mod and he reported a non offensive comment I had on his subreddit as a ban evasion. I got suspended for ban evasion despite not having another account. After my suspension ended he reported the exact same comment again giving me a second suspension. After the 3rd time I got banned entirely. 10+ year account with no prior suspensions/bans just gone because of one mod. Between that and RIF being gone, I'm just done with reddit.

[-] Shadywack@lemmy.world 23 points 8 months ago

Also ran afoul with a mod. Merari01 specifically. I reported one of his comments, and he sent it up as abuse of the report button. Insta perma banned. My account was registered in 2010.

Reddit's been awful for a while though so the loss wasn't too bad.

[-] Clbull@lemmy.world 21 points 8 months ago

The only good thing that came out of the API protest was watching AwkwardTheTurtle and iBleeedOrange get stabbed in the back and purged from the site by Spez.

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[-] Empricorn@feddit.nl 54 points 8 months ago

It's almost like total control over content and no recourse is the goal! Garbage company, move on from it...

[-] Illuminostro@lemmy.world 52 points 8 months ago

The mods over there are hardcore power trippers. And when I say power trippers, I really mean capricious, vindictive, hypocritical, arbitrary cunts.

[-] drekly@lemmy.world 38 points 8 months ago

They are over here too! A mod on world news on lemmy.ml was saying that Ukraine probably bombed their own people yesterday. Then when evidence came out that it was Russia he deleted his comment and everyone's involvement with the conversation calling him out

[-] threelonmusketeers@sh.itjust.works 22 points 8 months ago

a mod on lemmy.ml

Well there's your problem.

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[-] blackn1ght@feddit.uk 16 points 8 months ago

That mods username doesn't start with a z does it?

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[-] LemmysMum@lemmy.world 37 points 8 months ago

Stop! You've broken the law!

Chances are you engaged in one of the following:

Arguing an objectively correct viewpoint with a moron.

Engaged in political sarcasm.

Made use of hyperbole, facetiousness, or facetious hyperbole.

Made a mod look stupid on their alt. account.

Hurt a fascists feelings.

Engaged in dark humour. (It's like food, not everybody gets it.)

Engaged in anti-reddit activism.

Or just cause.

If you're feeling vindictive you can still request your data under GDPR every 30 days even on banned accounts and they have to comply by law.

[-] Rawdogg@lemm.ee 13 points 8 months ago

Make sure you leave a bad review on the play/app store too, there's so many negative reviews 'absolute trash' appears as a review topic

[-] JokeDeity@lemm.ee 37 points 8 months ago

My guy, at this point you're only abusing yourself. Time to look at the writing on the wall, that site died months ago (or years ago in my opinion), you will only suffer using it.

[-] Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world 36 points 8 months ago

No one regrets getting banned from digg.

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[-] dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world 29 points 8 months ago

Isn't it trivial anyway, since you can still create unlimited anonymous accounts via old.reddit? I guess getting banned may actually matter for the subs that have a karma minimum to post, but...

...You could also just not use reddit.

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[-] kSPvhmTOlwvMd7Y7E@lemmy.world 28 points 8 months ago

Ban their domain name in yours "hosts" file

Stop giving them views and complain about it

[-] WhatsHerBucket@lemmy.world 24 points 8 months ago

Reddit? That’s still a thing?

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[-] foggy@lemmy.world 23 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Our automated bot will take a second look.

[-] satanmat@lemmy.world 20 points 8 months ago

This just so bad on so many levels.

Reddit, people, need to explain why; is it a insta ban ? If you’re not explaining the reason nor linking the post in question; you’re offering zero path back

One more reason to delete Reddit

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[-] deadbeef@lemmy.nz 16 points 8 months ago

I got banned from Reddit while I was on a work trip to the USA. Hadn't posted in over a year at the time. I'm absolutely mystified as to why.

They refer you to the content policy but they won't tell you which post might violate it. I asked a few times what it was that caused the ban, but they either just referred to the content policy or once they said "Repeated violations". I actually requested my user data so I could stick up my complete post history publicly and see if anyone else could figure it out. My username was / is sirdeadbeef on reddit.

I haven't put any work into displaying them nicely, this is the format you get them in if you request your data:


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[-] Nurse_Robot@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago

So stop using Reddit

[-] sturmblast@lemmy.world 15 points 8 months ago

Reddit is trash

[-] possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip 13 points 8 months ago

If I get banned for silly comments I'll find a new instance.

I've never been banned

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this post was submitted on 07 Oct 2023
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