[-] oce@jlai.lu 0 points 1 day ago

Ok, people will always fuck up, so what do you do?

The majority of industries that actually have immediate and potentially fatal consequences do exactly this, and have been for more than a generation now.

All the organizations (including public) getting ransomware and data stolen, it's because the consequences are not that bad? It is not gross negligence?

[-] oce@jlai.lu 5 points 3 days ago

They tend to be one-hit wonders.

[-] oce@jlai.lu 10 points 5 days ago

What annoys me with this culture is when they expect foreigners to use the same exhuberant language and they think something is wrong with you if you don't.

[-] oce@jlai.lu 4 points 6 days ago

You're welcome back!

[-] oce@jlai.lu 114 points 1 week ago

Boss, you'll never guess why I can't make it today.

[-] oce@jlai.lu 127 points 2 weeks ago

As a French, the fact that no white flag was mentioned in these comments like it would have inevitably on reddit shows the quality of the chaps in here.

[-] oce@jlai.lu 72 points 1 month ago

I'm glad that there's no micro transactions nor loot boxes.

[-] oce@jlai.lu 80 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

mv: cannot move 'a' to 'b': Device or resource busy

[-] oce@jlai.lu 120 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Or he was eating to compensate his frustration to promote software for Windows and since they made Proton, he is happy again.

[-] oce@jlai.lu 80 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

If your security relies on hidden information then it's at risk of being broken at any time by someone who will find the information in some way. Open source security is so much stronger because it works independently of system knowledge. See all the open source cryptography that secures the web for example.
Open source poc and fix increases awareness of issues and helps everyone to make progress. You will also get much more eyes to verify your analysis and fix, as well as people checking if there could other consequences in other systems. Some security specialists are probably going to create techniques to detect this kind of sophisticated attack in the future.
This doesn't happen with closed source.
If some system company/administrator is too lazy to update, the fault is on them, not on the person who made all the information available for your to understand and fix the issue.

[-] oce@jlai.lu 99 points 4 months ago

There seems to be an over representation of visible trans women among independent open source programers.

[-] oce@jlai.lu 93 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

HR protect the company first, the employees second.

submitted 10 months ago by oce@jlai.lu to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

I generally have a "home" Firefox window with my most used tabs pinned. Sometimes I close it before another window, so I was frustrated to "lose" it and having to redo my pins. But recently I discovered this feature. Joy!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by oce@jlai.lu to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I've noticed that when meeting a foreign person, mentioning that you like a beloved artist from their country is one of the best way to create a good vibe.

Which revered artist/group (not necessarily musician) from your place should I learn about?

A few examples I'm thinking about (correct me if I'm wrong):

Country Artist
Argentina Carlos Gardel
Australia Powderfinger
Austria Mozart, Falco, Thomas Bernhard
Beligum Jacques Brel, Stromae
Brazil Raul Seixas, Zé Ramalho
Cabo Verde Cesária Évora
Canada Leonard Cohen, Céline Dion, Gordon Lightfoot
Egypt Umm Kulthum
France Daft Punk
Germany Kraftwerk, Die Ärzte, Franz Kafka
Iceland Björk
Italy Elio e le Storie Tese
Malawai Evison Matafale
Mali Salif Keita
Scotland The Proclaimers, Sean Connery
Sweden Astrid Lindgren
USA Dolly Parton

Edit: Spent my Saturday morning vibing, adding the "consensual" suggestions to the table.

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