[-] Wahots@pawb.social 5 points 23 hours ago

Cows and bears. Both put the wumpus on you if your dog irritates or frightens them, especially if they have their kids still with them.

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 38 points 1 day ago

Wow, if I was a customer, I'd be dropping them immediately even if I didn't pirate. That is sketchy as hell.

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 25 points 1 day ago

2,000 people is a ton! Sounds like a really good event. Looking forward to their next one :D

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

More than just climate. Huge infrastructure acts that are helping rebuild our our states. Helping us add stuff like protected bike lanes, too. Capping prescription costs, which is huge.

Massive investments in our economy and R&D, something we have been sorely lacking.

Some queer rights and even some small but humanizing stuff, like letting bi and gay men donate blood like the rest of humanity, and making the bar safer for everyone.

In addition to all the other stuff, like stopping the pandemic, pulling the economy out of a nosedive under Trump, reversing schedule F (think Trump's version of Order 66) for federal employees who actually keep the lights on and the country going between multiple presidents, forgiving tons of student loans, and curtailing the damage from abortion being revoked where he can.

Not to mention his accomplishments on background checks for guns, pardoning federal Marijuana offenses, and slapping the dogshit out of Russia via our friends and allies. ❤️

Edit: Damn, there's actually a list of accomplishments. He's done a lot of good shit even if he's kind of a bad public speaker.


[-] Wahots@pawb.social 90 points 1 day ago

Work would freak out if I accepted a gift from a client. I'd probably be fired. Yet somehow, this is okay for servants of the public.

Don't forget to vote this November. We are stuck with these dickheads until they die or retire because we fucked up in 2016 and Trump installed these assholes in rapid succession after McConnell refused to let Obama seat a justice. I'd also really appreciate more of the capped prescriptions Biden has done, paying $35 a month instead of hundreds for insulin. If he can cap some other medications, we will be one step closer to universal healthcare.

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 28 points 1 day ago

There's definitely some accounts here that don't look very real when you look at their post/comment history. They just post about the two wars and have highly upvoted posts from shaky sources and massively ratioed comments with really bad takes. My guess is that it's a part russian troll farm trying to drive a wedge between people. The account was eight weeks old, too.

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 5 points 2 days ago

Tbh, I probably would have started with something a bit less complicated than those games.

Portal 2 would have been a better option, IMO. Something with relatively simple controls and not super enemy-focused.

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 48 points 2 days ago

The headline makes it sound way worse than what happened. Dude is fine, just reopened a surgical wound with some bulging.

submitted 2 days ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/climate@slrpnk.net

There are geothermal solutions for geothermal features near the surface already. This article is about advances in deep geothermal solutions: 15,000+ feet of pipe, deep into the earth. Utilizing the falling cost of horizontal drilling equipment from the fracking industry, there are now solutions to drill 10,000 feet down, and 5,000 feet sideways to improve the likelihood of running into superheated rock. Currently, drilling will be limited to geothermally gifted areas of America, but may be able to expand to less fortunate areas as the technology improves and gets even less expensive.

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 10 points 2 days ago

Ah, it was a charter school. That explains a lot. :P

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 10 points 2 days ago

I fucking love gender neutral bathrooms because I like being alone, and large groups get hung up on them, so they are always available and clean.

At my highschool, there were only gender neutral bathrooms (and one women's bathroom that I assume was vestigial)

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 19 points 4 days ago

Hard to quantify, but stuff like PrEP (a drug used to prevent HIV infection) has probably saved a staggering number of lives across the globe, same with the yearly influenza vaccines.

For a more personal one?

I'd say the innovations to bikes, which have been staggering since 2000. Downhill mountain bikes have had staggering changes that make them lighter, faster, stronger, and way more stable, and they look dramatically different to their 90s counterparts. Stuff like dropper posts, modern full suspension, tubeless tires, disc brakes, and massive cassettes make them incredible. You can roll over a cantaloupe-sized rock at 20mph and the bike will just take it without you being ejected over the bars.

Ebikes have totally changed the calculus in hilly cities, even in flat ones to some extent. Being able to effortlessly bike 45 miles and not be totally thrashed the next day is such a gamechanger, it's actually beyond belief. My car has been largely collecting dust because most trips day to day are under 45 miles. And it takes pennies to recharge vs $90 or so to refill the tank.

Bikes already help take tons of cars off the road worldwide, but ebikes could really help extend people's ranges, particularly if they would normally drive otherwise.

[-] Wahots@pawb.social 58 points 4 days ago

The decline is threefold:

  1. Agriculture is getting significantly more efficient. You don't need 300 people do backbreaking labor for 12 hours a day in the beating sun anymore. We have automated threshers.

  2. Industries are shifting. We generally moved away from manufacturing and an extraction-based economy. (Though the former is recovering, thanks to Biden's awesome investment plan)

  3. jobs are moving to cities, where there are more schools, hospitals, high paying jobs, and may be more resilient to climate change.

Personally, I'd never ever consider moving anywhere rural for the aforementioned reasons, but also because rural americans are against my type family, and I don't care to be the queer pioneer family for them to realize we aren't so bad. I also never want to drive a car for a half hour+ for basic supplies or to see friends. It's too lonely. We have rail and ebikes here. I can get to the store or a friend's in less than 10 minutes.

submitted 1 week ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/health@lemmy.world

Looks like critical thinking deteriorates above 72f/22c. Crime swings higher. Lowering your core temperature seems to help, even if you live in a climate with unavoidable heat.

submitted 1 week ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 weeks ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/greenspace@beehaw.org

They found a plant thought to be extinct in the area. The article and people involved are extremely excited about their work. Well worth the read!

submitted 3 weeks ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/news@lemmy.world

In effect, Mr. Trump’s candidacy is becoming a referendum on what kind of justice system the country believes it has now and wants to have in the future

submitted 1 month ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/health@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/health@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/health@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/android@lemdro.id

I'm sure they are working on a youtube messaging app behind the scenes.

submitted 2 months ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/health@lemmy.world

Though the stockpile is gone due to multiple outbreaks, the good news is that we are going from one manufacturer to multiple, and the original company is sharing the vaccine recipe with other companies in order to get this outbreak under control. Meanwhile, another drug company is building a new vaccine that should be coming out in 2025.

submitted 2 months ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/climate@slrpnk.net

A lot of our grid is actually comprised of various smaller entities. Advanced Reconductoring could help, as building new lines takes ages due to permitting and localized red tape. We don't have a central authority to coordinate building new lines, so upgrading existing lines to better technology could allow us to get closer to bridging the gap.

However, one of the downsides is that it will still be difficult to connect new solar and wind farms in remote areas, due to the need to build virgin powerlines spanning urban-rural areas. This is one tool we can do in the present - near future in order to improve our grid. Another is advanced monitoring sensors so we can transfer more electricity without accidently overloading transmission lines. Both are relatively low-cost alternatives to building new lines.

submitted 2 months ago by Wahots@pawb.social to c/news@lemmy.world

The more data we collect, the more we realize our assumptions about the universe may be incorrect. This is the first year data of a multi-year study on mapping the position of galaxies.

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