[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 10 points 3 months ago

I got my first job at a pizza place at the age of 15. On my first day, the owner really stressed to me that the law says i had to have breaks, but that they were from laws written for factory workers who couldn’t leave their post to go to the bathroom any time, so it’s okay if they don’t follow exact timelines for my breaks because i could use the bathroom outside of the break time.

Fuck that guy.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 7 points 4 months ago

"we're children! we're children! we're children!"

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 11 points 4 months ago

Sometime last year I felt some lumps in my scrotum. worried it could be a sign of balls cancer, I went and had them checked. I have probably better health insurance than most people i know. Cost about the same. Outrageous. but hey, turns out i don't have balls cancer so i guess it could be worse.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

i was wondering about this! very dumb.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 9 points 8 months ago

How were you an essential worker but worked in an office?

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago

Couple folks saying they don’t get it or it’s not funny, and that’s fine!

What I enjoyed about it is that it’s not the sorta funny that we often see in these comics, where they say something relatable but in an unexpected way. This is more the kind of funny where it’s just kinda silly for the sake of it.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago

That’s actually how the pocket works. It uses separate fpga’s for the cores and display modes.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago

I’m definitely interested in hearing more about it. No openFPGA is a shame. Since it’ll have a bigger fpga than they’d been using, it’d be nice to see what else you could do with it as a platform like the pocket.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 10 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Oh my god, prostitution? What will we do in a world where two consenting adults trade services for money? Thank god we have paid murderers on hand to ensure that can’t happen!

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 8 points 9 months ago


[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 11 points 10 months ago

Hard to tell if you meant it this way, but that’s a fault of the system and not of the creators and listeners using it.

If playing audio on a subscription service pays royalties, then creators who make that audio and listeners who pay for it should both be able to do so. It’s ridiculous to say that music is more valuable and deserves more of the money if people enjoy the “easy to make” white noise audio.

How easy something to make does not equate to its value. And many people would consider music easy to make also. It’s just silly for music labels to demand that their audio time be considered more valuable if people would rather listen to white noise.

That said, you’re right that there are more efficient and economical ways to provide that service. This is still a systems problem though. People view Spotify as a place to get audio, if streaming certain audio is wasteful, then Spotify should allow/require the app to cache that audio locally once the requisite length of audio has already been streamed. They can do this but for some reason aren’t.

This is actually a perfect example of “the customer is always right”. You can’t be mad that people want a certain product, instead you should start producing the product people want.

The most complicated factor here is Spotify’s algorithm producing certain outcomes. If people weren’t being suggested certain types of content, maybe they wouldn’t want it and would choose music instead of white noise. But again, that’s still not really any of the music label’s right to demand one way or another.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 10 points 10 months ago

OP’s take makes me wonder: am I a badass for walking around completely unarmed and also not afraid?

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