[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 6 points 5 days ago
A Rant about Front-end Development (blog.frankmtaylor.com)

Too good NOT to share.

My brothers and sisters in Christ I want you to know that I care about your souls enough to share these truths with you:

  • You don’t need JavaScript to make a web page.
  • You don’t need JavaScript to write styles.
  • You don’t need JavaScript to make an animation.
  • You don’t need JavaScript just to show content.
[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 75 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

And so enshrined is that final nail in the enshitiffication coffin that was Reddit. I give it 3mo before Spez leaves Reddit to focus on [whatever].

submitted 4 months ago by Penguincoder@beehaw.org to c/support@beehaw.org


This community has dropped off fast in the now trending list on the sidebar. That is awesome. When I first started supporting Beehaw, it was a matter of minutes before the site crashed due to processing and load. Gone are the days of 3,4 or 10 posts in Beehaw Support about content issues, server instability and server errors. Here are the days of no support requested. We have improved the uptime and responsiveness of Beehaw for all users, in a short time. Extenstive work and efforts have been placed into not only keeping Beehaw running; but improving Beehaw.

Those efforts and support have paid off I think. I say this as a primary systems admin of Beeehaw:

Thank you

To all monetary supports and lurkers, your contributions are immensely appreciated. We hope you continue to find value in our presence on the internet and in the Fediverse.

[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 76 points 5 months ago

Well that's certainly a war crime. Wonder if the rest of the world will look the other way on this too.

[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 62 points 5 months ago

I think that question is definitely a worthy cause, but entirely misplaced. As others said, they donated to Beehaw not to some other foundation or charity. Rainy day fund is better than an oh shit, we're broke moment. I am extremely grateful to those who have and continue to donate towards Beehaw's Cause. We need to make sure that money is used, when needed, as expected.

Let it ride.


Hell of an exploit chain, really interesting to dissect.

[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 49 points 8 months ago

Good to see them working on the important issues affecting Android auto.

Bots? OH MY (i.imgflip.com)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Penguincoder@beehaw.org to c/support@beehaw.org

On Beehaw there are a few tldr bots from other instances. I present Beehaws own summarizing bot developed by yours truly. Based on feedback from moderators and community leaders, I don't just want to let this loose on the entire site. Might cause confusion and spam for a community instead of being useful. If you do like what that bot does, and are a moderator of a community on Beehaw that wants to use it; send a private messaged to AbstractifyBot stating Summarize articles on c/[communityname].

That's just one aspect, but I have a few more questions while I have your attention.

  • What type of bots if any do you want to see on Beehaw to help things/your community?
  • Which functions of the 'nice to have' should be built in and not reliant on a bot to do?
  • What do you need for your communities to thrive here?
[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 27 points 9 months ago

No way, moderation is worse and the barrier to entry for users way higher.

submitted 9 months ago by Penguincoder@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org
[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 39 points 9 months ago

The problem with forking Lemmy is in starting from all the bad that is inherently there, and trying to make it better. That is way more work than starting fresh with more developers. IE, not using Rust for a web app and UI, better database queries from the start, better logging/functions from the start; not adding on bandaids.

A fork of Lemmy will have all of Lemmy's problems but now you're responsible for them. No thank you.


Not sure where to put this in here or DIY. But, finished my TKL build and wanted to show off. I mean I didn't just finish it, but pretty recent. Took a bit longer than I expected and a bit tedious for a perfectionist, but over all not too bad. It works!

Through-hole PCB with FR4 plate and case. Pretty nice looking and quality components. I put MX browns on because I like the smooth feeling of them. Not typing on it now; just admiring! Need to let my soldering hand recuperate.

submitted 10 months ago by Penguincoder@beehaw.org to c/support@beehaw.org

Do you hate the way Beehaw website looks? Do you long for the days of that other site with the old formatting??

Well Beeple; I present the old interface thanks to Mlmym! Give it a try if that's your thing - https://old.beehaw.org.

A note here though, that is an external project dealing with the Lemmy aspects in their own way. If you find an issue or bug on https://old.beehaw.org, please try the same on https://beehaw.org before crying foul. Please report any issues or bugs to the right place to get them fixed.

submitted 10 months ago by Penguincoder@beehaw.org to c/foss@beehaw.org

Seriously amazing for those old nerds like me who are use to IRC, irssi or Weechat. Give Gomuks a try. It's what I expect of a modern client that doesn't get in the way like a lot of the GUI's. I like this versus irssi/weechat because it's first party support for matrix not a WIP plugin.

What do you think? Reach out and say hi to me on matrix! @penguincoder:hive.beehaw.org

submitted 10 months ago by Penguincoder@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

@alyaza@beehaw.org is MIA currently, but this weekly thread has been so awesome to see and keep going; so I am making what would be her typical post for this week. Alyaza; stay safe friend, I hope everything is okay.

Beeple, how's your mid week going so far??

[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 235 points 10 months ago

Hey man why you talking bout me....

J/K. Thank you for the kind words. I really am happy to be able to help out here for a lot of reasons. I understand the risk, heavily, but I appreciate the trust you and the other admins have placed in me. I hoped I have shown it to be a correct decision. I want to do my best for Beehaw and what is the best. I won't say everything I do is right or the correct thing, but I normally have a reason for it.

Thank you kindly; genuinely happy to help and want to keep doing so.


On September 1, 2023, the domains registry for .COM and .XYZ will implement universal price increases of up to 9% for .COM renewals, and up to 9% for .XYZ renewals, registrations, and transfers.

[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 41 points 11 months ago


Next question.

[-] Penguincoder@beehaw.org 58 points 11 months ago

Absolutely will cause a lot more spam to go through. But why is that the custom written moderators tool/bot fault? Why isn't Reddit the company doing more to stop or combat spam/bots? Why keep doing their job for them, for free?? If it's so damn useful (and BotDefense is), then Reddit should be doing it, or I don't know pay for that service?!

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