[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 31 points 6 months ago

If money is imaginary then why can't we guarantee food, shelter, clothing, and education for every single human on this planet.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 34 points 7 months ago

Pre-internet fog of war was on a whole different level; it's not like Anne Frank was positing tiktoks from inside Germany explaining what was happening.

Modern day corporations have no such excuse.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 37 points 7 months ago

Or a pastor so the church can relocate them to a fresh batch of victims.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 41 points 7 months ago

If a bar is consistently serving alcohol to minors, it deserves consequences.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 49 points 7 months ago

The double dipping is referring to doing both jobs simultaneously. Like two remote jobs and you have both work laptops open, so between two jobs you can work 40 hours per week but be paid for 80. It's distinctly different from clocking in for one job, then clocking out and going to another job and clocking in for that job.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 48 points 7 months ago

Drink a verification can of Mountain Dew to continue pumping gas.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 33 points 8 months ago

CU vs FEC was specifically about campaign financing, but yeah basically ruled that organizations like corporations are protected by 1A, and money counts as free speech.

Which is obviously bullshit on every level, but just one way that a SCOTUS with a few corrupt individuals can destroy democracy for an entire country.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 52 points 8 months ago

Huge parts of the game were brilliantly done. The writing, voice acting, motion capture are some of the best ever done in a video game. The environment and assets are incredible, the amount of music and soundwork and ambient dialogue is just insane.

They just crunched it too hard and pushed it out too soon. The foundation was there, but there were two many bugs and half baked systems that means that no matter how good the foundation was, the gameplay loop suffered, and immersion was killed.

It was never a bad game, it was a brilliant game made with love and passion, pushed out before it was done.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 36 points 9 months ago

Hotels require a vastly more dense plumbing structure, I don't think it's easy or cheap to retrofit onto an office building.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 59 points 10 months ago


[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 45 points 10 months ago

It's 3 clicks to install AdBlock on Firefox mobile and that alone instantly makes it superior to Chrome.

[-] FaeDrifter@midwest.social 52 points 11 months ago

Elon Musk has completely loss the plot.

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