submitted 10 months ago by fne8w2ah@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world
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[-] Gnubyte@lemdit.com 18 points 10 months ago

Mmm that's not really realizing anything.

You know what sort of tom fuckery I had to get into to get my gaming laptop working? I had to find a sketchy windows 10 LTS IOT ISO, run some registry hack then find and install all my drivers just because the regular working consumer edition of windows is such a bag of bloat..

For hardware I paid for..! Next time I'm just going with system76 right out of the gate. I just kept reading reviews about things not working right or still being in development so I bought a mainstream laptop with a warranty.

A lot of linuxy or FOSS sort of stuff is still buggy despite being better than it was ten years ago. No one talks about it. Purism phone, pine phone, Linux gaming, the steam deck, etc. They all have major flaws or sometimes breaks in functionality. Where mainstream has breaks 1/10 even the best Linux setup has breaks 1/5 of the time minimum. And that's great but it still sucks that you have to look elsewhere because mainstream is a monetization sponge in all senses of the phrase.

[-] MaximumPower@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I use windows at work, and it's the most annoying OS. so many small annoying behaviours that Microsoft will never fix. If it was a Linux dist I could fix those things, I can't pull the source code for the windows window manager and change the stuff I don't like. Linux gives me that freedom, and I love Freedom.

this post was submitted on 18 Aug 2023
1485 points (97.9% liked)


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