Garmin Explore has a bit of a learning curve but offers a variety of very good maps and (once you've discovered where the web developers have hidden them) tons of nifty features. One of them is waypoints: you stick a flag somewhere and can give it a name, icon and colour. That sounds like the thing you're looking for.
The downside is that it's made for outdoor stuff so you get street names and some POIs, but no turn-by-turn navigation.

I use the website ( to plan my tours and import/manage GPX files, and the Android app and an inReach 2 Mini satellite messenger while underway. The three sync seamlessly.

Since I have a paid subscription (required for satellite access) I can't tell you what (if anything) you get for free, but it should be relatively easy to find out if you think it might be what you're looking for.

For car navigation I used TomTom Go - it costs something but the quality of POIs and navigation is far superior to Google Maps in my experience. You can also add your own locations but have to do it on the phone by hand.
In my new car I use Google Maps because it came with the car and there's no real alternative at the moment. I do miss my TomTom app.

According to FlightStats and FlightRadar24, the original plane was a Boeing 777-206 from 2003, which has been replaced by a 777-300 from 2023. It's en route now over the Atlantic.

So an issue caused by Boeing's recent series of quality problems seems unlikely, unless there was a dodgy spare part involved.

Not the greatest solution, but... living in a place where it's mostly been raining for the last 7-8 weeks makes it easy to cool down.
I'd love to write something about A/C and going for a swim/dive instead, like last year. Maybe in July?

Logically, I know it's true that demeaning and comparing other people's experiences is wrong, but I encounter it so much it's hard to really believe it.

I can relate to some degree, though in my case it was my parents. The good news is that it doesn't take much practice until you start noticing the difference.

There's not a lot of advice I can give you, because above all you need to figure out yourself what you want (and how you want to get there). Just keep reminding yourself every now and then that the most important person in your life is you, and anybody trying to tell you otherwise is unlikely to have your best interests in mind.

[-] 23 points 6 days ago

This is actually a super smart move, from an evil genius point of view. The plaintiffs now have an interest in the company growing instead of shutting down.

Though I really hope some judge somewhere stops that deal.

[-] 39 points 4 months ago

I suspect that's a lie. From a technical point of view there are way easier and cheaper ways to detect potential customers. A simple LDR would probably do a better and more reliable job and cost hundreds of times less.

The spokesdroid also stated that the machines do not take pictures. Duh. It's a camera, what else would it do. May they meant it doesn't store images, but the statements made so far don't exactly instill trust.

I say sue them into oblivion. Make an example out of them.

[-] 49 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

TL;DR: Meta has been tracking your every move on the web for years and probably won't be stopping anytime soon. Now they've announced a feature to share the information they're collecting with you.

[-] 34 points 6 months ago

I'm going to have to side with Apple here (and I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth). iMessage is a service that they provide, and they're well within their rights to restrict access to paying customers. iPhone users pay for it when they buy their latest shiny object; users of other brand devices don't.

If you really want iMessage that desperately, buy an iPhone. That's not worth it to you? That's fine, but you can't have it both ways.

At this point at the latest it would be much easier (not to mention more reliable) to get your iPhone-owning friends or family to use another messenger that's not restricted to one single manufacturer. There are several apps that offer more features and more privacy than iMessage and are officially supported (not relying on unofficial hacks) on every modern smartphone.


Oxygen Not Included is on sale this weekend. If (like me) you happen to have wanted to play it for a long time, but were worried you lack the patience/stamina and give up after a couple of hours, the price is now at a level where buyer's regret is rather unlikely.

[-] 35 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

IIUC the title is misleading. Meta will still grab any data it can, it just won't (or at least promises not to, for whatever that's worth) complement whatever it collects with additional data from other sources or share your data with its partners.

[-] 34 points 8 months ago

TL;DR: NSA accused of doing that thing that it's been doing for decades, again.

[-] 36 points 8 months ago

Yeah, right? Looks like you need a car to get from your parked car to the entrance.

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