[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

Ok now everyone put your magnetized needles in the Styrofoam and then make them float in the water to reveal where magnetic north is!

Ahh teacher... Magnetic north is dancing metal rock right now.

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

You mean butt plugs with cameras pointing onwards into it?

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

There is no other space filler. We need Biden to run! But we really need a candidate for next time.

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Mr, Trump, I'm prepared to offer a fair deal for your soon to be lagoon. The sum total of one hundred dollars and fifty cents. Deal?

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Space jam 3! And independent film featuring bugs πŸ› and a πŸ‡ bunny. The Matrix Housing Crisis.... A film featuring Keanu as the one. He doesn't collect enough retirement money so he's out there pushing a cart. We saw a preview of him in "the matrix". That bum in the subway... anyway good movie πŸ˜‚.

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

There seems to be a discussion regarding this topic here. I found several other such conversations too. It could work!


[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

Like I said, I'd vote for a rock at this point.



[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago

They're messing with my retirement plans!

No, I'm not selling the stuff! That's the problem. I better get on a shopping spree.

Let me know where all these sellers will take their wares next. I'm hoping it's a fediverse based shopping app.

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

Do the jingle!

"Inside your wallet, State farm is there!"

You know, to steal your money. Yeah, I'm wearing khakis.

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 48 points 2 days ago

No, that's fine. It's the πŸ‘ thumb! Look at it! It's freakishly small but not ridiculously small.

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 32 points 2 days ago

I didn't watch because fuck those two people. I will still vote Biden. But you all should know, my GE refrigerator is running!

[-] werefreeatlast@lemmy.world 7 points 2 days ago

"Apollo returns, a Boeing story"

"Huston, we have a problem.... "

....ok we figured it out, now guys you'll have to build a few things. First thing, you'll have to go into the garbage disposal and using plastic bags please collect small bundles of poop. Mix the poop with hydrochloric acid and make them into hexagonal shapes 6" tall by 2" thick. Now we'll need one of you to get the flu... Go find a vial left by the ruzzians. Don't worry, we got the antidote down here. Okay next collect all the snot and mix it up with 10% gelatin. Finally, you'll have to go outside and patch the heat shield using the gelatine as glue....


So as a summary of the procedure from what I saw...you go in the tube, they spin a big ass magnet around you, the molecular resonance is captured into an image... somehow they figure out some areas or volumes are more active than others, then they sonicate those volumes. As they sonicate your memories away, they show you images of drugs to see if you still want to use them. If you say no, they they keep Sonicating just in case. And that's it. Oh, no they guy probably doesn't make it past 60.


We had four lawyers, three privacy experts, and two campaigners look at Microsoft's new Service Agreement, and none of our experts could tell if Microsoft plans on using your personal data – including audio, video, chat, and attachments from 130 products, including Office, Skype, Teams, and Xbox – to train its AI models.

If nine experts in privacy can't understand what Microsoft does with your data, what chance does the average person have? That's why we're asking Microsoft to say if they're going to use our personal data to train its AI.


Also what is the LPRC? According to this video.


...they are the loss prevention ...I forgot tge rest... republican cabrones?

Basically they want you to go to Walmart for your deodorant and type your phone number to get an unlocking code! Win win right?

They sell you the product and get you to give them your phone number and get you to confirm that it is yours!

They also have another thing where you have to let them take a picture of your face. I'm assuming it's for you to get your white bread securely? What do you think πŸ€”?


While shopping on Amazon for my usual old spice bearglove smelling system, I've gotten burned with what I'm getting. I want the blue stuff and I keep getting this white stuff. I don't care if they took the aluminum off, I'm not willing to try that again. Last time I tried it my armpits got extremely irritated. I'm not a sissyfus type of person, but hey if someone was poking you in the armpits that would hurt.

So here I am thinking...hmm deodorant is the blue stuff! Antiperspirant is the white stuff. But no. Now there seems no difference. So does anyone have a good aroma deodorant that not white irritation based for me to try from Amazon?


It's hilarious that I've been out of UCSD for 20 years and they keep insisting that somehow I'm part of that. Samsung sells me a TV and 20 years later is all... hey wouldn't it be cool if you give us more money for the same product? It would make the products cheaper for other people and we would actually pay our workers too! We a thrilled! And welcome πŸ€—!


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Hello, I recently got into Photoprism and it's now my one and only app that I care to spend time feeding. Except Google says I'm running out of space please buy more and I want to do badly but nah. So I found mailu to be a pretty simple docker. Photoprism was working so well initially as dynamic DNS and then I moved to Cloudflare and the world opened up for more. Cloudflare wanted money for portzilla so I found NGINX and that reverse proxy manager is awesome. However I could not figure out how to set it up to get mailu working. I found hints that Traefik could fix that with simple yml files per each service. Could someone please share some info on this? I so far have gotten Traefik to come up but then followed a YouTube video to add TLS and I'm not able to login internally or externally. I think the cloudflare connection is working because I get the same 404 error page as I do locally with as an example I get the same page as "my page.com". The video said to expect that but did not elaborate as to how they fix it or how they bring NGINX under the traefik umbrella.


He has the config files here:


I used his version 3 per the video, but now I can't get to the dashboard.

Anyway after I do figure out this dashboard, the next hurdle would be to figure out how to setup mailu so I can send emails to me@mail.mypage.com

I'm behind an ONT, which can forward ports and then a Unifi Controller with USG which can also forward ports. Currently I'm forwarding 80 and 443 on both right to the computer holding docker.

view more: next β€Ί


joined 6 months ago