[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 102 points 2 months ago

Content warning: this is a rant from a teenager who has strong opinions.


However, it holds a monopoly on software.

You don't know what a "monopoly" is.

they could just go “Boop! You’re gone!” and there’s nothing I could do about it other than move forges.

Yeah, nothing you could do about it, other than moving to one of the many other git hosts. Monopoly!

And then after listing off a whole bunch of alternative git hosts...

Centralization is not bad by itself but it’s bad when there’s no other option. There just needs to be ways to contribute to code without having to use Github.

You have plenty of ways to do that, and you know that because you just listed them. Github is not a monopoly.

Also, I don't see the concept of open source mentioned at any point in this rant.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 194 points 4 months ago

I must admit, "Linux becomes the refuge of luddites" was never on any bingo card I could have conceived of for 202X.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 103 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

We believe in open protocols and hate walled gardens!

Except our walled garden!

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 93 points 5 months ago

My POV: nursing is not a calling but a job.

Well, if you think of it that way and your bosses are telling you to do a certain thing, you should do that thing. If you're not doing the thing your bosses are telling you to do then maybe you're not doing your job.

Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear, but I don't see what other reasonable interpretation there is here.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 101 points 6 months ago

What are these "other country" things you mention? You mean the place where war happens and immigrants come from? I didn't know they had computers there.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 109 points 6 months ago

I would imagine that anything that's in an airtight sealed container, such as chip bags, would be fine. That would also include cans. Your refrigerator and freezer, also, would probably count as a sealed container.

Smoke in a building fire can contain all sorts of weird chemicals from burning plastics and whatnot that could get deposited onto stuff, so even if you can't see any soot in your apartment I wouldn't dismiss all concerns. How tight is your budget?

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 105 points 6 months ago

There are species of seals who actively keep holes open in the ice to use as breathing holes, allowing them to hunt fish even in frozen-over bodies of water.

They're all ocean-dwelling species in the arctic or antarctic oceans, so this isn't the answer to your specific question, but I just think they're neat.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 116 points 7 months ago

To be fair, the bug report was utterly useless too.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 171 points 7 months ago

Given that Google's been talking about switching Chrome to a new plugin format that would limit the ability of adblockers to function on Chrome, and given that Google owns Youtube and profits from the ads Youtube displays...

Nope, I'm not connecting the dots. Not sure why Google would be wanting people switch from Firefox to Chrome at this time.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 171 points 8 months ago

Back in 3rd Edition D&D there was a spell called "Holy Word" that could kill non-good creatures within a 40 foot radius of the caster, if the caster was sufficiently high level relative to the creatures. Good creatures were completely unaffected.

When tightly packed you can fit about 2000 people into a 40-foot-radius circle (total area is 5000 square feet). So one casting can deal with the population of a good-sized town. My gaming group speculated for a while about a society where it was a routine ritual to round up all the peasantry and nuke them with Holy Word to keep the population clear of evil. Never incorporated it into any campaigns, though. It's a bit of a sticky philosophical puzzler.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 89 points 8 months ago

The "now" of this comic is actually 2014, almost a decade ago.

Wonder what the actual "now" cell would contain today. I guess a screenshot of this comment about it being a decade old.

[-] FaceDeer@kbin.social 92 points 10 months ago

Can I bring my dog to that office? Will it have my fridge there, and my kitchen? I'd also want a teleporter so that there's zero commute time.

I think we're a bit beyond just rebelling against the "open office" concept.

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