[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 1 points 6 days ago

You know, it used to be different architecture, but it looks like it may he the same now.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 244 points 1 month ago

Meanwhile, this is Harvard University senior Shruthi Kumar, who went off script as she gave the English commencement address, slamming Harvard for denying the degrees. She read from notes that she pulled out of her graduation gown.

This should get air time. While the others walked out in solidarity together, she's putting herself on the line individually. It gives administration a name to the crowd.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 106 points 3 months ago

Reynold’s attorney said they offered to swap her their lot right next door or sell her the house at a discount. But she has refused both offers. “It would set a dangerous precedent if you could go onto someone else’s land, build anything you want, and then sue that individual for the value of it,” DiPasquale said.

Good for her.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 78 points 4 months ago

Why do people agree to this? An hour assignment after speaking with someone is one thing, biut I had a couple of companies ask for homework before meeting anyone. Just didn't respond. Teach them it's not OK.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 91 points 4 months ago

It's been said before: Google does not find you the best result for your query. Google finds you the result that makes them the most money from AdSense and has words from your query.

If Mozilla wasn't funded by Google, the best thing they could do is include a helpful/unhelpful ranking for websites, then filter Google results by that. Search should be social, not commercial.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 183 points 4 months ago

Read everyone, this is hype, and Canada is being dumb on this one.

The Flipper Zero is also incapable of defeating keyless systems that rely on rolling codes, a protection that's been in place since the 1990s that essentially transmits a different electronic key signal each time a key is pressed to lock or unlock a door.

Most of this reaction is due to staged videos on TikTok and politicians not understanding technology. Maybe they'll stop a few joyriding kids, but car thiefs aren't using F0s.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 80 points 4 months ago

No need, click bait headline.

"[They said] 'someone else has it, we don’t know who, we can’t check or track who has your ticket'," the 21-year-old said. "All they could do was issue me a refund, I have essentially had my ticket stolen from me."

After failing to get the situation sorted and her ticket reinstated by Ticketek's customer service, Rebecca went online to try to get answers on Sunday. This is about when the company was finally able to ensure she still had a ticket, despite apparently being told otherwise. "We have now reached out to Rebecca to confirm," the spokesperson said.

In a statement to Yahoo on Monday, Ticketek said the situation had been rectified and other customers needn't worry about any such glitches in their online marketplace.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 125 points 5 months ago

Let's not let Apple sugar coat. An appropriate title:

"Apple has layoffs and shadily tries to hide it"

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 109 points 6 months ago

Hot take: The ruling is accurate.

Vote for candidates who privatize utilities. Get what you vote for.

Only sucks for those that can't leave and are stuck with a system they can't correct.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 146 points 7 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

For posterity, but also for forks if the repos go down, I have created https://github.com/SimplerMobileTools and downloaded all the original repos, branches, and tags which will soon be uploaded there.

I have already got SM Gallery compiling, so thats a start, and will upload all the repos tomorrow when its not so late.

Note: Any former maintainer of SMT will be added on to SrMT upon request.

EDIT: All forks updated with notice of rationale and link to this discussion.

EDIT2: https://github.com/FossifyOrg is a soft fork created by one of the current maintainers. I will keep the hard fork up just in case.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 108 points 7 months ago

11 million comments this month. 11 million comments from people smart enough to leave behind the other. 11 million comments, likely largely from actual humans.

Lemmy is thriving.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 77 points 8 months ago

This is a bad decision, IMO. They may fix it for you, but then you've lost the opportunity to assist everyone who comes after you.

You posted asking the public for help. Please return the favor and report them, as you are legally supposed to do.


At the end of yesterday's keynote, when Google spoke about on-device AI models, such as text to speech, etc, they said the "Pixel 8 Pro was designed to..." and left out the Pixel 8.

Since both devices are T3, I would assume they are both technically capable. Based on previous Pixel devices, do you think those features will make their way down to the non-pro model?

Reason for request: I've pre-ordered an 8 due to the size of the 8 Pro, but worried I'll be missing out on features that I actually find impressive (and are at least somewhat more privacy focused).

submitted 9 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/news@lemmy.world

Is everyone just using AI and not proof reading? I see this a lot lately. Even Tom's Guide has bad editing, a good example is this article: https://www.tomsguide.com/news/pixel-8

Most notably, the display looks set to shrink from 6.3 inches to 5.8 inches


The Pixel 8's screen is rumored to measure 6.17 inches, down from 6.31 inches.

