submitted 9 months ago by Gnubyte@lemdit.com to c/solarpunk@slrpnk.net

As title says. I think my PC is using like a max of 500w when it's juicing but idles for less. I was thinking of using an ecoflow high grade setup for this. Anyone have experience doing something similar?

I might switch to a small micro tower setup by Dell or Lenovo that uses like 120w max. The new Mac minis seem to cap out at 39w though which is crazy.

[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 46 points 10 months ago

No. They'll just name an entire lineup of the worlds biggest computers after your daughter.

submitted 10 months ago by Gnubyte@lemdit.com to c/news@lemmy.world
submitted 10 months ago by Gnubyte@lemdit.com to c/moviesandtv@lemmy.film
[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 17 points 10 months ago

Gaming. It used to be an MMO for like $15 a month. Now it's a new game for $70, the game has DLC for $20-$30 or skins or some battle pass.

submitted 10 months ago by Gnubyte@lemdit.com to c/technology@lemmy.world
[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 21 points 10 months ago

Ah yeah the guy who opposed Putin

Yeah surprise he's dead

submitted 10 months ago by Gnubyte@lemdit.com to c/moviesandtv@lemmy.film
[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 23 points 10 months ago

I'll generalize and say there are many my age in their 20s that watch things like TikTok and shorts that are conditioned for the fastest intake of media. This means ignoring the written word outside of texts.

Even myself, if I see a wall of text in an article, I know to skip the fluffer ad-reads down to paragraph three, then skim. To be fair most articles could be wrapped up to maybe two paragraphs but get extended for ad spots. Outside the context of reading articles on say lemmy, especially online, there is a largely missed hear mean not what I'm saying operating in good faith that often gets missed online. For example if someone posts an article about how smoking kills you, and I post a comment that "yes but its a creature comfort" I am not refuting it kills you - I'm merely suggesting that its a rough world and that people have vices to cope.

Nuance and assumption that we're acknowledging it is often lost on people.

[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 18 points 10 months ago

Mmm that's not really realizing anything.

You know what sort of tom fuckery I had to get into to get my gaming laptop working? I had to find a sketchy windows 10 LTS IOT ISO, run some registry hack then find and install all my drivers just because the regular working consumer edition of windows is such a bag of bloat..

For hardware I paid for..! Next time I'm just going with system76 right out of the gate. I just kept reading reviews about things not working right or still being in development so I bought a mainstream laptop with a warranty.

A lot of linuxy or FOSS sort of stuff is still buggy despite being better than it was ten years ago. No one talks about it. Purism phone, pine phone, Linux gaming, the steam deck, etc. They all have major flaws or sometimes breaks in functionality. Where mainstream has breaks 1/10 even the best Linux setup has breaks 1/5 of the time minimum. And that's great but it still sucks that you have to look elsewhere because mainstream is a monetization sponge in all senses of the phrase.

[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 136 points 10 months ago

I think people forget that decentralized doesn't mean anonymous, and it also doesn't mean that server admins and servers aren't beholden to local laws

[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 13 points 10 months ago

I want to call out a few QoL things here that will help lemmy:

  • There are a lot of read-the-headline-not-the-article commenters which is natural in an aggregation feed of links; there are numerous posts a day where people rewrite the news' headlines to fit their agenda where the actual article and articles headline doesn't reflect ANY of what they're suggesting. if you run these sub lemmies for news on your server, I encourage you to use a bot or enforce rules for news that simply scrapes the title out of the link. Otherwise people will post news links that lead to a real source but have a false headline.
  • There is a staggering amount of people pushing for oddities like child porn acceptance and I keep seeing it. Unless an entire server is compromised, reach out to the mods and ask to get subs cleaned up. Give moderators the benefit of the doubt and a chance to act without breaking federation completely. Its important Lemmy moderates content but also communicates well amongst each other when something is going wrong.
[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 20 points 10 months ago

Its far more weird how many people pick one of these countries like its a RPG faction. Can we all agree most of these countries do some totally evil things as far as governments go? Who gives a fuck how much debt they're in, they're all just printing their monopoly dollars anyways and we're stuck with the inflation. Its like people like to masterbate to their favorite team via internet comments.

[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 45 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

the hateful browser

Holy shit man imagine if we judged every huge project by one asshole at the top. There wouldn't be a single thing to enjoy in this world.


I am going to add more perspective to this, because holy shit people are so into eating nothing burgers.

Reddit/Twitter was a database and API that everyone was centralized onto, there was no choice. Brave you can literally fork because its open source. Aside from that this was literally the CEO's personal donation of $1000...in like 2014. Almost 10 yrs ago.

Elon, as CEO and on the X/Twitter brand:

Meanwhile Brendan:


submitted 10 months ago by Gnubyte@lemdit.com to c/technology@lemmy.world

What tech if any have you found interesting lately?

What tech concerns if any do you have as of late?


  • concerned about the google web DRM. I've been digging into android and trying to give stock android a chance again but the DRM stuff makes me want to jump over to iOS for tap to pay + carplay and Graphene/Calyx for my daily internet usage. Android added a builtin ad ID to their phones which makes me pretty uncomfortable.
  • Decentralized Tech, like Radicle, Gitopia, Mango for Git and Ethereum DApps (again). Feels like there is a lot of good that can be done but anything I'd build with ethereum I'd really want to disambiguate from the culture of scam/scam coins. The notion that most successful platforms today are ones people can make a career off of like being an influencer isn't lost on me and I think ethereum offering ways to maybe appeal to that is good.
  • IPFS (interplanetary file system). Love the idea but can't seem to find a good entry point or an easy way to discover content and really understand how a consumer would user this outside of an app providing that contex/gateway for it to connect to
  • Nim Programming language: I love that it looks and reads like lisp/python but compiles like C. I feel like I adopted docker because python and nodejs weren't portable binaries.
[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 14 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

EDIT: I'm just going to note that kolektiva was an anarchist collective. Doesn't sound quite as trivial as before.

This says that the server was grabbed during an unrelated raid?

How is that even legal. You can just get seized because your neighbor in the server rack is doing something? I feel like that should be a lawsuit for taking down someone's business essentially. I'll be real with you it doesn't matter if the shits encrypted or not - in 15-20 years if Feds hold onto your messages trivial or not, with their budget and resources they can probably crack hashed data, if Quantum computing comes online especially, where quantum was stuck in a state of laughable doubt just like ML or AI was eight years back.

submitted 11 months ago by Gnubyte@lemdit.com to c/technology@lemmy.world

Highlighting that in the article researchers found that the average chat with ChatGPT is the equivalent of dumping one bottle of water on the floor.

[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 22 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I went and deactivated my twitter accounts today. I got Lemmy and when I do my own servers via my own app, I'll enjoy a twitter alternative again. Edit: Im saying this because my mind went to action not bitching. I think the X rebrand is like a sign of the times and the official "okay twitters dead" moment.

[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 14 points 11 months ago

What if I told you reddits antiwork was basically a glimpse of everything we're seeing on far left Lemmy. Lemmy just doesn't have a honeymoon stage for it.

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