Sure; maybe it's also a mental health problem, but it's definitely 100% a gun problem.

The YouTube music app has one today.

[-] 83 points 3 weeks ago

How so? A Samsung or pixel with default settings would also behave that way, possibly even more securely because it wouldn't show the thieves your number.

[-] 283 points 1 month ago

Maybe it's time we invent JPUs (json processing units) to equalize the playing field.

[-] 102 points 1 month ago

This isn't a "we'll sue you" clause, it's a "we'll never do business with you again" clause

[-] 78 points 3 months ago

To be entirely fair, most bears are usually of the flesh-eating kind.

[-] 79 points 6 months ago

The fucking irony in being forced to remove that quote holy shit

[-] 71 points 6 months ago

What a shitty article. The entire point is "well, they're not wrong that Google is evil and clearly wants to kill adblockers, but they're MAYBE factually incorrect on some aspects", reported by the extension developers themselves (who may or may not be more knowledgeable about this than the author).

Yes, it might be the case that extensions manage to work through the limitations and still limp along. In fact, this is probably what's going to happen. The point still stands that MV3 will severely gimp adblockers and Google knows what it's doing, the factual aspects of which (that the author doesn't actually know about, by the way) are largely irrelevant.

[-] 102 points 7 months ago

The saying "the most stable ABI on Linux is win32" says that's also true for Linux software unfortunately

[-] 71 points 8 months ago

It can't be that bad if future me doesn't come back in time to stop me

[-] 107 points 8 months ago

Anyoneserioius about privacy should not be using a chromium browser, and should definitely not be using brave.

[-] 70 points 10 months ago

The most impressive is a windows machine with 13 days of uptime

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