
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Are members of defederated instances informed/notified when they comment (or interact in general) under a post of instances that defederated from them? If the answer is "no" then it's trash design. If the answer is "yes" then it's good design.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I dunno, "sublemmy" specifies that I'm talking about a community on lemmy which is a part of the fediverse so I find it kinda fitting.

Edit: also when I talk about lemmy community outside this platform it's just quicker to use one word "sublemmy" for it.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (8 children)

Alright, my response is... Tags won't function like mastodon and such, each community will have their own tags to further categorise content of a general topic that sublemmy is about. (Edit: actually, I think it may be do BOTH of those things now that I read my conversation with the dev again)

This is what the dev said about stages of tag system (in my conversation with him on dc):

Stage 1: Tagging and Presets (Community and Instance, no User defined Tags allowed)

Stage 2 (not sure if I'll do that): Filtering, Cosmetics? (Border, Text Color)

And this is what he told me when I asked about the possibility of stage 3 of the tag system where you can subscirbe to only certain tags so only choosen content from a community shows up on your feed:

I think backend wise not worrying about that is fine for now, the separation of tags per community can be achieved by filtering tag AND community ID in the filter, which could just be hidden from the user or displayed, there's a separate discussion to be had about the filter features. Point is not separating these tags per community shouldn't limit their filterability because community id's already exist. Plus by not splitting them up in the backend general tags can be used across instances a lot more easily.

Subscribing to tags in a community could then work similar to that filter, again the issue would be how to make the UI bearable but backend wise should be no problem to implement.

So my idea is possible from what he told me. The problem is that we need to make the idea known and we need to find someone who will work on it because the dev isn't even sure if he will be the one that implements stage 2 when I'm talking about stage 3. Also, to implement my ideas for stage 3 we need foundation to be laid out which means that the stage 1 and stage 2 need to be completed first.

For the stage 3 to be implemented (if anyone decides to implement this AT ALL) we will need to wait for weeks at best and months at worst. Now this makes it hard for me to decide how to proceed with my communities because the path of the tag system is not yet clear and I need to decide NOW which communities should be separate and which should become more general.

Edit: I talked with the dev, it will take months to reach stage 3. And I realised just now that not all content on c/imaginaryaviation will be vehicles which means that I will need to a create a new sub called c/imaginarylocomotion to be able to fully capture both of the subs.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (10 children)

I need to mentally prepare my ADHD brain for this before reading it xD. I will go do something else before I get ready lol.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (16 children)

Can you tell me what exactly do you dislike? Becasue I will be discussing things with the person that will code it (if he responds).

[–] 13 points 1 year ago

At least one person in the comments gave me a good feedback. But to decide what to do I will need to contact the person that works on tags on github and go into an in-depth discussion with him about how it will work when the first stage of the tags isn’t implemented yet…

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (18 children)

Here's the github issue for this, I will be contacting the person that works on them later to discuss more advanced filtering and tag following after the basic tag functionality gets implemented:

[–] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (22 children)

I'm already trying to bulk up whatever I can into one subs because reddit imaginary subs have a sub for every damn niche thing lol:

I will move tanks sub and mecha sub into vehicles sub because they will be adding tags to the platform and unlike reddit you will be able to use multiple tags for one post so there won't be any need for dedicated subreddits because filtering should be easy enough, you're right. I think that I will leave aviation sub as it is though because it's deistinct enough to keep it as a separate sub. Thank for the feedback!

Edit: for example, not long ago I moved imaginary feels into more general sub imaginary emotions, so it's not like I'm not trying to fight those problems. It's just a bit confusing to make more general sublemmies because reddit had subreddit for each specific things and it's hard to shift to doing it in another way haha.

Edit2: yeah, I will need to rethink (again) how I will do things with with imaginary subs. I will stop posting temporarily on the ones that I'm not sure what will happen with them yet.

Edit3: Actually, maybe I will merge imaginary aviation and ships together but I'm not sure how well the platform will work if a community will have tens of tags.

