[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Biden could probably win by promising to resign after Inauguration Day. I think the devils we know are making the devil we don't know look attractive.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Or it shouldn't be a fine, but criminal prosecution for the executives responsible.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 17 points 1 day ago

You're just not killing enough people. At some point the heirs decide to give it all away.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 15 points 2 days ago

I'd have to hit 130.

I'm not sure there's even that much more of this century I want to see.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

The only worse choice for CEO is Chambers. She had a valid reason to just fire his ass. If he's not willing to do what he's told to do, then he's not willing to do his job. It looks to me like the board wanted to get rid of him for reasons that had nothing to do with cancer. Why reference the cancer at all?

I have the feeling the only reason they didn't just get rid of him was because of the cancer diagnosis. Trying to be "nice". But even if the cancer was the reason for not just cutting him loose, there's no reason to bring it up.

How does the CEO not know referencing the cancer would expose them to liability? Did they not sit down with their lawyers before sitting down with him?

Now they're probably going to lose in court and be forced to pay him off.

They should fire Chambers.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 0 points 4 days ago

Perhaps people on Lemmy just aren't learning anything.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 11 points 5 days ago

I just had the odd experience of using a manufacturer's discount card to pick up a medication for my wife. The medication is relatively expensive and seldom covered by insurance.

According to the information on the card, if you have private insurance which covers the medication, the discount card covers the co-pay, so you pay nothing. However, if your insurance doesn't cover the medication, the discount card covers the cost, and you still pay nothing.

Our insurance didn't cover the cost, and we didn't pay anything for the medication.

I don't understand how that works.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 28 points 5 days ago

You're also assuming she gets 8 hours of work a day at her normal rate. It's not like she's salaried.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 141 points 3 weeks ago

The nice thing about Linux is, he can't buy it and fuck it up.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 277 points 5 months ago

Way back in the olde tymes, I was having trouble with the NIC driver in my Linux install. I posted a question about it on USENET, and got a reply from the guy who wrote the drivers. He asked for some info about the card, then updated the driver to support it.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 133 points 5 months ago

Fuck, that's so low.

[-] NABDad@lemmy.world 253 points 5 months ago

Luckily, if you try to eat a polar bear liver, the polar bear will stop you.

But don't worry, human liver is safe for polar bears to consume.

submitted 9 months ago by NABDad@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

This is probably a stupid question, but if I want to add a line to a PDF telling people to direct any comments to my Lemmy account, how would I specify that?

Urban planning (lemmy.world)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/191646

This morning I was driving to my son to swap vehicles when I encountered road work on Moyamensing.

Blocking the only road that leads to his apartment.

When I got back to my office, I had to check Google maps to make sure I didn't miss anything.

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