[-] fkn@lemmy.world 83 points 4 months ago

Using Kali? Easy if you have training. The capstone for our security course a decade ago was too find and exploit 5 remote machines (4 on the same network, 1 was on a second network only one of the machines had access to) in an hour with Kali. I found all 5 but could only exploit 3 of them. If I didn't have to exploit any of them 7 would be reasonably easy to find.

Kali basically has a library of known exploits and you just run the scanner on a target.

This isn't novel exploit discovery. This is "which of these 10 windows machines hasn't been updated in 3 years?"

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 26 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

GDPR and pii reasons most likely. It's a nightmare keeping track of why certain data is on certain accounts. This can vastly simplify the GDPR compliance mechanisms. If your GOG account is merged with your PR account, there is probably significantly more "sensitive" data (CC numbers, addresses, etc) in the GOG account. This probably exempts some data that either cdpr or gog tracks from deletion or retrieval requests.

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 141 points 4 months ago

Win12 confirmed as a Linux mint cinnamon derivative distro.

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

The British fucked up a bunch of things when they divided up political power as they abandoned their territories... Israel/Palestine and India/Pakistan...

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 37 points 8 months ago

there are no other Jewish places to live

This is such a weird stance. What even is this position that is nonchalantly thrown into the argument as if it even matters.

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 169 points 8 months ago

This is a hard question.

Israel was magicked into existence not very long ago(1948), immediately started breaking agreements and compacts... Displaced millions of people from their homes and has killed thousands upon thousands more... Many innocents. It is run by an extremist religious military organization.

Hamas is a brutal, far right religious extremist movement that kills indiscriminately, even it's own people.

Objectively they are both in the wrong.

Israel has stolen and murdered the Palestinian land and people for decades while continuously lying about their intentions.

Hamas is a shit show of an organization that is probably objectively worse... But their actions make sense when you realize that their families and property have been stolen when murdered for the last several generations. The only life most Palestine people know is one of suffering and loss... And this is directly Israels fault.

In your Russia/Ukraine scenario, Israel is Russia (mostly foreign invaders) and Ukraine is Palestine(natives fighting for their land and freedom). But it's not quite as simple because Hamas is so objectively horrible...

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 107 points 9 months ago

Waaaaat? The Texas power grid is price gouging again?!? Who could have foreseen this??? After all that work they put into the power grid after the last time this happened? It's almost like someone should regulate this power grid or something.


If you are struggling, I would like to share my success with you and let you know that peace will come to you eventually.

submitted 10 months ago by fkn@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

This has probably been requested before, but can we get mod tools please?

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 45 points 10 months ago

Lol. If you have access to scene releases that aren't on a private tracker you will probably get an immediate VIP slot.

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 70 points 10 months ago

I have a brother laser, cost me 80bucks. Had to replace my toner once, after about 4000 pages. Cost me 34 bucks to get a new toner. Another 2000 pages in. It just doesn't stop. Unplug it. Leave it unplugged for a month or two. Plug it in, wait a couple minutes, wireless print 50 pages with no driver installs. Unplug.

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 40 points 11 months ago

People will want to download chicks or parts of the torrent, you should leave them separate.

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 58 points 11 months ago

21 days of lurking.... And this is what you start with? God damn.

[-] fkn@lemmy.world 55 points 11 months ago

Why doesn't the program work? Because I wrote it that way. Why would you write it that way? Because I am a fucking moron, apparently.

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