
joined 1 year ago
[–] 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

I think the real problem is that they think they're aware, but are ignorant or unwilling to learn about the actual issues.

For example, with climate change it's a lot easier to think and want it to be not real. They know what it is, but it's a lot easier to believe it's not real. It's a lot more effort and leaving your comfort zone to learn about it and realize how fucked it is.

Most people build themselves into bubbles, where changing their views would force them to readjust their world views and for most, they dont want to

[–] 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Oh longer than that. Look at what party leads in wanting to defund education but fund private paid education. The same party who is voted in by the uneducated, who famously are lacking in critical thinking and reasoning skills.

It's in their best interest to keep a low educated population who happily go to work and believe what they're told.

[–] 15 points 4 days ago (1 children)

There were some automod things built by 3rd larties, and they help, but it's still a worry. There's also image proxying now, so at least I'm not directly hosting it, but I'm not 100% that the feds will see it that way immediately

How did you know exactly how my last 4 beach days went?

[–] 74 points 4 days ago (4 children)

While I run my own Lemmy instance, I can say with 100% certainty - do not host a Lemmy instance on your own hardware.

It's tempting, and I did, but don't. The reason? CSAM. Your hosting stuff for other people, and if someone uploads something horrible to another instance, that is federated with you. That means now you are hosting that content.

The feds then have full rights to kick down your door and seize your hardware. On the cloud however, they'll seize your VM , but your home stuff is okay.

Hosting Lemmy is great - but it's something you really have to think about. Hosting your content is awesome, fun, and rewarding. I've learned hosting other people's content is.... Not as fun.

Very true. Cars are a secondary venture, the stock is the true product.

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

exactly, I'm trying to think of all the crazy things I've encountered while driving, and the many many things that I've seen online. Remember the meteor in Russia about 10 years ago? How would a self driving car react to all of it's sensors being so bright it can't see anything? I've had children run into the street, things fly off of cars ahead of me, people driving in 2 lanes, just yesterday I was almost smashed by a gasoline tanker who didn't see me.

There's so many one-off variables that you just can't make a model for, there's not enough data in the world for every case that it may come across.

[–] 40 points 5 days ago (8 children)

so much money pumped into a pipe dream, when tech just isn't there yet. It doesn't matter how many AI models and image recognition systems you use, sometimes you just can't plan for every case. Driving is an incredibly complex task, that to us humans makes sense and we can easily adjust to. Snow covering the lanes? Slow down, take it extremely cautiously, and find out where the road is.

But we know what it really is all about - selling more cars. Even if the tech isn't there the illusion that it's just a few years away keeps people buying it. Modern AI is only fueling that techbro BS that it's almost here.

When really, trains. Trains are relatively (to cars) easy to automate and make run safely, can move way more people. I'm still extremely salty that Musk tried to derail California HSR with his stupid Boring company just to sell more Teslas.

[–] 16 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

I hate it, there's huge monopolization of game engines right now. Red engine honestly wasn't bad. It was buggy at first, but they worked a good chunk out. I hear developer experience wasn't great but it could be ironed out over time.

I'm worried about so many using unreal, there should be much more competition in the space

so it begins (with game pass).

We all knew it was coming. Profits were to be had.

I'd say you're correct except now it's more "used to offer". In Europe it's usually included and it's a good spread, in the US it was a decent spread, then cereal and processed muffins, and now it's.... A Starbucks Togo you have to pay for

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

you'd be shocked at how many people don't grasp this


Please, before posting, we've seen a lot of these post saying X instance is down right now, or "is X instance down?". The answer is probably, but it's probably because Lemmy v0.19 dropped and it includes some downtime, upwards of an hour for all the migrations to finish.

Please, hold off on asking/posting for an hour or so. Your sysadmins are waiting for it to come back online.

Proper HDD clear process? (
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

Usually my process is very... hammer and drill related - but I have a family member who is interested in taking my latest batch of hard drives after I upgraded.

What are the best (linux) tools for the process? I'd like to run some tests to make sure they're good first and also do a full zero out of any data. (Used to be a raid if that matters)

Edit: Thanks all, process is officially started, will probably run for quite a while. Appreciate the advice!


