[-] yumcake@lemmy.one -1 points 8 months ago

This is correct. Real estate prices don't mean anything to the vast majority of companies since most of them are not in the real estate business and likely even lease their office spaces. It could have a minor impact to the balance sheet if deemed impaired but it doesn't amount to something that matters in valuation which cares more about P&L, cash flow, and working capital.

Business leaders are human, they don't know what the fuck is going on, or how to "increase shareholder value". So for lack of better ideas they can just tell employees to go back to the office.

Basically, if you don't know how to stop a ship from sinking, you can at least change the curtains on the windows so you look busy on the way down.

They first, make the decision to go back to the office, second, they tell their team to go find reasons to rationalize the decision. There isn't a nuanced logic to arriving at the conclusion, they make these calls off-hand on gut feelings. The thinking comes in later from the direct reports trying to fill in the logical gaps, even if the decision wasn't a logical one to begin with.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.one 1 points 8 months ago

Damn, thanks for the tip, I gotta try this

[-] yumcake@lemmy.one 2 points 9 months ago

All of them intend to vote for Trump in November, regardless of legal court findings, if they have any chance to vote form him, through legal means or otherwise they will all do it.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.one 2 points 9 months ago

This comes off as very "Old man yells at clouds".

People will watch what they want to watch. It doesn't matter if you want them to watch something else. He's free to make non-superhero movies, and people will watch it if they prefer it. You can't dictate "taste" to people.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.one 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Came here to post this one. I saw that movie on the airplane without knowing anything about it, and immediately thought, "This movie was made by the guys who filmed the 'Turn Down for What' music video." I didn't even know their names, had to confirm my guess after landing.

Because the music video and their directorial style are that distinctive and memorable. It was not surprising at all that they got showered in awards, those guys are creative AF.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.one 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I buy all my games on Epic Games Launcher becomes it has less DRM than steam. If you have kids, they can't play 2 completely different games on two different computers.

It's like your kid not being able to play Mario kart on her switch because her brother is playing Halo on Xbox in another room. Steam doesn't support that. Epic games doesn't have a problem with you having 2 different games being played on 2 different computers, so I buy my games there whenever I have the choice because it's the more consumer-friendly platform.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.one -1 points 9 months ago

Seems like a good thing. Helps lead towards a more sympathetic and symbiotic relationship and a stepping stone to peaceful relations between the two countries. Anything that gets them further from a hostile invasion is a step in the right direction.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.one 1 points 10 months ago

In the current state people can take classes on say Zoom, formulate a question, and then type it into Google, which pulls up an LLM-generated search result from Baird.

Is there profit in generating an LLM application on a much narrower set of training data to sell it as a pay-service competitor to an ostensibly free alternative? It would need to pretty significantly more efficient or effective than the free alternative. I don't question the usefulness of the technology since it's already in-use, just the business case feasibility amidst the competitive environment.

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