[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 5 points 6 months ago

There's something to be said for trying the wrong thing too. Learning something doesn't work is just as valuable as learning something works. A lot of people (myself included) are afraid to fail so it's easier to do nothing than to try and fail. I force myself everyday to get out there and fail because if I've been the loser who did nothing and that was far worse than failing.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 27 points 6 months ago

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Current polling has major regions in russia polling 113% of the popular vote to putin. Do your research.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 6 points 7 months ago

Not who you responded to, but I can't follow a pre made campaign as a DM. My current campaign started as a pre made, but prepping for it felt too much like homework so we hopped the rails and I've been my own story.

To answer your question from how I operate, I have a rough idea of what the conclusion of the campaign looks like and a rough odea of how the party might get there. I only really know the specifics of what the party is currently doing or what they might encounter in the next months. At this point in the campaign the the players know who the big baddie is, what they're up to, and know of means to stop them. It's up to them to figure out a plan to stop the big bad. The party has taken some of my hooks to solve their problems and have gone completely off the rails at some points to solve their problems. There are some points in the campaign that are pretty linear (like right now, they need a macguffin from a particular place) and some where they're given set pieces, a location, and a good luck slap of the ass.

As it pertains to the meme up here for me personally, sometimes I'll build an encounter/boss/set piece and the party will completely fucking skip it. That's okay though, now I have a partial idea for later. I hope that gives you some insight into the other side. I'm also interested in other DMs that make their own, what methods they use.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 19 points 7 months ago

Musk throws thermonuclear tantrum

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 28 points 7 months ago

My strategy was to give the group some notoriety after they had done some stuff in the local region and have the local populous come up with really bad names and descriptions for them. Eventually they came up with their own name that fit them really well. They still have a few in jokes based on the names they were given. It felt fun and collaborative so I'll probably keep that strategy.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 6 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Yes, gift cards are gift cards. Gift cards, however, are not money as you can't spend them anywhere.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 21 points 7 months ago

Does it hold up after a rewatch?

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 7 points 10 months ago

Mint leaves are too hippy. Prayer will do it.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 9 points 11 months ago

The post is in lemmyshitposts but the comments are in lemmytrainsdogs.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 32 points 11 months ago

I disagree. It's not tech news. Twitter or X losing a few subscribers to mastadon or threads is a Sunday. And on Monday we'll get an article about people moving in the other direction. Distilling entire categories of news to one person or company makes us less informed, not more. We're just echoing the same talking points back and forth at eachother.

I'm definitely not saying Elon or Twitter is NEVER tech news but, jesus, I don't need or want to know about every tweet he makes and every shit he takes. I also don't think these things shouldn't be recorded in some way. But the magnitude it's posted is straight up Elon worship whether you hate him or support him.

I do what I'm able and willing by downvoting items that aren't news or discussion-worthy and not interacting with those comment sections but there is just so much. Is there a place to just read news about technology and not tech business tweets turned into "news" stories? This is a genuine question if someone has info.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 9 points 11 months ago

Same in Oregon. Never seen a "don't rape your children" bilboard or "don't shake a baby" bilboard. I do however see a lot of bilboards telling me how a 14 day conceived baby (fetus) has eyes, a beating heart, nails, and maybe a job with current labor laws being pushed. It's wild how you can outright lie about that shit on a bilboard.

[-] cvozbosher@lemmy.ml 7 points 11 months ago

Oh my god, one of those options is the human partner riding the centaur partner.

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