My friend sent me this, the current state of Reddit. (I left during the app issue and haven't looked back)


You thought the "We don't know when GTA 6 will come out, we can only guess" articles were bad? Here come the 1000s of "articles" saying "EvErY DeTAiL BroKEn DoWN".

Don't click them kids, they have nothing new, you didn't miss anything in the trailer, they don't know anything more than you do.


Hey folks, I'm at my wits end. I've been screwing with proxmox for years now, but I'm at a tipping point. I've just used consumer SSDs in it to run my VMs off of - but I just realized after a dozen or so crashes over the last week that I think the SSDs are the culprit. (Really, really terrible write speeds leading to kernel crashes I believe).

I've never gotten an enterprise SSD, if that's even what I need. Any recommendations? New? Used? Brands?

Appreciate it


and posts


I'm noticing an influx of Reddit users today, maybe revolving around their weird bug they had today. I know this question pops up semi regularly, but for those just getting their foot in the door maybe we can help show them what else is out here on the Fediverse to help them get started.

I'll kick us off, to any newcomers, I help run the following communities, and we'd welcome you to any of them. (Shameless self promotion I know, but I hope more people join in sharing theirs as well)

For help and support, taken right from the sidebar of AskLemmy here

An important one to kick off, we do have an entire community just for this over at ! ( for a more long-running conversation

For new users, I hope you find some communities that you enjoy! For current users, share your favorite communities that new folks may be interested in! (Please use both the !@_ notation and give a link, to help our new fediverse people out in learning how it works)


Or by her participating that she is knowingly involving herself in a scam. Which, yeah, it's just books - but it's pretty obviously a pyramid.

No shame if you don't see how it's a scam, the cozy blanket and glass of wine are meant to throw you, and they chose 36 because it's a confusing enough number where you don't think too much about how it grows.

She gives one book to her upline. She then sends out post to 36 more people to give her 36 books. Each one of them then needs to find 36 people each, which is now 1296 people in that level if they each want 36 books. Thus the exponential pyramid. Of course there is zero way each of them will find that many people, let alone the levels below that. It's a scam that benefits those higher up, and the ones lower will likely not receive anything.

Of course she sees nothing wrong with that. She said "Sometimes I get books, sometimes I don't, that's just part of the game". Which... it's not a game when it's real money being passed around.

On top of that, whenever we see a pyramid scheme we should be stamping it out - hard. Folks, please spot the signs and point them out. Don't be afraid to comment on posts calling them out as scams.

Edit: To be clear the idea of a growing book exchange isn't a bad one, as explained in the comments though the way to make it not a scam is to make it 1:1. You either send a book and receive a book, or if they like the 36 number, you change it to "I'll send a book to whoever sends me a book!". Then it's a true book exchange.

Kiosk OS? (

Hey Folks, I've made a couple kiosks in the past around the house, but I'm hoping there's an easier solution out there. Previously I'd install raspbian or something on to a pi and then remote into a full-screened chromium to set it up.

Does anyone know of a good OS that theoretically boot directly to a URL with minimal effort? Like I said I can do it manually but I'd like something pre-built for the task.

Bonus points if it would have a web-configurator, I may want to change the URL it's using occasionally and it'd be nice not to have to remote in directly.


Seriously launched the app (by accident today) and what is this? They're trying to play the victim from the big bad ad blockers saying all they're doing is trying to show an ad at the beginning of video, and then I see all of this crap.

This was after a non-skippable ad at the beginning followed by a totally real "survey" that it wanted me to fill out, one interruption so far in the content, and now three ads on the screen. That's 45% of the screen dedicated to ads. Freaking ridiculous. "But please turn off your ad blocker".


Hasn't been active for 5 months.

Post I made:


I'm thinking of spinning up some streaming for a couple of games in the near future, (I always do massive 400+ hour factories in Satisfactory) and was wondering if there's a place or software to stream on that's not Amazon, Google, Microsoft, or Meta? I'm not looking for revenue or massive followers, this would just be for fun and I'd post a link in a couple communities if they wanted to watch. I'm happy to host myself too.

Any ideas? Theoretically activitypub so I could link it on mastodon and here?

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