[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 8 points 1 day ago

For those using an Elite controller, Bazzite handles the back paddles nicely (on Bluetooth in the Plasma version).

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 9 points 1 day ago

Your budget will play a role. I 100% agree with people saying don't get computer speakers if you're looking for quality, but the catch is they need to be powered.

I did a bunch of research and got the below on sale after a few reccos and agonizing over specs. For reference, previously I have used spreadsheets to tune a room to a flat frequency response with my own custom crossover designs, so... I'm picky.

I've been happy with my choice. And since they are fairly portable, they are versatile. Also used them with a Midi keyboard and a portable projector.

Edifier R1280DB Powered Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers - Optical Input - Wireless Studio Monitors - 4 Inch Near Field Speaker - 42W RMS - Wood Grain (Black) https://a.co/d/0cpcTsI0

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 5 points 1 day ago

The implementation doesn't sound terrible.

  • It's opt-in
  • It's basically a sidebar chat window

So if you already use GPT for day-to-day, it may be a welcome experience. If you don't, don't opt in.

I'm skeptical of GPT add-ons, bit at least this was done in a low-bloat opt-in way (which allows Mozilla to bring in revenue (probably)).

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 1 points 1 day ago

Wool, cotton, etc, all don't need ironing. Just don't over dry and hang them up right away.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 1 points 1 day ago

By your reasoning I could use some 24 gauge wire that came with a pair of Walmart computer speakers with a receiver paired with 3-ways each with 10" woofers. Or even better yet, between a plate amp and sub as a fire starter.

I don't disagree with your overall premise, but it's too reductive, even for home theater. Throw in a "16ga in most non-sub applications" and only then does it become true.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 4 points 3 days ago

I was once complimented in a group with "He has the most stars on GitHub of anyone I've met, he might as well be famous." Dork pride for sure.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 11 points 3 days ago

This is missing a lot of planets.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 14 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Gauge matters in some setups, especially over longer lengths, this is overly generalizing.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 7 points 3 days ago

This is why Dog Fooding is important.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 6 points 4 days ago

This is a rabbit hole. Most software packages out there use hundreds of modules with other names. Heck, I bet the client you are using would require 27 different slashes for this to make sense.

Sometimes you put a lot of work into a foundation. Sometimes you use a foundation. Pride in one's work does not always require recognition.


The Firefox for Android GitHub releases aren't being updated anymore, and is versions behind the Play Store now.

FDroid Fennec isn't fully the same app, and FDroid has it's own set of delays.

Is there a location where the latest version can be pulled/tracked with Obtainium?

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 23 points 5 days ago

A good example of how this is not the case is the UK and Dentists. When Brexit hit and they left the EU (picture if the right in the US had their immigration way), a ton of immigrant Dentists had to leave. It was easy to stay before because of the EU. Now there is a huge shortage of dentists. Surprise surprise.

[-] fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com 19 points 5 days ago

Comment OP must never learn anything new. Good find.


Almost 30 more minutes of dishwasher.


This may violate the "low-effort" rule, but I thought readers might enjoy (remove if not, of course). This particular Android app Privacy Policy shows how the "one size fits all" of the Play Store doesn't always make sense.


Hey all,

In the market for a GPU, would like to use Bazzite, mostly a Steam user with some SteamVR (rare), and have run into nvidia issues with Bazzite and a 3070 previously.

With the recent news on nVidia's beta drivers and Plasma's sync support in beta, I'm newly on the fence about switching to AMD given nvidia having a better performance to cost ratio, the power usage (big one for a compact living room system), and the fact that they have the potential for HDMI2.1 support which AMD doesn't have a solution to yet.

What are community thoughts? I'll probably hold out for some reports on the new drivers regardless, but wanted to check in with the hive mind.


Truth (lemmy.nowsci.com)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/pics@lemmy.world


To provide some context given the messages below. I was a professional photographer, and understand that getting a good photo is a skill. Exposure time, timing, location, and many other factors come into play when capturing a great image.

Seeing the aurora was a fantastic experience. The purpose of this post is to help reduce FOMO of those who could not see it. Many people who don't know these things will imagine dancing lights in the sky of brilliance, and will be saddened by what they missed. While they did miss something, it's important for them to know exactly what they missed.

Edit2 I should also note this is why I enjoy when photographers post gear, conditions, and settings alongside results. It tells viewers what was real.

submitted 3 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/games@lemmy.world

Apart from blow up printers, the one scariest thing for me about a slicer is losing settings. You spend hours getting your printer dialed in, specific profiles per material and then..

You update your slicer software and it all goes away. I have now learned Cura does this. And does this a lot. Forum posts abound about it. Friends recommend I switch to Prusa because it happened to them. Unfortunately too late for me to write down my old settings, and they're apparently not in the ~/.config/cura folder anymore. Nice.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.nowsci.com/post/3852588

I'll be creating one for GifYourGame, too.

submitted 7 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

An interesting tidbit from Mozilla's latest privacy release (https://www.ghacks.net/2023/11/21/firefox-120-ships-today-with-massive-privacy-improvements/):

The first introduces support for the Global Privacy Control in Settings. The privacy feature informs websites that you visit that you don't want your data sold or shared. It is legally binding in some states in the United States, including in California and Colorado.

What's to stop users from utilizing a VPN exit point in California or Colorado to force the binding nature of the request?


Hi all,

I'm a big Simple Gallery Pro fan and I want to add some Nextcloud sync features, but honestly, I hate working with native Android Java/Kotlin (and would like to be able to support iOS in the future, just in case).

Does anyone know of a good Image Gallery App alternative that is FOSS and built in Flutter or RN?


submitted 8 months ago by fmstrat@lemmy.nowsci.com to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Hi all,

I'm not sure how/where to report something like this. I conducted a change of address on USPS.com, and they partner with MYMOVE to handle Voter Registration. However, instead of sending me my VR form, they sent me someone else's, which, considering the "password" was the new zip code, leaves that individual's name and address information exposed, and thus potentially my own to others.

While I have reached out to MYMOVE including requesting any PDF generation and/or delivery of my information, who should I reach out to for reporting something like this?



Hi all,

I've been using Tasker for a long time to do things like custom text to speech on incoming notifications, etc. I've recently picked up a Samsung Tab and was about to create some automations around Dex, but it clicked as I opened Obtainium that Tasker was closed source.

Is anyone actively using another FOSS automation app that they've had good experience with? I've heard talk of Easer, but the docs don't appear to be in english.


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