
joined 1 year ago
[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 0 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

I agree that force is the only language fascists understand, But what would preparing Canada for a US invasion look like?

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 week ago

I have a buddy with adhd and he's also a musician.

He forgot he had to make a music video.

Not like he really ought to make one to market himself. He is contractually obligated to make a music video and he forgot.... well he forgot until it was just barely possible if everything went smoothly and he ran himself ragged.

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 week ago

There's one before that too:

Workers: well at least prices will go down in aggregate, so our dollars will be worth more due to deflation

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca -1 points 2 weeks ago

I understand your anger and agree that anti-vaxxers are stupid. I believe public health education should be part of the school system.

I also agree that it's responsible for a society to impose reasonable restrictions on members that endanger it.

I think people do have an ethical obligation to take reasonable precautions avoid potentially exposing others to pathogens. Vaccination is an example of reasonable precaution. People have the right to bodily autonomy, do not vaccinate them against their wishes.

I do not support the firing of workers for refusing vaccinations if they can do their job remotely. People shouldn't have to decide between their religious beliefs and employment if their employment doesn't bring them into contact with others. (Imo anti-vaxx is essentially a religion, this may say more about my beliefs regarding religion than about anti-vaxx sentiment).

By all means exclude the unvaccinated from places where they can be reasonably understood to endanger the public, or others that have a similar right to be there.

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 6 points 2 weeks ago

I have yet to see an electric vehicle fire, even on the news.

100% and you know the first time it happens is going to be super covered too because of the potential for "controversy".

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'm like this for most things except for cleaning the kitchen. It's essential to know she's counting on me, but if she's actually there I can't do anything. It could have something to do with the layout of our kitchen (she has to stand behind me if I'm washing dishes).

If she was working on something at the table I could probably ignore her and focus on cleaning, but if she's trying to clean too, I can't.

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 weeks ago

Oh I saw something in the globe yesterday about this. It's because the corporations themselves pay income tax, which is essentially reducing the capital gain at the source. The numbers don't seem to add up to me but I think I'd need an accountant to explain it.

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 4 points 3 weeks ago

This was anti sinovac because the Chinese vaccine wouldn't have chips in it, pentagon wanted Phillipines to get American vaccines with mind control chips.....

Not my belief but pretty easy to see how they'd deal with it.

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Maybe the thought is that they were already taxed on the capital when they earned it?

Not very compelling but it's the only other reason I can think of.

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 4 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

I wouldn't say they closed it. They narrowed it.

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.


In the defense of engineers, they are usually trying to optimize around a few more variables than ability to stand. Cost is a big one.

If a car has a warranty of 10 years, it will last 11 years.

...If it's well engineered.

[–] m0darn@lemmy.ca 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I've had lots of led bulbs die. I think it's because I bought them at the dollar store.


I met a Ukrainian today. He is my age. I met him at school drop off, our sons are in the same kindergarten class.

They recently arrived here from overseas. I welcome them, but I wish we had done more to help Ukraine.

There are numerous places in the world where people are being displaced by state violence, but I don't think there's anywhere that it's being done by a global power so directly. It's similar to Gaza/Palestine & Israel, but Russia can end the war by simply going home.

If we had been meeting our NATO obligations for the last 30 years, would this family have been driven out of their home? I don't know. (I actually know almost nothing about their personal circumstances)

I just feel like we should have done more, and that it's not too late.


I know this isn't build a pc, but everything over there is so gaming oriented I thought I might get better advice here.

I'm a noob that wants a home media server for sharing photos of my kids with my family (across the country), video library sharing to some family members, and streaming my music collection to my phone (and maybe my dad's).

But I'm considering ripping my father in laws extensive bluray collection (well seeing it up so he can rip them into my library) so I reckon a full tower is required for HDDs.

I'm imagining unraid, with a big pile of used drives. What I like about that approach is that I can economically add storage as the video library grows as I/we rip. Or are used HDDs a false economy.

I think the only processing intensive thing in the use case list is ripping and video library sharing. I have no concept of what sort of processing is required. Should I get a graphics card?

There's a Lenovo TS-140 (E3-1226 V3) available available used for $80 Canadian. Is that a good place to start?



I glove you.


My neighbour (40/m) ("N") confided that his recently retired father (70/m) ("G") has started going to the casino twice a day (all day but he comes home for dinner).

G's losses affect the food they eat (multi generational household).

N doesn't really know what to do. I'm not so concerned for N, moreso his mother/G's wife.

It's not my business but, when I was a kid my boyscout leader committed suicide after gambling away his house so I'm pretty sensitive to this sort of thing. I'd like to help if I can.

Any advice?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by m0darn@lemmy.ca to c/homestead@lemmy.ca

This goose has adopted my parents, and is attempting to establish residency in their cabin. We suspect it is domestic and escaped from its coop. It's a seasonal cabin and they're planning to close up soon. What should they do? Central Ontario. Near Bracebridge.

UPDATE: A neighbor of theirs is set up for chickens, so could accommodate a goose. And shortly after making that arrangement an ad appeared in the community message board. So the goose is going home.


Wikipedia says

A superhero or superheroine is a stock character that typically possesses superpowers, abilities beyond those of ordinary people, and fits the role of the hero, typically using their powers to help the world become a better place, or dedicating themselves to protecting the public and fighting crime.

So yes, he is definitely dedicated to protecting the public, but it feels wrong to call him a super hero. What do you think?

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