[-] snaggen@programming.dev 29 points 2 days ago

No, it is not based on Gnome. It is a full DE environment written in rust.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 38 points 1 month ago

You are confusing Google and Internet.... they are very different things.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 45 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I actually asked chatGPT about a specific issue I had and solved a while back. It was one of these issues where it looked like a simple naive solution would be sufficient, but due to different conditions that fails, you have to go with a more complex solution. So, I asked about this to see what it would answer. And it went with the simpler solution, but with some adjustments. The code also didn't compile. But it looked interesting enough, for me to question my self. Maybe it was just me that failed the simpler solution, so I actually tried to fix the compile errors to see if I could get it working. But the more I tried to fix its code the more obvious it got that it didn't have a clue about what it was doing. However, due to the confidence and ability to make things look plausible, it sent me on a wild goose chase. And this is why I am not using LLM for programming. They are basically overconfident junior devs, that likes mansplaining.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 83 points 3 months ago

I suggest an alternative title to this post: AWS employee is mad since Redis change license to prevent them from leaching

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 140 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Didn't they switch to a license with stronger mechanisms to keep the source available? SSPL, is basically AGPL but have even stronger protection from large corperations to use the code in their data centers without contributing the changes back. This is basically a move to prevent AWS/Google/Microsoft/et al, from leaching on the contributors work without giving anything back.

Or am I reading this wrong?

EDIT: Note, that the Mastodon account is to an AWS employee.... so for him, this might be bad, since it no longer allows them to have their own internal fork without contributing back. Now, they will need to use a real for and maintain that them selves without leaching on the redis contributors.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 41 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

If you think this is bad, then you should make sure to use copyleft licenses.

EDIT: Just read the details, and it seems that this is just what they did. SSPL is like AGPL with a stronger SAAS is distribution claus. That might not be valid, according to the OpenSource definition, but unless you are planning to modify the code and provide it as SAAS I think this is no a problem.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 39 points 3 months ago

For Linux it is a huge difference. AMD and Intel have great open source drivers, while Nvidia have binary drivers with a lot of issues.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 46 points 3 months ago

I'm free to choose any laptop I want for work. This means, that for me, the GPU and other processors are free. It turns out that I still avoid Nvidia like the plague. I don't care if it is free, if the drivers are horrible.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 74 points 3 months ago

The hostility towards custom ROM in general, is what forced me to root. Initially I used LineageOs without root. However, that got me in to issues with various apps, due to not passing safety net. So now I use magisk to hide that I use a custom ROM. So, they basically forced me to root.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by snaggen@programming.dev to c/programmer_humor@programming.dev

fjärrinlägg från: https://programming.dev/post/10803496

TIL: Sweden had February 30 in 1712 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1712_in_Sweden , so I decided to see how chrono handled that.

use chrono::TimeZone;
use chrono_tz::Europe::Stockholm;

fn main() {
    let feb30 =  Stockholm.ymd(1712,2,30);
    println!("Date: {:?}", feb30);
thread 'main' panicked at /home/snaggen/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/chrono-0.4.34/src/offset/mod.rs:252:40:
No such local time
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Result (as expected): Not well! 😄

I also tested Java with

ZonedDateTime feb30 = ZonedDateTime.of(1712,2,30, 0,0,0,0, ZoneId.of("Europe/Stockholm"));

with simmilar result

java.time.DateTimeException: Invalid date 'FEBRUARY 30'

So, lets take a minute of silence for all the programmers of history related software, may the spagetti monster have mercy on their souls.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 37 points 5 months ago

They explain a bit more about what that means here: https://kagifeedback.org/d/2808-reconsider-your-partnership-with-brave/75

TL;DR They use multiple sources for search results besides their own indexer, the most obvious one is Google. To lessen dependence on one single search provider they have been adding other sources, one of them is now Brave. That is the whole thing.

On Dec 26, Kagi started including search results from Brave search index, after we previously added Mojeek and Yandex earlier in the year. Brave has a public search api and we currently implemented it for about 10% of queries as a first test (same as any other API we use, there is no mutual development or anything of the sorts). This was announced in our Dec 28 public changelog. Approximately a week later on Jan 5 after several posts on social media about ‘Brave partnership’ the situation escalated.]

So, if you do not like to use Google in the first place, I don't really understand why lessening the dependence on google would be a bad thing?

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 39 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I found that a homicidal lane assist, have a really good effect on my alertness. Before lane assist I could relax and almost doze of, but with lane assist I don't dare to relax for a second since I know it will try to murder me the first chance it gets. So, I guess that is why people say lane assist prevents accidents.

[-] snaggen@programming.dev 73 points 6 months ago

What?!? Pictures Under Glass turns out not to be the most desired solution for controling your car? Who could have guessed? /s

submitted 6 months ago by snaggen@programming.dev to c/science@beehaw.org

A groundbreaking study by Mass Eye and Ear associates tinnitus with undetected auditory nerve damage, challenging previous beliefs and opening new paths for treatment through auditory nerve regeneration.

submitted 8 months ago by snaggen@programming.dev to c/worldnews@lemmy.ml

Just want to do a shout out to @ljdawson@lemmy.world about the breaking changes in the upcoming Lemmy 19, since I haven't seen any mention about it here.


When Sync for Reddit show a popup promoting Sync for Lemmy, it should also point to this kind of service, to ease the migration. It would also be nice, if sync for Lemmy also had a shortcut.

Besides that a link to a more general community directory like https://lemmyverse.net/ would be nice to have.


Yes, who haven't had a glass of red wine, relaxing music and some inline assembly....

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