[-] Toribor@corndog.social 11 points 14 hours ago

At one point I triple booted my laptop with Ubuntu, Windows 7 and OSX mostly just to prove I could. Weird times, a lot has changed since then.

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 1 points 1 day ago

Yes, resolution is not the only factor. Bitrate is equally if not more important.

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 4 points 1 day ago

It's kind of crazy how off the rails this series got later down the line.

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 3 points 2 days ago

Everything's a drum!

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 147 points 3 days ago

Me, dead, deleting all my social media to make it a big mystery or something.

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 1 points 6 days ago

I use Ansible playbooks to keep my config in sync. It's great but there is a bit of a learning curve. Makes it easy to deploy config changes.

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 1 points 6 days ago

Zsh on workstations. Bash on servers.

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 112 points 1 week ago

That's my data, I don't know you!

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 136 points 4 months ago

The Steam awards are a total joke. RDR, a game with zero content updates won labor of love. Starfield, a paint-by-number Bethesda RPG is most innovative. But it doesn't matter because the awards don't matter.

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 129 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Exactly. It's like hey... If the corpos take a dump in your mouth you can either leave or you can stick around and complain about the taste. And yet the people who left are the whiners?

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 145 points 7 months ago

I'm having flashbacks to Skyrim. Developers were puzzled how players got a bounty even when no one was around and discovered that chickens were reporting crimes.

[-] Toribor@corndog.social 127 points 9 months ago

Yeah "I wasn't told" is really "I wasn't listening" in narcissist language.

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