[-] PotatoesFall@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 36 minutes ago

Least insane techno-optimist

[-] PotatoesFall@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Ich habe irgendwann die lemmynsfw instanz geblockt seitdem ist mein feed normal :D

Edit: okay die ist nicht bei meinen geblockten Instanzen, aber ich erinnere mich, dass das früher in meinem all feed war und jetzt ist es das nicht mehr

stop shilling for industry, bootlicker

take notes, rest of the EU

She's right, it is ideological. The ideals are this planet and the humans on it, which ironically includes her.

I'm not talking about bitcoin I'm talking about the creator of the video. And their talking points are very much libertarian.

[-] PotatoesFall@discuss.tchncs.de 13 points 2 days ago

good. babies should not have candy, that shit is for kids

[-] PotatoesFall@discuss.tchncs.de 28 points 2 days ago

They are just a crypto shill and a neoliberal. They don't care for liberation of humans, just for liberation of payments from government. They are a professional investor, I'd say this video is basically anarcho-capitalism in a nutshell. Some of the points they raise are valid, but many are not. For example, not being able to print more money in the government actually removes the ability to control deflation, and if governments can't print money, that's basically self-imposed austerity.

if you want to pay somebody on the other side of the world, crypto already lets you do that. There's no need to hype it up any more than it already is.

Also disingenuous to hype up bitcoin without bringing up the inherent environmental concerns.

[-] PotatoesFall@discuss.tchncs.de 14 points 2 days ago

for anybody else who has no idea what this is, it's a Terraria mod

[-] PotatoesFall@discuss.tchncs.de 35 points 3 days ago

Its a microblogging platform like mastodon and no, we don't need it in the fediverse. There's exactly one explanation for why they would want to join.

it seems like maybe this is compatible, and is easier to host for a single user instance

In the best case, a German grandma

The easiest problem (discuss.tchncs.de)

Hey, I've been hearing a LOT about the xz backdoor. Crazy story, but rather than reading 10 different articles about it from 3 days ago when the story was quite new, does anybody know a high quality write-up that has all the juicy details and facts? I really like in-depth guides that cover every aspect of the story.

Thanks in advance guys!

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