[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 105 points 1 month ago

Say the damn name in the title gamerant

It’s persona 5

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 115 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

“Sure, 90% of the sub voted for this and the reasons for shutting down are clearly laid out, but y’all are doing this for literally no reason. Stop throwing a tantrum and give me my memes NOW.”

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 127 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Watching Brexit was one of the most bizarre world events I’ve seen in my life. Truly the slowest, clear-cut train crash in modern times. Literally everybody knew it was dumb, everybody knew what the result was going to be, and nothing really deviated from expectations.

Hell, when they were playing musical chairs with PMs over enacting the changes and kept blowing past all of the “absolute deadlines” I started to wonder if they were just going to pretend the vote never happened and just live their lives as usual. Frankly, they might’ve gotten away with it.

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 75 points 8 months ago

Get New York and California to pass it. Might be enough. California has sort of done it lol

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 81 points 8 months ago

Bro you literally don’t have to be there lmfao

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 79 points 8 months ago

This is a myth

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 205 points 8 months ago

“You’re already” makes sense as a sentence and I don’t like it lol

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 246 points 8 months ago

Mr Yoder said that one of his friends was in the middle of a visit with community elders to discuss a shunning for different reasons when the alert on his phone went off.

I know this is a terrible day for that person, but it is really hard not to find the humor in this little snippet of the story.

submitted 8 months ago by BolexForSoup@kbin.social to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Looking to dip my toes into Linux for the first time. I have a 2016 Intel MacBook Pro with pretty solid specs collecting dust right now that I think I’m going to use. Research so far has indicated to me that the two best options for me are likely Mint or Elementary OS. Does anyone have any insight? Also open to other OS’s. I would consider myself decently tech savvy but I am not a programmer or anything. Comfortable dipping into the terminal when the need arises and all that.

@linux #linux

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 107 points 8 months ago

Whether we like the Atlantic or not, I feel like at some point if we want quality journalism we need to fund it.

[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 87 points 9 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)
[-] BolexForSoup@kbin.social 76 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

If you’re a drunk idiot “jokingly” doing nazi salutes as an adult in Germany, you’re just being a nazi. At best nazi-adjacent.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by BolexForSoup@kbin.social to c/technology@beehaw.org

It says something about the current relationship of large corporate apps and users when Slack makes an update - of particular annoyance is that the search bar at the top basically eats the entire border now making it impossible to move the window around unless you make the window sufficiently large - and my immediate thought is “this must have been deliberate in order to make sure Slack takes up as much of my screen as possible.”

It’s hard for me to think of a legitimate reason for how massive that search bar is and why it is so damn close to all the edges at the top making the window virtually immovable unless you greatly expand it.

It’s just malicious design as usual.


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