[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 175 points 8 months ago

Blaming remote work, the avacado toast of 2023.

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 93 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Not even, though. Practically all the YouTube "creators" these days have [this part of the video is brought to you by scandanavian interwebz to keep out teh hax0rs] sponsored segments that are [Have you shaved your fuckin' nutsack lately bro? Check out this ball hair trimmer from clipyerjunk dot com] littered throughout [zzzzzzzzzip ... ^reecrootah ] their videos.

That being said, some of them at least put effort into finding and vetting content-relevant sponsors that can actually be helpful. I can kinda just barely tolerate those.

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 65 points 8 months ago

Agreed. This is well outside the scope of native browser functions. Firefox already has a rich extensions ecosystem. They can just include the extension with the browser by default for all I care, but as a native feature, this makes no sense.

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 77 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Sorry, I don't know where or how I broke the rules, can you show and explain it to me?


But then how will I avoid breaking rules in the future?


[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 84 points 8 months ago

Microsoft errors be all like

Contact your administrator

Motherfucker, I am the admin.

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 61 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Incorrect. Hollywood bigwig blowhards who routinely cheat on their accounting and taxes like it's breathing and treat the people who actually create the products like an underclass of garbage ... that's who cost the economy $5b.

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 158 points 10 months ago

If governments actually gave a fuck about antitrust anymore, it would be. 20-ish years ago, they dragged Microsoft to court over simply bundling IE with Windows. It didn't even constantly nag you to set as default; just the fact that it was bundled at all was enough to make it into the sights of regulators.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

It seems that space would be perfect for the community title. If the title's too long, it could be truncated with horizontal scrolling.

Edit: problem solved!

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 77 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

The number of automotive interfaces that we need to start strictly regulating because of trendy bullshit is getting fucking stupid.

A car door handle should be a mechanical device that's plainly obvious to anyone who's used a door handle, like, ever.

If phones are too dangerous to use while driving, then so is a fucking tablet glued to the dashboard.

I shouldn't need a camera to use reverse, just quit adding blind spots.

A steering wheel should be just that — a wheel.

Blinker control should be a stalk pointing to the driver's side door and self cancel.

And so on...

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 95 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Well, would you look at that, it's playing out exactly the same as every other technological advancement ever. Instead of using it to reduce employee workloads and maintain an equilibrium of output, it exploits them by brute-forcing increased productivity with no changes to compensation and the capitalists hoard even more of the profits for themselves.

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 260 points 11 months ago

I'm still trying to figure out how reddit expects to "become profitable" while simultaneously destroying everything that made it valuable.

[-] RagingNerdoholic@lemmy.ca 82 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Actually, I don't think this is a fitting meme.

This isn't a rent-seeking, wallet rape bullshit "subscription" (like BMW heated seats), it's a legitimate subscription service where they just order and ship a product automatically for you on a regular schedule (like Amazon) and give you a discount. Also, you're not forced to purchase a subscription, you can just buy retail cartridges if you prefer.

This actually makes a lot of sense for people who print regularly and frequently.

Edit: it has been pointed out to me that there is, in fact, some tomfuckery involved with this subscription model

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