[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 25 points 4 months ago

I don't think the fediverse needs more platform alternatives.

What I really think we need is a way for people to use one fediverse account to log into different interfaces, so people can try out a new app / interface without starting a new account. Many apps can do this, but web apps generally cannot, they're generally tied to an instance.

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 61 points 4 months ago

It's weird how much better Chromecast was when it came out than it is now. Stronger hardware, sure, but no real antifeatures, you could set it up without installing the app, you could use the app without giving it location data, casting was way more straightforward...

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 84 points 5 months ago

Buying an electric vehicle does not make the world a better place, but buying and using a gas vehicle makes the world worse by a bigger margin, so if you're buying a vehicle, an electric vehicle is probably better.

submitted 6 months ago by danhakimi@kbin.social to c/nintendo@lemmy.world

I'm sure whatever comes after Tears of the Kingdom will be great, but Aonuma's stance on the future of the Zelda series is disappointing.If you like what I d...

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 40 points 6 months ago

Apple's biggest crimes here are creating a proprietary platform with an exclusive protocol and making it the default messaging protocol on their devices. None of this is really new, though. All that shit is common. We need Signal or Matrix to improve in user-friendliness and even do some marketing to the point where they become viable solutions.

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 43 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I don't think any secret agent could rival any of those fictional characters. They have incredible plot armor, depending on the scenario. James Bond is an idiot who fucks every woman who moves, even when he knows they're there to trap him, but has a magic dick that hypnotizes them onto his side.

Batman with prep time is an unstoppable force who could take down every army in the world at once if he really needed to.

No, no human can compare to these characters.

submitted 8 months ago by danhakimi@kbin.social to c/news@lemmy.world

Hamas has spent years stockpiling desperately needed fuel, food and medicine, as well as ammo and weapons, in the miles of tunnels it has carved out under Gaza.

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 39 points 8 months ago

Lol, yeah, this sociopath is going to develop a full suite of banking services and software in a year while laying off employees, sure.


TikTokkers are using a little-known livestreaming feature to falsely represent Israelis and Palestinians—and the company is taking a cut of costly in-app gifts viewers give to participants.

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 165 points 8 months ago

He is an insurrectionist. See his political positions on wikipedia here. It's a well-sourced article. He also opposes

  • The ACA
  • Research on disinformation
  • The Environment, in general
  • Abortion, to the point where he said that the 10-year-old girl who got raped and needed to travel to Indiana to get an abortion was lying about it until the police arrested the guy and he confessed.
  • Regulating big tech
  • Taxes, Spending, pretty broadly
  • Same-sex marriage

He's an extremist. They do not have the political power to elect an extremist from their ranks. They need a moderate.

submitted 8 months ago by danhakimi@kbin.social to c/news@lemmy.world

Maps and documents recovered from the bodies of Hamas attackers reveal a coordinated plan to target children and take hostages inside an Israeli village near Gaza.

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 48 points 8 months ago

Note, this doesn't work with any other (hypothetical) RCS clients, this is not a part of the RCS standard, it's a feature entirely proprietary to Google Messages.

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 55 points 8 months ago

I feel like the main reason it's a big deal is the fact that the front-facing fingerprint scanner sucks ass.

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 189 points 8 months ago

People want to see more happening here. The fediverse is not quite the ghost town it was a year ago, but it's still pretty quiet, especially once you start digging into hobbies.

Of course, the good solution is not bot-driven, but human-driven. But people are lazy and think that they'd rather repost thousands of posts with a bot than figure out what links they think are good and post those.

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 50 points 9 months ago

Don't focus on looking for ways to find new members. Focus on ways to make people who find the fediverse want to stay. Accomplish that by putting something here that they like to see and want to see again.

When they join the Fediverse, or when they come to visit and consider joining, they're going to search for the stuff they want to see. They might look for memes, but more likely, they're going to look for their hobbies. If the only hobbies reflected here are gaming and programming and the fediverse itself, most people are not going to want to stay, the userbase is going to develop an even heavier bias towards certain types of people, it will become more alienating to other types of people, and it will stagnate.

Make an effort to post about and comment about other things. Cooking, movies, TV, sports, fashion, hair, plants, decor, architecture, history, religion, travel, a nearby city or town. Join those communities. Remember, when you see a cool article about nutrition, or a cool video guide to Copenhagen that you think people will enjoy, share it here. Post it, even if the community is small and you don't think people will care, because we need to seed communities with something. This is what I've been doing in a few communities, but mostly in !malefashionadvice. It's been frustrating, I haven't really been able to build the community up yet, but it's okay.

While we're at it, don't alienate people by posting, commenting about, or upvoting things that... suck. Keep all forms of bigotry at the door. If you're a hardcore libertarian or tankie or militant atheist... I'm not going to tell you to stop believing what you believe, but try to cool it, like 10%? Please? Nobody wants you breathing down their throats with extremism.

And... I've done this too, but let's make sure that we're not focusing too much on meta posts. They can be worthwhile, but they also are not what new people want to see.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by danhakimi@kbin.social to c/android@lemmy.world

The last time I tried to make video chat work with people, we dived between jitsi, facebook messenger, zoom... until something worked well enough. what are people using here now? Jitsi? Google Meet? Whatsapp? Facebook Messenger? Zoom? Skype? Facetime, somehow? The builtin thing in matrix that used to be jitsi but I think they updated it? Microsoft Teams? What?

[-] danhakimi@kbin.social 54 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Telegram gives me:

  • Roll-their-own encryption off-by-default without cross-device support or group chat available.
  • The ability to talk to strangers I don't want to talk to
  • An open source client, but a proprietary, non-federated server
  • An unmoderated social network that's a free-for-all for crypto scammers, extremists, and other nuts

WhatsApp gives me:

  • Signal's encryption algorithm on all chats
  • Whatsapp web (still with encryption)
  • Encrypted group chats
  • The ability to talk to human beings I actually know and want to talk to

Neither respects my privacy.

Not sure why I would bother attempting to use Telegram again.

submitted 11 months ago by danhakimi@kbin.social to c/foodporn@lemmy.world
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