[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Maybe not super slow paced like Squad but super slow paced compared to today's COD.


Back when you'd hold positions and provide cover fire while someone would slowly push up or flank etc. It was a much different game before MW released.

I used to play this at gaming cafes in the early/mid 2000s with my buddies before we all had proper gaming computers alongside Battlefield 1942. Definitely not confusing it for Operation Flashpoint haha.

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 12 points 2 days ago

When this game came out I hated it because I loved the original Call of Duty games that were super slow paced and more realistic. But eventually it became my main game playing till 4am on Xbox with friends. I miss the simplicity of COD MW.

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 2 points 2 days ago

Fire hazard being messing something up by tinkering with the PSU. It's not worth it over something that can be replaced for so little money. And I think it's just more about swap out the most likely failing component (the PSU) and see if the problem goes away. If it doesn't then you know it wasn't the PSU.

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 4 points 2 days ago

Just get a PSU from the store and test it on your. It'll tell you very quickly without risking a potential fire hazard.

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 12 points 3 days ago

And I always anticipate an "unexpected" crash that almost never happens. Even in shows where it would never happen.

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 13 points 3 days ago

ChatGPT has been spot on for my DDLs. I was working on a personal project and was feeling really lazy about setting up a postgres schema. I said I wanted a postgres DDL and just described the application in detail and it responded with pretty much what I would have done (maybe better) with perfect relationships between tables and solid naming conventions with very little work for me to do on it. I love it for more boilerplate stuff or sorta like you said just getting me going. Super complicated code usually doesn't work perfectly but I always use it for my DDLs now and similar now.

The real problem is when people don't realize something is wrong and then get frustrated by the bugs. Though I guess that's a great learning opportunity on its own.

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 6 points 5 days ago

It's like when people that cheat on others in their relationships start accusing their partners of cheating or have major trust issues because of their guilt (or whatever it is). And by that same logic I conclude that Nickmercs is a pedo (if he can do it with the LGBTQ community without evidence then he wouldn't mind me making similarly wild claims about him, right?).

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 41 points 2 weeks ago

Finally. My low sensitivity for gaming is about to pay off.

"Did you see that email?"

"My cursor is on its way to check"

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 67 points 3 weeks ago

Perfectly reasonable to ban someone from completely unrelated communities like mechanical keyboard and arch Linux? Come on. It's not like they're throwing out toxic terms or criticizing on a personal level. They're questioning the way things are being modded. Those aren't even attacks.

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 18 points 3 weeks ago

My best guess is karma farming so they can sell them off. Probably create hundreds of accounts they can sell off. If some brand buys an account that looks reputable for $20-$100 to use it for astroturfing then that's a pretty good deal for both sides. Shitty deal for everyone else.

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 34 points 3 weeks ago

Those were getting so out of hand.

u/OP: "What's a good mouse for a mix of productivity and gaming"

u/DefinitelyNotABot: "A good mouse for a mix of productivity and gaming is something you should be looking for if you need a mouse that is good for work and play. A good mouse for productivity and gaming will have a good balance of performance and features. Fortunately, finding a good mouse for a mix of productivity and gaming is not difficult due there being plenty of mouse options available to you[.....]"


I notice when I open the app if I don't go to "all" communities then I just see the same posts for about 3-4 days (mostly). I go to the communities I subscribe to and see there are plenty of posts there that are much more recent with upvotes and activity that would have appeared at the top of my home feed in BoostForReddit.

I'm still getting the hang of Lemmy so I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong or just the nature of the beast right now because it's a different algorithm than what's on Reddit.

My issue, for example, I follow a lot of tech/software development related communities and if I go to "subscribed" all I see for the first probably 10 posts is linux@lemmy.ml despite following many many other communities in my local instance and even other instances. I definitely like seeing linux@lemmy.ml in my feed but would like to see more from other communities too but I am not sure if that's something I can really control.

Also, sort of an adjacent question, what exactly is "local" supposed to be in Boost? From my understanding it should be only posts from communities in your local instance, correct? For me, local shows posts from many instances from my local ie programming.dev (the only one I have an account with) as well as lemmy.world, lemmy.ml etc etc.

I would love some feedback here as I work to make Lemmy my new Reddit. After Reddit officially killed BoostForReddit and other 3rd party apps again the other day I decided I was tired of finding workarounds to keep it alive and wanted to officially ditch reddit (with the exception of using Google to search reddit due to the huge archive of information there).

Thanks for any help!

[-] uhN0id@programming.dev 15 points 3 weeks ago

Ultimately privacy is part of security so, if anything, everything you mentioned is just more reinforcements that this is a major security concern.

As someone that has been obsessed with tech since being a kid in the 90s I think the tech side of this is super cool and very exciting stuff. As a user, though, I only like this if I'm the one implementing and using it. I do not trust a mega corporation (or really any company) to "leave it locally on my computer and totally not use that data for other purposes". Right now it's supposed to be (as far as I last heard) only on your machine but we've seen EULAs and TOS' etc change many times over the years but especially over more recent years as data continues to be king and data like this is a literal bottomless diamond mine.

I know this isn't your point but it's just worries I have in addition to your points. And let's not even start about what this means for law enforcement abuse. No thanks, I'll wait for a FOSS equivalent that at least gives me and the community the opportunity to evaluate how it works.

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