[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 22 points 2 weeks ago

i read the article and it didn't seem to state. how will they target me? using the personal info I'm required to give them to book my flight? the origin and destinations and seat location? these are entirely different kinds of metrics. one is far more invasive. and is it tying into larger models they've purchased from like google or something? this is stupid and i hate it.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

Holy shit. They give god 10% of their income. This server is “asking” for 18% of the price of their bill. They’re not even remotely the same thing.

I’m generally against tipping, but still do it. I’m way against illogical comparisons like this though.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 45 points 3 months ago

lot of comments in here talking about how they're just doing their kills some other way: cops, mass shootings, not getting caught (this one is the most braindead). But everyone is ignoring how we've largely eliminated regular lead exposure that used to be the norm. that shit makes you go fucking insane.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 14 points 7 months ago

Nah fuck that. Sites need to adopt this passkeys instead. It’s an impossible task for people to have unique credentials for every site, even if they are “memorable”. This is a design issue not a personal responsibility one. When designing for large volumes of people, you have to assume that the majority will do something easy and stupid over difficult and smart.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 32 points 7 months ago

All I’m getting from this is that arch is easier than I expected and will give me a much better end result than the distros I’m used to.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago

Couple folks saying they don’t get it or it’s not funny, and that’s fine!

What I enjoyed about it is that it’s not the sorta funny that we often see in these comics, where they say something relatable but in an unexpected way. This is more the kind of funny where it’s just kinda silly for the sake of it.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 18 points 8 months ago

Lots of people in here talking about how sex scenes suck, and they’re right. But I think we should also consider this: decades of focus on abstinence education and evolving parental and institutional surveillance has been successful at making young people have less sex. And now the olds, having achieved their mission, are confused about why the kids are having less sex and making less babies and the media they are creating and consuming is reflecting that.


I made this video review of a new aftermarket VMU for the Dreamcast. Infinite virtual VMUs!

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 14 points 8 months ago

Fuck any game that does


I currently run windows 10 on my main desktop PC, and also have a steam deck that I sometimes use in desktop mode instead of my desktop. With the way Windows is going, and the way Linux Gaming is dramatically improving, I might consider ditching Windows, at least for the most part, on my next PC build. What would be the best distro to use for gaming, with casual use as well? Any suggestions?

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 22 points 9 months ago

Had the shower-thought today: there are not enough reports of CEO suicides. Like, I assume the thing they’ll tell you about their job is that it’s hard to handle the stress of holding so many people’s livelihoods in your hands. But I don’t ever see CEOs getting fired for too many layoffs, and when they do get fired it kinda doesn’t matter because they’re so rich it doesn’t matter much. If it were true that it’s a difficult thing to handle, in any way that at all relates to the working class struggle, you think it’d have a high suicide rate. But it doesn’t…

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 50 points 9 months ago

Looks like you’re right! Blizzard definitely isn’t okay with it. But I would expect them to get a sweetheart deal behind the scenes

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 17 points 9 months ago

I get your point, but disagree with your thesis. Fahrenheit makes a lot of sense for human comfort ranges. 0 and 100 are some of the most extreme natural temperatures most people in F-using countries ever see. 0 means cold as fuck and 100 means hot as fuck. And there’s a single-digit useful precision to it as well. 72 and 73 are close, but noticeably different. Celsius requires decimals for that kind of difference. And 0 means “it’s kinda cold outside, I guess” and 100 means “you were dead a long time ago”, so it’s not nearly as useful in every day life with natural living temperatures.

[-] wavebeam@lemmy.world 14 points 10 months ago

Some more for ya: The fine started as a 50k fine, but then doubled every day it wasn’t paid. So it only took them a few days to actually pay it to stop the fines.

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