It's like they're just grabbing from other articles and cramming together or adding content to old news now vs analyzing and forming opinions. With all the LMG drama lately, I had hoped written news would take note. Maybe I'm just too picky.


As with many others, I've recently needed to do some purging of media in Pict-rs. What I also discovered is that due to an issue with either Lemmy, Pict-rs, or my setup, at some point Pict-rs was not properly removing files from the file system on a purge, leaving about 20GB of media orphaned.

To combat this, I've updated LPP with some additional configuration options to do both direct "purge" of leftover media in Pict-rs not tied to "kept" posts and a forced "remove" of files on the file system that are not properly purged (if using local storage).

You can find all the new options at the GitHub link above.

As a reminder, LPP only removes posts/media older than a specified time if they have not been posted, marked read, voted on, commented on, had comments voted on, or saved by users on your instance.


Hi all,

I'm currently using Firefox with a self-hosted sync server, and since I have to use Chrome on a Chromebook (because Firefox for Android's UI is terrible for tablet/laptop mode), I use Floccus to sync there. I've been using this setup for years and it works great. (And no, I don't want to run Firefox for Linux on the Chromebook, it doesn't work well.)

However, I'd like to switch to a standard browser that has a tab-based UI on Android tablets (vs Firefox's click the box, then choose a tab from the list method). I'm looking for a browser that is Open Source (sorry Vivaldi) that I can use in Linux and on Android with a UI that's good in tablet/desktop mode. It must support some form of self-hosted sync, preferably for settings/themes/etc in the browser.

Does anyone know of anything? As far as I know, nothing exists short of Chromium with no settings sync and something like Floccus. I've built sync extensions before, so I'm tempted to look at Chromium source and see if I can modify it to sync to another API interface.


submitted 10 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/matrix@lemmy.ml

My understanding is Element for Android uses silent notifications out of the box. From https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/blob/develop/docs/notifications.md#how-does-a-mobile-app-receives-push-notification:

The push gateway is configured to only send (eventId,roomId) in the push payload (for better privacy).

My question is, does this apply to rooms that are not end-to-end encrypted?

Use case: I have a private non-federated Matrix instance that I use to bridge other services (Discord, Signal, IRC, etc). These are connected on my private network so no need for E2E here. However, I would like to ensure when Element sends the push notification for those rooms to my phone, that they're not sending the messages themselves, but rather just the metadata to gather the message from the home server securely.

submitted 10 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 10 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hi all, I'm a Lemmy FOSS app contributor that's made a couple of tools for people starting small instances including Lemmy Community Seeder (LCS) for building content on new server's All Feeds and Lemmy Post Purger (LPP) for clearing old posts on smaller instances.

Today I'm releasing Lemmy Defederation Sync (LDS). When launching a new Lemmy instance, administrators may not understand the necessity of defederation with problem instances. Using LDS, you can sync your instance's "blocked instance" list with that of another server(s) whose admins you trust.

submitted 11 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I've never had an issue once its set up. Just a 16GB LUKS partition alongside my normal LUKS partition, a small edit to /etc/crontab so I only have to enter the password once, set the RESUME variable, add to fstab, and rebuild init. This method even works with suspend-then-hibernate on every laptop I've used it with.

This would take 5 seconds at install time, but instead you have to install, reboot to the live USB, shrink LV, shrink PV, shrink LUKS, shrink partition, repartition, grow LUKS, grow PV, grow LV, and finally set up the swap partition as above.

Am I the only one? Does anyone else use encrypted drives and hibernate?

submitted 11 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/news@lemmy.world

Hot on the heels of LCS (https://lemmy.world/post/557346), I bring you Lemmy Post Purger (LPP).

Instances can grow fast, and that can be a problem if you have limited disk space. If you don't mind losing history that your users have not interacted with, LPP can help. It will purge posts along with their comments and media before a certain time period if no comments, likes, or saves exist for users on your instance.


I.E. delete images in the instance that are over X days old and aren't saved by a user?

If not, I will be writing one.

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