Edit4: Another reason for why I didn't include everything under a more generalised sublemmies is that if a person subscribes to a community then it will show ALL the posts on it and not only the content that the person is interested it. I pitched an idea on github for advanced filtering options for tags, maybe I should also mention them that it would be good to have an option to subscribe to tags on communities so it doesn't show all the content from them. But that also sounds like something that will be needed to be done in the backend and will take a really long time to implement, ugh.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago (25 children)

Click on my nickname and you should see an option to block me there.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Nope, it's an instance

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I can upload images in img section of the post but I can't upload them in comments, "private" messages and bodies of the posts, is this related to this exploit and it was turned off on purpose or is it an unrelated issue?


cross-posted from:

Inactive Google Account Policy

A Google Account gives you Google-wide access to most Google products, such as Google Ads, Gmail, and YouTube, using the same username and password.

An inactive Google Account is an account that has not been used within a 2-year period. Google reserves the right to delete an inactive Google Account and its activity and data if you are inactive across Google for at least two years.

Google also reserves the right to delete data in a product if you are inactive in that product for at least two years. This is determined based on each product's inactivity policies.

How Google defines activity

A Google Account that is in use is considered active. Activity might include these actions you take when you sign in or while you’re signed in to your Google Account:

  • Reading or sending an email
  • Using Google Drive
  • Watching a YouTube video
  • Sharing a photo
  • Downloading an app
  • Using Google Search
  • Using Sign in with Google to sign in to a third-party app or service

Google Account activity is demonstrated by account and not by device. You can take actions on any surface where you’re signed in to your Google Account, for example, on your phone.

If you have more than one Google Account set up on your device, you’ll want to make sure each account is used within a 2-year period.

What happens when your Google Account is inactive

When your Google Account has not been used within a 2-year period, your Google Account, that is then deemed inactive, and all of its content and data may be deleted. Before this happens, Google will give you an opportunity to take an action in your account by:

  • Sending email notifications to your Google Account
  • Sending notifications to your recovery email, if any exists

Google products reserve the right to delete your data when your account has not been used within that product for a 2-year period.

December 1, 2023 is the earliest a Google Account will be deleted due to this policy.


What lemmy android app do you recommend? I have too many problems with jerboa. My problems with jerboa:

  • When I write a pm to someone it sends that message to myself
  • Language of the interface is Polish (my first language) and I can't change it to english (at least on the version that I'm on rn)
  • Scrolling is very buggy (it stutters a lot)
  • Often when I want to make a comment it doesn't send it and I have to go to my pc an rewrite my comment to be able to send it
  • It doesn't play gifs on the feed by default, I have to open the image to play the gif
  • It doesn't play gifs in the comments at all and there's no way for me to play them
  • There are no embeds for videos (not sure if there's any mobile app that has that)
  • etc.

What I'm looking for:

  • An app with developed UI/UX
  • Obligatory dark mode
  • Something that resolves my problems with jerboa

Any recommendations or apps that I should follow the development of?


Here you can see 2 day old post warning about the danger of not using email/captcha verification:

And here are stats of lemmy platform where it shows that we gained 200 000 lemmy users in 2 days:

Another tracking site with the same explosion in users:

What do you think? Is it some sort of a bug or do people run bot farms?

Edit: If you want to track if there's any sudden bump in amount of users on our instance you can do so here:

Edit2: It's been now 3 days and we went from 150 000 user accounts 3 days ago to 700 000 user accounts today making it 550 000+ bot accounts and counting. Almost 80% accounts on lemmy are now bots and it may end up being an very serious issue for lemmy platform once they become active.

One of the admins announced in the comments that they will be defederating bot instances, you can track defederated by us instances here:

Edit3: It's now 4th day of the attack and the amount of accounts on lemmy has almost reached 1 200 000. Almost 90% of total userbase are now bots and so far our instance didn't experience any sudden increase in the amount of created accounts.

Edit 3.1: my numbers are outdated, there are currently 1 700 000 accounts which makes it even worse:

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