[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

.... Whyyyyy?!

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago

Those things are solid. It'll be fine.

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 19 points 2 days ago

So desperate that you'll wait 50 years?

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 41 points 2 days ago

Why would they ban someone for having separate billing and shipping addresses? That's the reason every shop asks for both. I'd recommend emailing them to figure it out.

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 34 points 2 days ago

"because our capitalist society makes us sell our time and our bodies in order to be graced with the basics of survival such as food and shelter. I hate that, I hate you and I will hate this job but the alternative is starving on the streets so ehhh..."

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 16 points 4 days ago

108 MP AI Camera

You know what? I think I'm just going to keep my phone for a few years until all this AI crap goes away like 3D TV did.

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Tap for spoilerTurns out she is. But her biggest adventure turns out not to involve the doctor.

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

Yes. Even £20,000 is liveable in London although if you really want to maximise your London experience you'll want more than that.

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Someone saw Black Mirror's Nosedive and thought "let's do this but do it right"

[-] NickwithaC@lemmy.world 84 points 6 days ago

I interpret this to show how women are much more open about being complex humans while men have to hide all the intricacies behind the panel and only present the most basic user friendly interface to the world and deal with the consequences in private.

Post Title (i.imgur.com)
Tax the rich (i.imgur.com)
submitted 2 months ago by NickwithaC@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.world
Yankee Understandee (i.imgur.com)
If dogs wore pants... (i.kym-cdn.com)
Cunk on YouTube (lemmy.world)
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