[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 5 points 3 days ago

Yeah, that would ruin the joke. If everyone hates him it's farcical. If one person likes him then everyone else becomes a monster.

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 7 points 3 days ago

Ok, the time stamped one is pretty rough. They don't usually play his reaction with such honesty.

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 42 points 3 days ago

I find it funny because of the sheer absurdity of it. There's absolutely no reason to dislike Jerry. He affable and unassuming, a good family man and just generally a good guy. Yet everyone inexplicably hates him, even Chris. It's makes absolutely no sense and that disconnect is what makes it funny to me.

If they hated him for a reason it would be mean spirited. Instead, it's just over the top silly and fits in with the humor of the show.

The bit where Leslie throws his painting in the lake is one of my favorite moments. It's just so exorbitantly stupid that it makes me laugh.

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 16 points 4 days ago

Um, I'm pretty sure that's Brian May.

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 34 points 5 days ago

Wait, so you just bailed on your girlfriend?

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 11 points 6 days ago

Your mom is handing them out for free.

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 177 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

And the comments section without FlyingSquid


I have my feed set to hide posts after I've scrolled past them but it seems once they are gone they're gone. Is there a way to see things you've hidden if I want to revisit a post?

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 32 points 3 weeks ago

Not the deep dive I expected to go on today. Thank you, bottle scientist.

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 37 points 3 weeks ago

Hell, I'll show up in a silk negligee and edible panties. Wait, what are we talking about again?

[-] sangriaferret@sh.itjust.works 41 points 1 month ago

Man, you are baked.


I need a break from news in middle east and added some keywords to filter out but it doesn't seen to be working.

To clarify, the words should be comma separated, no?

Blur NSFW stopped working (sh.itjust.works)

Show NSFW toggles just fine but blur quit working at some point


Boost for reddit had a "history" feature in the lateral menu showing all posts that you clicked on.


Right now images in the comments are fixed to the thread width and I can't open them or zoom in to see detail.

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joined 11 months ago